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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aww... sadly I get "this site can't be reached" when I click on the link.

Hey, pretty neat game. It's unfortunate that the files are separate, that's probably turning off a lot of people from downloading your game. You've probably realized this already, but zipping everything together is for the best.

I didn't make it too far, as the controls are pretty rough and the game is fairly difficult because of that. Really cool idea though.

Music is intense, I like it a lot; don't know if you made it, but good choice. A bit loud though.

So I got to the end... I figured the point of the game was to get the dude not to kill himself... but I had no idea this was going to be a suicide awareness type game lol. Very interesting graphics, but the game itself is very confusing. Very odd subject matter for a game jam, I hope you're doing alright!

Hey, thanks for playing!

Thanks! Music is licensed though, I wish I could make those tracks in a week lol.

Wow! Hard to believe this was made in a week. This is obviously a pretty awesome entry, and you've already received a lot of criticism, so I think I'll leave it at that. Great work!

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the compliment! Yeah, I wish I had spent more time working on the gameplay and less time tweaking the art/animations haha.

Hey, thanks!

Hey, thanks for playing. Yeah, I definitely messed up my priorities here haha. I'm embarrassed to say how long I spent tweaking the jumping, and it's completely pointless lol.

Hey, really cool game! The art is awesome and it's amazing how complex this is for being made in a week. The ambiance and sound effects are cool, and the voice acting is also a nice touch.

That being said, there are some problems. I did try to beat to the game, but decided to stop after falling into the lava 3-4 times.

There are a number of bugs, but this is fairly understandable given the one week time limit, and nothing game breaking as far as I could tell. The worst bug I got was permanent fog after touching a fog wall. Touching the fog again fixed it.

The camera mechanic isn't very intuitive. It took me a while to realize that I had to pause the falling rocks twice to have enough time to get past them. I'm assuming that was the correct answer, but the "I have to be fast" dialogue line threw me off, as I thought I just had to run by quickly to get past the rocks. In reality, you don't have to be fast at all, if you pause the rocks again, you have as much time as you want.

The tree trunk part is a little weird. I tried and failed to get past it by pausing it the moment it was about to reset, but then realized that the player can float while in the camera view, meaning I could just take my time and rewind the tree trunk to the perfect point each time it's about to fall. I'm not sure if this was cheese or not.

The lava part is way too tedious. The platforming is too unforgiving and the platforms move too fast while rewinding, and some of the smaller platforms are really hard to see with everything being in black and white. On my final attempt, I made it to the second to last platform, lined it up so the platform I had to jump to was right in front of me, and then fell into the lava anyway. I think this part would benefit a lot from easing up on the jump precision.

I found a lot to talk about here because the game is so complex, and that's a good thing! Awesome work, it's hard to believe you made all this in one week. Good luck with your future projects.

Hey! Thanks for telling me the controls. This is a really cool game.

The first jump is wayyyyy too hard. Took me like 5 minutes just to get past the first jump because the log needs to be at the perfect height to make the jump, and it randomly falls killing you instantly. The rest of the game took maybe 2 minutes for comparison.

Next time, definitely tell players how to play the game. The controls are way too obscure for players to figure out on their own. A better solution would be to just change them to something easier, or make a button prompt pop up during the game.

Other than that, there were a few bugs here and there, but nothing too crazy. The art is really cool, and it's pretty fun after that first jump.

Nice work!


Thank you!

Wow... amazing game jam game. I'm going to give some feedback, but for being made in a week, it doesn't get much better than this.

First thing is that pressing Z to rewind feels unnecessary. You basically have to die to progress, so respawning automatically would work better in my opinion.

The only other thing is that the actual rewind feature (although cool) gets a bit old after a while, and doesn't actually add anything gameplay wise. If you skipped it and just spawned with your ghosts, the game would go faster without losing much.

That being said, the art is great, the sound is good, the controls are tight, and you clearly put a lot of work into this. Fantastic job!

Yeah I wish I had used my time a more wisely at the start to flesh out the game more. I spent the first two days (which were my days off) just working on the main character and animations. Lesson learned! Thanks for playing.


Yeah, I realized too late that it wasn't very clear, but my idea was that you're rewinding the enemies to the point where they're babies. I actually made that mechanic the night of the deadline which was a very bad idea lol. Thanks for playing.

Cool idea, and the music was a good choice. The only thing that kind of threw me off is that all of the spawns seemed random. I could only get a score of 14 on medium before 3 enemies would spawn when I had no notes and no rewind left.

Very cool for being made in a week though.

Really cool game. The art is awesome to look at. The code needs some work, but that's more than understandable given the one week time limit.

However, here's a few easy tips:

There seems to be a cling mechanic, but I suspect that it was implemented because the character was sticking to walls anyway. To remedy that, create a "Physics Material 2D" in your project window, and set the friction to 0, then apply that to your character or walls; this will make it so he slides down the walls instead of sticking.

The character doesn't move with platforms, and there's probably a million different ways to fix this, but the way I know how to do it is to make the player a child of the platform whenever he's touching it; that will allow him to move with it (un-child him when he leaves the platform).

I don't want to sound too negative, I did manage to beat the game, and it's one of the coolest games I've played thus far. Nice work.

Yep, loads of glitches haha, but nice job finishing a game for your first jam. Aside from general improvements/bug-fixing,  my only recommendation would be to tone down the difficulty. I die in about 10 seconds lol. A game can still be fun with bugs, but bugs and a high difficulty can make it more frustrating than fun.

Overall, very cool for a first project, and good luck to your team in the future.

Really cool game. Only criticism I have is that waiting to get a better jump feels a bit boring. Other than that, this is crazy good for being made in a week. Great work!

Cool game. Was a bit confused at first as when I got to the door, nothing happened. Thought the pit was a trap, and fell in by accident one time when I noticed the key.

A couple quick tips to help you out in the future: Use a capsule collider for the player character instead of a box collider; I was getting stuck on the ground a lot, and I'm pretty sure that's the reason why. Also, create a "Physics Material 2d," set the friction to 0, and apply that to your character or walls; that will make it so he doesn't stick to walls anymore.

As for the game design, I'd recommend slowing things down a lot. The player moves way to fast to react in time to use the rewind mechanic for enemies and pitfalls.

Overall though, nice job; it's a finished game with some decent art and that's pretty cool.

I like the art, but I have no idea how to play. I figured out that WAD moves, but that's about it. I'm stuck on the first screen of the game; let me know how it works and I'll give it another shot.

Sadly, I can't seem to find the .exe in the folder. It looks like you made this in unity, so I'm assuming something went wrong with the build since the .exe is missing. If there's some other way to launch the game, let me know and I'll give it a shot as well as a rating.

This was painful. I see how much work went into this, and it's really unfortunate that you didn't have more time to finish things up. I'm just going to point out a few things that would have greatly improved my experience without much effort.

First up, tell people how to play the game haha. It took me a few minutes of pressing every button on my keyboard to figure out how to build turrets and start waves, and after 5-10 minutes of playing, that's all I managed to figure out.

I'm assuming there's a way to get turret ammo back, but I have no idea how to do that aside from selling and re-purchasing the turret. This made the game way too difficult. I'm assuming there's a mechanic I'm missing, but that was my experience.

Making a tower defense game in a week is really impressive, and with some more time, I'm sure you could make this really fun to play. Good luck in the future.

Hey, pretty cool game idea, but very buggy. I made it past the first two levels, but it took me way too many tries. The biggest problem is that the jump button doesn't always work, which led to me just walking off the edge half the time. There were too many jumps on level 3 for me to want to try and beat it.

There's also an issue where jump height will vary randomly, and I think that's probably because you're using force for the jumps. I had this same problem, and the easiest solution was to set velocity instead of using force. It's probably looping through your code multiple times before you leave the ground and adding the force you set multiple times. I'm not a coder by the way, so take this with a grain of salt.

I felt like the timer adds an unnecessary sense of urgency, and for puzzle games, I'd rather take my time to figure them out. Unfortunately, in this case, it also makes the game unnecessarily frustrating due to the buggy jumping mechanics.

It would have also been nice to have a level restart button, as a single mistake can ruin the rest of the attempt, but you still have to go through it as far as I'm aware. If I remember correctly, falling off the edge resets the attempt, but a button would have been nice.

Overall, the design of "Chrono Clone" is really cool, and it's impressive for being made in a week, but I'm sad to say that its core mechanics are way to buggy to be fun right now. Given more time, I'm sure you could make this awesome. Good luck in the future, and congratulations on submitting a game on time; I'm fully aware of how difficult that is now haha.

I like the idea of using momentum for your jumps, this could be really cool if you had more time to work on it.

The controls work well, but it took me a few deaths to realize that I had to use the arrow keys to move. From your explanation, I thought pressing numbers would make me advance, so I was trying different numbers to move at first haha.

Rewinding the boss is cool,  but it's actually possible to beat the game fairly easily without rewinding the boss, or even using the speed up button.

The game feels very unfinished, not because it only takes several seconds to beat (I actually enjoy that), but it feels unfinished because you can fall off the map so easily. Just moving forward at the start leads to falling off the map, and there's no reset mechanic for that.

However, feeling unfinished doesn't mean that it's not a "complete game." You submitted in time, and the game can be "completed," so congratulations on submitting your first game jam game.