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UP2010182 Joshua C

A member registered Oct 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Great game. The ships, asteroids, and the 'not death star' where all well designed and modeled with great particle effects, the levels were all unique and interesting in their own ways, and the art was amazing (though i'm not sure where the purple robot from the cover art fits in but that could just be me). The comedy from both the in game interactions and the general premise where very amusing, and the music was good (Deja vu was an excellent choice).

If i had to nitpick I would say there are a couple issues with combat, primarily that it was a bit too easy (could use more enemies). Adding to this, the ship which felt a little slow, making the combat even easier and making it so it didn't match the intense energy of the music. 

There was also a glitch that made it say you win when you die but ultimately these are all minor flaws that could be easily fixed, and they don't take away from my enjoyment of the game

(2 edits)

It was ok. does well meeting the criteria of both a platformer and in the fantasy genre (i'm assuming the player is a wizard and not just old guy with a hat , even if he doesn't use magic at any point or do anything in game to indicate he is a wizard). The art style, if a bit generic, was very well modeled and rendered. The sound design was good, except for the dash sound which get annoying after the second use. The game play was alright, however the game did have a few minor glitches. Overall, it is a good game.

It is an interesting take on the idea of a platformed. The graphic are good. However I found it to be fairly frustrating, as their was not real/good of estimating the frogs trajectory.

This a brilliant concept for a game. The switch between human and spirit game play adds a new dimension to the game. The art design for both the human and spirit worlds are amazing the game play is mostly solid, with one exception. Numerous times when transitioning between human and spirit midair, the two would glitch into the walls and through the floors, which lead to me falling endlessly. Also the ran very poorly for me, but that could have just been my computer. With the exception of the one bug, its a great game.

(1 edit)

Good game. Art design is cool. Dragon is fantastic. The opening cinematic is good. Optional gems add good replay value. In my opinion its a tad too difficult, the fact the timer doesn't reset on death isn't great, but that just me.

This was a very fun game too play. The music was exciting and the art was amazingly designed and animated. The bosses' and player's designs very unique and imaginative, and the backgrounds all represented their distinct settings well. Only small grips where that the options menu is still work in progress, however this doesn't take away from the game-play experience, and the 2nd vertical level was mostly black/very dark grey platforms on a black background, however this just adds to the challenge factor. Overall Great Game.

Very topical. The upgrade names were funny, the fact you could purchase CPS was good. The fact that the number of victims went down doesn't make much sense. Would prefer if there was a counter for total victims. Also there was a glitch where the number went negative. overall good game

This game has an amazing concept. The idea of going through rounds of progressively harder fight, in between which you can upgrade you character in anyway you want is fun and interesting. The great concept is accompanied by great art, both for the main character, the opponent, and the various upgrade, shop and other icons. However the actual combat has some issues, for example it is very unbalanced, for example in the early game I was able to one shot the opponent and take barely any damage, then one round later I was defeated instantly, and combined with the fact there is no visual indication of when the player or enemy attacks or when an attack hits or misses, this makes the game either too easy or too difficult with no in between. Also I was unable to use the currency, both in the shop or on upgrades. I'm unsure if the upgrades where supposed to be based on money or limited by the time between matches. However most of these things could easily be fixed with a small update, so ultimately this is still a great game. (Also as of the time of me uploading this there is no video)

This game was fun. The concept of shooting fireworks to earn money to spend on advertising and ticket prices works well. The fire work effects were good, and the use of different types of rockets alongside the actual number to indicate progression is excellent. The only minor issues I had were that the fireworks stand and some rocks are 3D where as everything else are pixel art, the fact there was no sound, and the fact that digits of the money counter went down past £0.01. However overall, Great game.

Good concept. However I found that the wheel span too fast to properly aim the roomba. However still fun to play.

The cutscenes were hilarious. enemies were interesting and clearly defined. The way the background changed to show you getting closer to the moon was great (although a progress bar would have been appreciated, this option was far more creative). Overall, it's an great game.

The level design was fun and interesting. Only issue was I couldn't play more (as in there was no retry or restart option without restarting the game). Overall a very good game.

Art style was cool and the animation was great. I found that the game could be too fast at times, but that could just be my lack of skill. Overall great game.

Good game. Very fun. Buttons were confusing at first.  It said to use B when it meant to say use space. Also small glitch (game permanently froze) at ponytail level, happened twice. Other than that very fun.

It has been fixed.

Hi. thanks for your suggestion. The game has now been updated.

Thank you. The article was helpful. I have now uploaded a working version.