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A member registered Jan 28, 2024 · View creator page →

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Big flash game energy. Great effort for 48hrs!

This is a well executed idea!

Adding limitations to each piece was a good call. Though the struggle I see is indicating how a piece could scale before testing the upper and lower bounds. See-saw was a bit of a tough one too. 

Overall this is a fun and creative game 

The intro scene was very engaging and set up this very creative application of the jam's theme!

You really took it that extra step

Love the art! The thumbnail and game's home screen are delightfully refined.

Gameplay is good though I found the difficulty a little inconsistent with the block spawn, meaning some games I'd smash it cos there were heaps of blocks to stack but in other attempts the blocks were sparse.

Decent submission. Solid jam game!

Very stylish game!

brushy brushy 


Our musician loves that you enjoyed the music!

With our approach to the hand movement, we aimed to sell the scale of the player. Just as a colossus is sluggish when compared to a human, we are sluggish when compared to a mouse. 

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing. Please be careful when brushing and feeding too ;)

Incredibly fun to play. 

The mechanic is easy to grasp, the art and environment is top notch, and the audio fits so well. 

This is the most polished game I've played from this jam yet!

Pikmin x Courage the Cowardly Dog!

Loved the art. It is great mix of cute and horrific. The gameplay loop is satisfying with the right amount of stress and reward.

A solid entry to GMTK, well done!

Funny result from the theme

A few UI inclusions would help with replayability; such as calling out check, or indicating what squares the scaled chess piece occupies, and where the pieces can move to in their enlarged state

I certainly didn't expect to see a chess game but here we are XD

I like this game, it has the potential to become a fun puzzle experience.

I don't see a connection to the theme and possibly by you calling it "There is no connection" is referencing that. Though that doesn't seem to align with the spirit of the jam. 

The control explanations could use some improvement. After making a few changes to the far-right panel while setting up connections, I was unable to click on the orange blocks anymore, which caused me to get locked out of the solution a few times.

Nice style, could be a fun idea to take further outside of GMTK :)

A fun game with a neat portal and scaling mechanic

The biggest barrier is getting started. I think more could be done to communicate to the player how and where portals can be placed. Once I figured that out though, I had a good time. Mini golf games are always satisfying.

I'm mindful this was a 48hr delivery and and think you crushed it given that time limitation!

A nice idea which could have used more feedback to the player, particularly if they have achieved the goal. 

I noticed that if two boxes were next to each other, you couldn't push them and I'm unsure if that soft locks the puzzle.

It was nice to see variations in the environment between levels and the level zooming out as the black hole grew was a great touch

What could easily have been treated as a joke is instead presented with an air of emotion, existential dread, and self reflection. 

Just like how the player character is turning into a fish, we too are changing and get to decide whether or not we want to pursue that direction or try pull back. Choosing to voice act this went a long way to selling the vibe, lines like the reaction of your daughter when you tell her you  will stay as a fish definitely had more emotional weight, making this short experience an enjoyable one.

Great jam game! 

Had me thinking about life and existence and stuff

Brutal FPS with a crunchy art style. 

I liked it, I just wished there was more room to move around and avoid the enemies; which I noticed would catch up to you if you tried to kite them. My years of CoD zombies training did not translate here :(

I ate myself a lot with the quick movements, thankfully the reset was fast :(

Music was punchy, decent game jam game

Shows up and makes Feeding Frenzy in 8hrs

based and fish oil pilled

"I... I'm not a cat."
- Rod Ponton, 2021

This game was a hilarious reminder of the Zoom meeting lawyer incident! The title and premise are very clever and a fantastic use of the jam's theme. The concept and execution were spot-on, supported by stylish art, comedic dialogue, and funny music. 

Stressed myself out for corporate to achieve their targets and still got fired for my efforts. Too real, great job! 

This was great! 

A cute concept that could be explored further, I think it would flesh out into a nice casual game. It's great to see the jam's theme approached in this way. 

Stylish and enjoyable with appropriate MS Paint graphics and music to match!

Ground collisions were a bit messy so I'd often be sticking to the ground for a moment after landing. Did crash after level 3.

I like the carefree tone set by the art and music. It has Newgrounds energy.

Fun game, but it can get a bit frustrating if the puzzle pieces are really misaligned. 

Using the scroll wheel to change block sizes was a great and intuitive choice from a player's perspective

Gonna quote this review in our trailer XD

Thanks for exploring our game!

This is one of the most unique concepts I've encountered and it aligns perfectly with the jam's theme. The mix of FPS and factory-sim mechanics is interesting. 

Although it might be challenging to expand further, there's definitely something special in this idea worth pursuing. 

Discovering that assigning multiple workers to a chamber could boost its output, like reducing my reload time was a rewarding experience that encouraged experimentation.

I had the same thought earlier on and then I found that you can have multiple blue guys in the bullet loading chamber, which increases your reload speed!

Nice game! 

I suggest making the player character sprite stand out more from the background. The green and brown colors of the character and the ground tiles are quite similar, which makes it a bit hard to distinguish between them.

Lots of lovely art on display! 

I think that the menu UI could be more clearly separated from the background.

A good number of features implemented during the time frame - solid work!

Becoming stuck on geometry saved me from spikes

top tier

(1 edit)

I love the art style, it has a charm similar to Dorfromatik.

This was a cute game!

Would be great to implement a quick-restart button and some audio feedback when you pull a lever

Pretty neat way to incorporate the theme, Built to Scale. The ship becoming more unwieldy as you gained firepower was a fun way to add tension and had me thinking quickly how to build my ship most effectively.

(1 edit)

This is fresh! 

It's so cool to see a Breakout/Arkanoid-like game being taken in a unique direction by incorporating the jam's theme.

The cute characterisation of the ball and paddle is conveyed well by your art style and colour. Though I get the sense it's not the most healthy of relationships. 

For a moment I thought that I had got the ball stuck, horizontally bouncing between the walls. But it quickly hit a ridge and got back on track.

A very enjoyable entry :)

Although this is an atmospheric and well executed horror game, where I felt on edge the whole time, I don't think it fits the theme, Built to Scale

Sadly, I experienced a bug where the stairs leading up to the attic pinned me in place so I didn't get the payoff before the final end screen.

Setting aside my criticism that this doesn't fit the jam, this is a well crafted and emotionally tense experience that your team should be proud of.

This was such a clever game, the puzzles were unique and well designed for the shedding mechanic. I wish there were more levels to play!

I'm a sucker for mini golf games and this hits. I did find the success windows a bit too tight as the stages progressed so perhaps there is a way to tip things in the player's favour if you were given the time again.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! The cute definitely contrasts the sadness and horror (if you discovered those elements)

With the input delay we were aiming to convey that sense of scale. Like you the player are so massive when compared to the critter and your brain moves faster than your body; it's like trying to catch a mouse.  

Really pleased your enjoyed the experience!

Very well done! 

It took me a moment to understand the controls but once I did, I found such a unique puzzle game. 

Awww, what a cute name!

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"

Thanks for playing! 

I'll let you in on a little secret, there is more than one way to accidentally kill your pet ;)

Did you find all three?