I think some of the mechanics are bugged, the "Any rolled 9's multiply by 1000" powerup didn't work for me until I restarted the game (which also didn't actually restart it, so xD).
This game would improve a lot with some audio.
I like the concept, but I am conflicted by the execution:
- Only being able to reroll the dice with a click seems completely impractical. Rerolling it with the space bar would make it feel so much better and reduce unnecessary mouse movements that are just stressful.
- There is little intentionality in player actions. Most of the time I get better results when I focus on placing as many weapons as possible rather than placing them strategically.
- The blue dot creates a barrier, but when an enemy creates a barrier they don't get killed immediately. Instead, they just wait for a bit until the barrier goes away and then continue. And since you can't place any weapons over the barriers it is a secured hit! It literally is better to place nothing than to place barriers!
Great presentation, but it is just a bit frustrating that the other game elements don't feel as polished.
Ey Alex, quite a score you have there! My personal best has been 1:16, so you were really close to beat the designer hehe.
The keys do change graphically (left movement key always remains the same colour but changes position in UI) but I undestand there is little time to notice this, specially in tricky upside-down situations!
If you want to try again, a cool tip that i can give you is that the control scheme is not fully randomized (we had that early in development but it was too difficult). In fact, keys always follow a clockwise order ("jump" always is to the right of "left" and "right" is always to the right of "jump") , meaning that we are rather rotating the keys. It helps me to think of it as if AWSD were each a number in a round clock, and you were only rotating the clock. Actually, there are only 4 possible combinations!
Thank you for playing our game!
I'm not fully convinced about the randomness of the gravity direction, as puzzles sometimes consist on waiting for the "good gravity direction", but the level design is good and helps mask this problem.
I just wished it lasted for longer and had some other stuff playing with the same concept (moving platforms, enemies and so), because I really enjoyed it!
Great concept!
I reached level 3 and got stuck on the last 2 platforms. :(
I would suggest one main thing: Mouse control might not be the best idea for handling rotation. It doesn't ever get to feel natural. I think a 2 button control scheme (left click for rotating left and right for the opposite for example) would make the user experience so much better.
In any case, I was greatly surprised by the concept and I really liked it!
Ey Doman, thank you for playing our game.
Our original idea was that the "second player" would be asleep through the whole jail break, therefore unable to aid you (which makes him a very annoying companion) . It looks like we weren't able to transmit that idea to players, so thank you for pointing that out!