I love the puzzles, it took me a while to figure out how to solve the consistently. But it's very fun. The music is a bit loud though.
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Really nice looking game, very juicy little squash and stretch. A few notes, the movement speed is really fast and two responsive especially in the air with the camera it can be hard to tell how far you're moving. Also this game really needs coyote time. And the dash felt almost non existant. Otherwise great job with the aesthetics and building all the levels.
Also please in the future don't make the game be an installer, just a zip so I can keep it my downloads and delete it without going into the windows uninstaller....
That was a really clever a satisfyingly good game. The description I was like "oh I wonder how this is gonna turn out". It actually plays really well. There are a lot of times when you shoot when you want to move. But that's I guess part of the skill of the game. I got 78 seconds. I might play this again later though.
It seemed like a neat game combo of card game + pachinko. However I didn't really feel like ever made any meaningful choices. I was sure what any of the abilities did, I wasn't even sure if red floppy disks were bad for me? I ended up just firing the balls as fast as I could replacing disks as fast I could, seems to have worked.
Thank for giving the time to give quality feedback, we really appreciate it. I think the max speed could have been increased a little bit, but I think the main problem was probably the initial acceleration is really slow. There isn't a hard speed cap in the game, there's a limit at which a drag force is applied, so with dashes you can break that limit. I think the biggest mistake was not allowing players to plow through walls at higher speeds.
For a post jam version we want to do snappier better movement, but still maintain a sense of gaining momentum, definitely want to do tons more ability ideas and I agree with your dash ability ideas, some things should be tied to destruction others should be timers, and others should be limited time use per a level.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it. Yeah I think the movement would take a lot of fine tuning and care to get just right. One thing I didn't add but we thought about was near your max speed being able to blast through walls instead of bouncing, which I think would have been the right call.
But hopefully will do something about all that in a post jam version!
I love me a good hacking minigame. This is a fairly straight forward concept. But you really explored the depth of the idea. Initially i was like ok this is really basic they didn't even let you bind a control to multiple things. But then you it did. And the lazer puzzle binding multiple keys to the same control makes it better. That was a very very solid entry and cute little sound effects and dancing robot!
Great job.
For your first game and for game jam this is very large and complicated, AI with goals and a lot of stuff going on, amazing job. A few critiques:
* separate card rules text and flavor text (usually small text with italics).
* Sound effects and ambient music goes a long way
* Make it much more clear what is being traded (moving cards to the center maybe?)
* It wasn't clear what the card types were I never felt like I saw a setback?
I really like the concept of the game and I think you should develop it further.
I would like to give the game another try but I couldn't figure out how to advanced after my first trade I had the sand tribute card and 3 sand, but nothing happened, I tried trading a few more times, but still nothing. Did I have to do 3x24 trades just to advance? that seems like a lot of bogus trades once you have the cards you need to advance.