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A member registered Jul 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your feedback.

That game is hilarious. The game mechanic is so simple but wow is it well executed. The art style is just amazing. 

I love the idea of evolving enemies. I think it has a lot of potentials. Some general suggestions from my side:

  • Sometimes it was difficult to see what tiles the towers could actually reach. Maybe highlighting the actual tile or projecting the radius on them could help.
  • It would have been nice to be able to trigger the waves manually to avoid waiting.

Cool idea with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, the AI got stuck in the first couple of moves.  

Fun little game. Felt a bit like Pacman.  The score on the top was unfortunately cut off when playing in the browser. If you continue working on it maybe you can experiment with some indication for the teleport skill. I had a hard time estimating where exactly I will end up.

Fun little game. Felt a bit like Pacman.  The score on the top was unfortunately cut off when playing in the browser. If you continue working on it maybe you can experiment with some indication for the teleport skill. I had a hard time estimating where exactly I will end up.

Good job with slowly introducing the mechanics. In my opinion, the controls could have been a bit more "tight". 

Good job with slowly introducing the mechanics. In my opinion, the controls could have been a bit more "tight". 

Awesome game. Amazing controls and great art style.  The only critical point I would have is that the screen shake gets a bit to strong a some point.

Thanks for your feedback. Yes, all levels should be 100% solvable. The number of moves and blocks you have you can see in the right panel. They are used in order left to right, top to bottom. The number of moves/blocks increases over time.

Nice action based tower defence game. Not sure what happened after a while, I just got run over by an armee of monsters. Otherwise it was really fun to play.

Very nice dungeon crawler. Probably the best 3D game I've played so far in the game.

Just played, rated and commented it. Good job!

Well made plattformer puzzle game. The controlls generally feel which is always critical for a plattformer game and not always easy to do. Sometimes I felt that the viewport was a bit to narrow so I couldn't see whats underneath my character. Other then that I really enjoyed playing the game. Great work.

Well made fun little game. Some feedback from my side:

  • The character animations really looked nice
  • I like the fade in and out effect of objects. Nice delivered the feel of investigating an environment
  • I was possitively suprised about the change in game mode between the investigation and chase
  • The collision areas sometimes felt a bit to big so I got stuck multiple times on edges and corners
  • The end was a bit to abruptly. Not really sure if I cought the right person or not

Overall a nice and creative jam game which I enjoyed playing.

This is my favourite game so far. I had to foce myself to stop playing. The level of polish is incredible. This game reminds me alot of Atomicrops with it's switch between causual farming and action based base defence.

The level of polish and content for a jam game is incredible.  If I wouldn't know I would never guess that this was done in under 48h. Really impressive.

I would also appreciate some more feedback


A quite challenging RPG Soccer game. Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Hey fellow game devs, I made a RPG Soccer game. Looking for some feedback.


This is my RPG Soccer game made for the jam. Let me know what you think of it.


Good job in making creative use of the art kit. Simple but fun game.

Really nice and creative puzzle game. 

Already thanks in advance.

Simple but also fun little game. Some feedback from my side:

  • The UI scaling was of on my screen cousing the main menu to be cut off
  • After escaping it would have been nice to have some kind of end screen showing the result.

Overall great work

Good game for the amount of time you put into. In general I feel the fighting system would need some more polish and juice to make it more engaging.

Really nice presentation, especially with the lighting. I like the idea of exploring the world and heaving to remember things between runs. Reminds me of another game were you only had 1 minute before you died and respawned.

Clever idea to make the towers moveable during the waves. Nice counteracts the usuall wait time in classical tower defense games. I would have prefered if the towers would snap to the grid since the movement rules and even the art is grid based.

While playing I missed some kind of challenge. Initially I thought I have to avoid the other characters, however when walking over them I just got a message. So I could just freely walk around and collect the cake. In general I think it's a good starting point for a fun little game.

I think the idea to switch between 2d and 3d has alot of potential. I think the fights could need some more polish to make them more interesting. Otherwise great game.

I really like the general idea of the game. I think it has quite some potential. Some feedback from my side. Sometimes it wasn't easy to see what tiles will block movement and which won't for example Grass vs Trees. 

Overall really impressive for a first game.

Impressive result for 12h development time. Some thoughts from my side:

  • Some background music would have been nice
  • I missed some combat / movement options to make the fights more interesting.  I think something like a dash could give the fights more dynamic.

Cute game with a really nice presentation. Quite a lot of content for the short amount of time. Some minor feedback from my side. Sometimes I felt a bit lost and didn't know how to continue.

Thank you for playing the game and the detailed feedback.

Thanks for playing the game and your kind words.

Thanks for playing. I actually had mouse control in the beginning and decided to move to auto target to make it simpler. 

You used some nice effects here and the music is also great. For me the character movement could have been a bit more quick an snappy.

  • Clever game mechanic
  • Cute character and animation
  • Amazing pickup sound
  • Sometime the drag and drop of the portals didn't work so well for me and the portals lacked behind the cursor. 
  • Sometime was a bit frustrating that the portals reset after barely missing the diamond. MAybe keeping them persistent with an reset button would be an option.

Over all it's a great game and I really enjoyed playing it.

Thanks for the detailed feedback.

Some tips from my side to deal with the difficulty:

  • Play on easy. Trust me it's alreadey brutal.
  • Don't skip the tutorial. You will start with 2 rather easy delivery orders which will allow an early upgrade for your ship.
  • You're on a dilivery ship not a destroyer. In most cases running is the better option than fighting.
  • Most enemies will not follow through worm holes. Only the Hunter type will track you through the whole galaxy after it sensed you.
  • The same galaxy name will result in the same generated galaxy. So you can try to remember where the worm holes lead.