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A member registered Mar 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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My man, thanks !

Not much to say except I agree haha.

I never join jams thinking about winning (at least not for now), just having fun and learning new concepts for later! 

I mainly wanted to play around with rigid bodies and sure had a lot of fun with it!

I’ll try and find time to test your game during the weekend! 

Thanks for playing tho!

The fire is the abilities I had the most trouble balancing, it was always either too weak, or way too strong haha.

I nerfed everything until the end of the jam, where I decided to buff everything up again, just in case the game was too hard for people that never played the game, and casually tested it to rate it, since I realised in other jams people don’t like it when the game is too hard.

This way I’m sure people get to test more of the game out, without getting too frustrated by the game mechanics and just giving up.

Thanks for playing and leaving critical feedback!

Interesting about the bug where the enemies don’t spawn, I did test the game as much as I could and didn’t find that, I’m really curious!

The upgrades are only available in between waves, or when you lose a live, since I wanted people to think about what they upgrade, instead of just unlocking/upgrading things whenever you have the money.

I did however not have a lot of time to balance things out, so the game is probably very unbalanced (I tried to just power up the abilities in the end so people wouldn’t be too frustrated if the game was somehow to hard, which is never fun in game jams)

Thanks for playing and leaving critical feedback !

Thanks for testing and leaving critical feedback!

I definitely agree with the game’s balance being off, since I didn’t have a lot of time this jam to balance things out.

 I had a lot of fun tossing the guys around myself and wasted a lot of time that could’ve been used to properly balance the game haha.

The game was way too hard when a friend tested it though, enemies were spawning way too fast, and the amount per level was really exponential, so I tried to make everything a little easier for a more fun jam experience.

Maybe I could’ve added difficulty levels for the more advanced gamers out there!

Thanks again for testing and the nice feedback!

I’ll try and test out your game when I can!

Thanks !

Nice to see a fan of cgol!

It sure was hard to come up with a functional game loop, but a fun challenge. 
like you say it could definitely be expanded upon since there isn’t that much gameplay for now. Your idea sure sounds fun ! 

Thanks for playing and your feedback.

Thanks, it was hard coming up with even a semi functional game loop with cgol, especially with the time I had, but it sure was a fun challenge.

I also tried to only use Godot visuals and make it as juicy as possible, without any external art, learned a lot about some nodes !

Thanks for the feedback !

Really cool concept, the art is adorable and gorgeous (Some particle effects like smoke out of the chimneys, or leaves falling from trees/bushes would really make the world come alive !). 

The animation with the wand is pretty cool, but I think it hinders on the gameplay experience, you can't aim backwards, or it doesn't even aim at all where you're pointing, due to it being mid animation (don't know if it's a bug or not). There is a small bug upon respawning where the character gets stuck in a pose, where you can't really aim anymore. 

For a jam, the game is pretty hard, especially with no ways of getting health back, but otherwise it's a pretty fun game some interesting mechanics, that fit the theme really well, and could easily be expanded upon (have some spells interact with each other for combos for example, throw your fireballs further with wind or something). 

Great polished entry over all, these are just thought I had while playing that I think could improve an already great game !

Thanks for the entry.

Very fun and polished game ! 

The intro to every level with the text is really clean and fits well in the game overall. Was a nice enjoyable playthrough, with the classical music and good sfx. 

What I would add (especially for those who want to speedrun this game, like I found myself doing every level haha), is a "retry" button, when you know you don't have time to defuse the bombs left, or at least a pause screen where you can then retry, or if you know can do a better time and just want to retry the level instantly when you mess up. 

This is just nitpicking though, it just adds to the quality of life on the game experience, but the game was great overall, great entry and contender for sure !

Good community post idea! I’ll try and rate your game when I have some time, could you give this little arcade game a try? Here’s the link :, thanks in advance !

Thanks for the feedback !

I didn’t have much time for this jam, and it was hard to come up with a game loop around cellular automata.

I wanted to implement more features to make it less repetitive, but I had to finish on Saturday and still had the menu, settings, and all the sfx to implement, so I just focused on trying to make what I have as Juicy as possible, which I hope got somewhat accomplished at least.

Thanks for playing, and giving critical feedback!

The game has reached its target audience haha !

It’s my first try at making an educational game in a jam, to get some feedback on how I come up with them, and it seems you understood this (at least unintentionally).

I try to make it where you learn more about the subject as you get better at the game, which I hope I accomplished somewhat.

It feels you also got something that I specifically didn’t mention anywhere, you are the one God controlling all of these, the OmniGod haha! I tried to make the ambience very “godlike” , so it feels powerful to play around with all these Greek gods, so it’s fun to see you felt omnipotent moving Cronus and Zeus around.

Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts!

PS : I don’t know if you noticed, but if you have an android, I exported it to apk so you can play it on your phone (I designed the game around mobile use)

Thanks for your feedback !

It’s a first try at making an educational video game in a jam, where you learn about the subject by getting better at the game.

I totally get how it might not be for everyone tho, and can also be improved on (like a hint system, or family tree that shows you the ones you already unlocked and how you unlocked them…), but I did have limited time, only starting on Tuesday and developing it for Android due on Sunday.

This is also why I didn’t find time to improve the quality of life on the camera controls etc, since I decided to dedicate more time on sound design/music this jam, because that’s something I really lacked in the past jams, but I’m pretty happy with the sound atmosphere.

I had a lot of fun learning about the subject to make the game, and hope some can learn about the subject in a fun way now !

Thanks for playing the game and sharing your thoughts on it, I hope you got something out of the experience !

Thanks for the very detailed feedback!

It is supposed to be a first try at an educational game in a Jam, so I’m going to take most of your feedback as a win. (This should be a lot more fun to learn about Greek mythology than to go back to school haha) 

I sure had a lot of research to do about the subject to make this game, so I totally understand not being able to complete it without a good background in Greek mythology.

My thinking is : you learn about a subject by getting better at a game, by trial and error.

I wanted to implement a “sandbox” mode tho, where you just play around without a timer and counter, to discover all the possibilities without pressure, but no time unfortunately.

A family tree that gets drawn with the gods you already unlocked was also an idea, but that would have taken even more time :(

I really appreciate the BGM being acknowledged, since the past jams I was disappointed about the time dedicated to sound design, so wanted to try and actually make something interesting this time with sound design, which I had a lot of fun with ! 

Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts !

Thanks for the critical feedback!

The gameplay can definitely use some quality of life improvements, just not enough time since I started on Tuesday.

The “gambling” part is intentional tho (although I’d call it trial and error haha), since it’s my first attempt at making an educational game for a jam (my dream is to make educational video games).

My mindset is “learn a subject as you get better at a game”.

Thanks for trying it out and telling me what you think !

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, the options appear with the area entered and exited signals, which makes them not appear if two icons’s areas were already on top of each other when you press it, so you have to move it away and back.
It’s not a bug, it’s just bad implementation on my part haha. (Basically jam code that worked enough so I left it, but it was on my list on things to make quality of life better, just no time :) )

Thanks for the kind words !

Really fun concept, nicely executed, and well polished ! This could easily be dropped on the play/google store, and no one would know this came from a jam.

Great first entry and can't wait to see what you come up with next !

Same honestly hahaha. This is the main reason why the game is not as polished though, I really wanted to see what that would've been like, but we do what we can in jams, and the feedback is so helpful, so I compromised on a lot and tried to get something out !

Thanks a lot for all the feedback and playing the game !

I totally agree I should spend more time on the experience on keyboard/mouse, since I mostly play and test on controller, and make that experience as smooth as possible, then try to adapt it to pc, but barely had time to test it out this jam.

I thought about changing the constant walk speed, with a sprint like you said (simple stamina bar), that would make noise while sprinting, and attract the ghosts. One of the gadgets is an invisibility cloak, which would make you slower as a compromise, but didn't have time to implement the gadget system :( 

The constant speed definitely gets boring after a while, but this jam was really messy (and I started late), so that's why the polish is also not really there.

Thanks again, and I'm glad you still liked some things about this rough prototype of a game haha !

Thanks for the feedback !

I definitely should test my games more with keyboard/mouse, since I mostly test them with controller, and adapt the controls to them (since it's easier to adapt pc controls from controller than the other way around). 

I never really check if the keyboard experience is as smooth as the controller one though, which is probably why it can be overwhelming if I introduce too many buttons/mechanics, so that's helpful to know.

I'm glad you still had fun playing it, and got a feel of the ambience I tried to set up, and would recommend giving it a try with a controller and some good headphones ! 

Very original, and pretty immersive with the sfx and audio, just sad it was so short (Or maybe I somehow chose a correct path instantly, but It took me about 1 min, including reading the text)

The song also becomes an absolute banger at some point for no reason ! x)

Fun and basic game mechanic, I could play a whole game with this mechanic ! (Could be a fun mobile game)

On the last level there are some tiles drawn on top of the rotating tiles, so you can lose them if you don't pay attention, but that's a minor detail.

Really good finished product in the time you had !

Fun concept, (I could play a whole game designed just around the jumper mechanic, and I think the whole game is beatable with just the jumpers)

It's sad that there's no way to retry a level, since when you lost all your bots, there's nothing you could do but refresh the page and go through every level.

Good entry over all, with some final polish on sound and art this could be a fun finished game !

Loved playing it through the end ! It was fun grinding for the different materials you wanted, with the different battles, even if like you mentioned, some battles felt unbalanced once you got some gear haha (But that's not a problem really, feels nice to feel strong once you upgraded your gear)

 It's sad there's no sounds at all, even some basic sfx for the forging and battling would go a long way ! (I always try and add sfx to the main mechanics asap, because I know I don't always have time later on), but overall, there's a lot of work behind this entry ! 

It's fun because we almost have "the same idea", since I haven't seen a lot of entries about actually collecting the resources you forge with, but the execution is totally different, yet also fun !

(Won in 14 days, 55 fights and 1 death)

Great entry ! It feels like you took the theme more as "gadgets", but it's executed really well ! 

I had a lot of fun trying to beat every section, and failing jumps didn't punish you too much, so it was fun to keep trying (it took me a while to understand that I could just climb from wall section to wall section, if the hands were touching it. I kept trying to go as high as possible, fall over to the next wall, and reactivate the hands by pressing E, but it was hard to pull of consistently because of the fall momentum that would pull you down 2/3 of the time haha). Once I understood the climbing better, it was less frustrating, and really enjoyable to play !

The SFX and Art go well together and are nicely polished. ( I just noticed his hand in the background would change color in the Idle animation, you probably just forgot to fill his glove in one frame ).

Another thing that felt off sometimes are the hitboxes with the pipes (it actually helped me with some jumps, since you can almost make it, stand on the side of the pipe, and make a small jump to get on it haha)

Overall a great entry, had a lot of fun playing it (why I noticed the little "bugs" :) ), and looking forward to your next one !

Very polished game experience ! The music and art fit very well together, and the mechanics are very well executed ! Like you said in the description, it's sad you couldn't finish a proper game menu, cause that would really put it all together ! Like mentioned in some other comments, the forge game is really nice, but some sfx would also make it feel complete !

Amazing job overall and definitely a submission to be proud of ! (I wish I had time to polish my game even half as much, but this jam got messy hahaha)

Thanks for the great feedback! 

The dungeons are procedurally generated indeed, using a BSP algorithm (Binary Space Partitioning).

I did try and balance the world size out, especially once we got the dungeon and ores implemented, but I got to admit, I haven’t been able to fully test it once all the mechanics were in place, and I thought the game could be unbalanced in different ways.

I do wanted a big “labyrinth” sort of layout, so that you have to be mindful of where you going, since it’s a game about not getting lost, while managing your resources, and I thought the current amount of rooms was ok (16 every time). 

I also wanted to make sure the game could be winnable in one run through the dungeon (you need 10 magic ores to build the exit portal), and if I reduced the number of rooms with the bsp algorithm, it would be 8/4 (by powers of 2), which would make it impossible to win the game in one run. (I’m not going to tell how to win, but you can only find one magic ore per room)

I could’ve however made the world size and rooms smaller, which would’ve lead to shorter paths between rooms, but then again, I really lacked in time for balancing/polishing.

Thanks for playing and leaving some critical feedback, and I’m glad you got some fun out of it!

Oh, that is all intended, I just wish I could’ve provided some more visual feedback and polish those mechanics out (inventory with the tools, and better forgeUI, since this is what I made to implement the mechanic, and barely touched it since, due to time).

 The recipes for the different weapons are basically checkboxes that get pressed through script once you forge an ore correctly, but are all disabled so you can’t press them yourself.
If you’re talking about the OvenUI, I basically copied the ForgeUI, removed most of the buttons, and modified the script, so yeah, the ores that appear (“copper” + “tin” = “bronze”), are all still buttons, which I also should’ve disabled, but I hadn’t even thought about that!

The game is also about resource management, so I decided you wouldn’t be able to swap out tools, and can carry a maximum of 2, so if you already have 2, and forge a third one, you can’t pick it up until you break one of your tools. This makes forging in the dungeon better on one side, since the tools will stay there, you can go break one tool, and go pick it up. But if you forge it in the forge room, and go out of it, you lose that tool.

It is good to know tho that they seem like bugs to players tho, since I thought it could be understood through playing the game, and getting what it’s about, but better polish is definitely needed for a better experience !

Thanks for the more detailed feedback, it definitely helps!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! Could you tell me which controls were a bit confusing? (I mainly test with controller, but should test more with keyboard/mouse in future jams to make sure it feels good).

Could you also tell me (if you remember) which bugs you encountered with picking up items, would be greatly appreciated ?

Thanks again for the great feedback, and playing the game, and I’m glad you still got something out of it !

Thanks, I totally agree, I basically had 1 day to polish the game, and I tried to focus on priorities (tileset, character, oven, anvil, door, menu), and some particles here and there. 

It would've been really nice to have 2 more days to balance and polish it out, but it is what it is, and I'm actually surprised I got something out in time haha. 

I do agree the tutorial is not that helpful, it's more there as a sandbox/testroom, to test without consequences and pressure, and a lot of ores, to get the hang of the basic mechanics, and test different weapons' durability/damage, depending on what material you craft it with. 

There's a lot that couldn't even make it in the game, cause I didn't have time for basic testing/polising, and would've made the game look even weirder x) (Gadgets, Chests and a key generated with that chest per dungeon, that you have to find, and then forge the correct one to open that chest, which then gives you the gadget indefinitely)

Thanks for playing, and leaving critical feedback, it's really appreciated !

Thanks, your feedback is greatly appreciated ! I'm kind of amazed I got something out in time.

The tutorial was made in the last hours, since I realized the mechanics were a little too "unique/uncommon" to just be thrown into without any explanation, so I quickly used my testroom, and turned it into a tutorial room. For the rest, I want the player to test things out since it's a discovery/survival game, and not carry them by the hand the whole way, you're a forger after all ! :)

 I put the controls in the description of the page, but it's definitely something that should be included in the game !

It's sad the gadgets couldn't get properly implemented on time, but I'm just glad I got something out that is playable, in time, cause it didn't seem like it when I started on Tuesday, when I finally had some idea of a game hahaha. 

Like always, it was a lot of fun working on, and I learned a lot, which is what these jams are all about ! I just had very little time to polish, so had to do a sort of "semi-polish" on everything pretty quick, which is sad, cause polishing and juicing up the game mechanics is a lot of fun.

Thanks for playing, I'll check your game out !

I love the wobble animation, and the art fits well together. It could've been a little more complete with some nice SFX for the mining and some cave ambiance, but a nice concept overall !

Just the intro already is a masterpiece, classic cooler board x) ! The sfx of the cards are on point, with the rifles etc, for someone who loves handling/playing with cards. Very polished overall, maybe a chill background song (almost elevator music) could really fit it all together, while making your decisions, because no card sfx are playing there :p

Overall this is a very solid entry, nicely polished, and the forge mechanic is a nice twist that adds complexity to the classic game of BlackJack, which is always fun to play (without real money ofc, it's a scam, but shhht !)

The Idea is very cool, with a cute art style, and a banger soundtrack ! It's unfortunate that you implemented controller support, but no way to jump with it (at least I tried every button), but it's a minor detail of course. Maybe another forge mechanic could add to the immersion of the game, something other than a list of options, with a button to forge (now it just seems it is there because the theme was Forge haha), but otherwise it's a very complete and fun game ! ( I got stuck on the level where you block yourself out by spawning a barrel on the button under the 2 doors, and thought maybe I needed to use the trap, but every time I spawn a trap I just seem to collide with it and die myself haha). Fun entry, and great job overall !

Thanks a lot ! I really appreciate it, with all the hard work put into trying to polish it up for the Deadline, it sure was fun and I learned a lot ! It could definitely use a soundtrack (that increases in bpm by day or something, to add more variation), and I'm definitely working on one, since I've decided to continue the development on the game (Android mostly, since friends asked to port it to the phone). If you're interested in "becoming one of the testers" (the more feedback the better), I uploaded the Android version (apk download) on my profile (Witch Hunt Alpha). We're currently at the first update already, stuff keeps coming !

Again, thanks a lot for the kind words and feedback, I'm sad I didn't get to try more games out (I thought the rating deadline was sunday like last jam, so I wanted to start rating some more now, but I see it's over  :(    ).

Thanks a lot, really appreciated! 24k is not bad at all, especially considering the lack of power ups right now ! (Only one)

Thanks a lot for the feedback ! It’s so much fun to see someone play and react to your game, and it definitely helps to see what works and what doesn’t.

I changed the night system right before uploading this updated version, because you started at Night 0, and I somehow must have forgotten to update it correctly during the play through.

Also, when the day comes, everything burns super quick, and you have almost 0 cool-down on your firespell, so it’s a constant loop of tension and release (night and day).

Thanks again ! The balance between going fast/slow and high/low is what I was trying to go for, so I'm gad at least some things about it are feeling alright. I have to say, I had to tell my brother and 2 friends that tested it to go left and slow down, cause it definitely wasn't a first instinct haha :)