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Andrew Leclair

A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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I look forward to every one of your entries because I can't wait to see what kind of mini masterpiece you've all created, and this is no exception! Truly such a delightful classic dungeon crawling adventure, kudos to the whole team!

Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for not considering colorblindness - I know it's tough to include during a jam but it's definitely something we should consider if it involves a main mechanic. Thanks for playing and for your feedback!

Totally agreed! I saw a few people solving puzzles in ways we didn’t intend, so it would’ve been cool to try to allow for more of that. Thanks for playing and for the feedback 🙏

Thanks for playing!

What a fun take on the theme! Really enjoyed the scenes in the restaurant - I couldn't tell if I was on a date with the slug or being roasted by him, but it was all fun regardless. I appreciated that the various games would return with a ramped up difficulty. Every game was well implemented and had a unique artstyle, so all I can say is kudos! Really nicely done.

Totally agree! We got very lucky when we found our sound designer and composer - definitely stepped up the overall effect of the game.

Interesting perspective! It’s difficult to balance a puzzle game for a game jam audience, but I’ve thought about this comment a lot today while I think about potentially expanding the game. If you have any thoughts about how you see a puzzle vs a maze I’d be curious to hear them!

The background speed is definitely a post-jam regret! Ah well, glad you enjoyed the gameplay, thanks for your comment. 

Thanks for the nice words! If we end up releasing a larger title, I’ll let you know :)

What a cool vibe! Really enjoyed the style and environment - definitely needs a little more gameplay or story but the building blocks are there. 

Loved the dnb soundtrack and the classic yelling SFX when your monkeys devoured a human. I enjoyed gathering up the monkeys and wish there was something more to do with them, or a win state at the end of the game.

Loved Stache and the different cards shown after dying. Agreed with some of the other players that automatically respawning you after death would help streamline the experience. I liked the lasers and how they tied in with the lights and would've liked to have seen more ideas explored in that way.

Such a cool idea! The implementation is a little rough - I had a tough time knowing where/when I could swap to the different modes, but I liked the general idea of the game. The music changing was cool as well, definitely helped to sell the feeling of changing modes.

The tie-in to the theme is a bit dubious but the gameplay is fun! I wish it was a little easier to control or more obvious how to enter the high-speed mode, because I found it difficult to understand how to get it to consistently happen. I also enjoyed the keyboard controls with mouse aim - with a little more refinement in the movement, I think this could be pretty fun - nice work

There's a lot going on here! When I was playing through, I wasn't quite sure of the game loop and what my goal was. I saw the characters all had different modes, but I wasn't sure if that was just for flavor or if they actually had an impact on the gameplay. I thought I was playing a hotel sim, and then I was attacking little pink blobs with a spray bottle! I agree with a below commenter that if more focused, there are some interesting ideas that could be further developed. Really enjoyed the character portraits and sprites.

Thanks for your feedback! That's a mechanic we went back and forth on, but because you have to draw the path starting from the character, it made sense to have the player click him to begin it. The hotkeys for the modes make it a little less clunky, but I think if we made controller support, it would feel more comfy :) Thanks for playing

If it works, you didn’t cheat :) great job and thanks for your comment!

Super beautifully polished game! The lighting looked incredible and helped the fun chunky graphics shine. Some more visual cues about where to go, what you can stand on, etc, would be appreciated. Additionally, there were several places where the player has to seemingly take a leap of faith without knowing where the next platform is which feels like it kills the vibey flow of the game. I hit one bug at the end(?) near the icebergs where I fell and triggered the first respawn point! Very frustrating as I wanted to finish it and see what happened. Nonetheless, really enjoyed this entry, nice job.

Loved the idea of going back and forth between an oldschool retro mode and current day platformer! Some of the platforming was a little unforgiving for my liking, and the controls were a bit tough to get used to and pull off tight moves in a short amount of time, but I still really enjoyed the idea and game as a whole - nice job!

Super smooth platforming and really unique art style! My favorite mode had to be the Brick Breaker. The length was perfect for this type of game, and I enjoyed the speedrunning possibilities.

I know this game wasn't entirely finished to your liking, but I enjoyed the direction it was going! The pixel art and animations were immaculate. The theme was implemented cleverly and I could see it being extended further to other types of enemies that could transform into different things in the various modes. If you continue working on it, I'd be very curious to see how Hard Mode would look!

The artwork alone was enough to entice me to want to get through every level! The gameplay itself was really fun and unique. A few of the environmental hazards were a little unclear in terms of what effect they would have on the ball - same with the presence/absence of walls in some areas. Despite that, I really enjoyed this game.

The movement and camera felt really nice! I liked some of the tighter platforming challenges. I got a bit lost and couldn't figure out where to go, or what the button I pressed did. If some of the traversal for the level involves going back down the mountain, it would be helpful to have some sort of visual indication of when you're going too far down and will die, for example. A little more clarity about the goal and I would've enjoyed trying to get to the end but unfortunately, I got stuck and couldn't figure out how to progress. Overall, a nice platformer!

What a vibey game! Loved the storytelling and beautiful artwork and animations. The puzzles building on one another hand-in-hand with the story paired together really nicely. There were a few gameplay bugs that made completing some levels frustrating if they happened close to the solution (snake not spawning primarily), but that did not stop me from enjoying this terrific game, nice job!

Very original concept, loved watching the live feed scroll along! I had a hard time picking one ball versus another when the stats weren't exactly comparable to each other so I would tend to pick randomly, but maybe that's all just part of the fun. Cool idea!

I'm happy to hear you picked up on all of those things! The details really make the experience. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it 

So nice of you to say - thanks for playing!

Thanks for the nice feedback! I wish we had more time to implement more levels, it’s tough to find a sweet spot for a jam game, but I’m happy you enjoyed what we made. Glad to hear autosave saved you!

Very very clever and just the right amount of challenge increasing from level to level! I had overlooked this game originally but I'm glad I gave it a shot before voting closed. This game is truly in the spirit of the jam and a whole lot of fun. Really enjoyed the names of the levels hinting toward the solution without being overt. Awesome work by the whole team!

thanks John! Appreciate you taking the time to play it, glad you enjoyed it. 

also! Responding to your last comment on the challenge video - we made the hard version originally and decided to make it the “challenge” version on the last day after play testing. I think we made the right call or else people would have been turned off I think :) thanks again 

thanks so much! We plan on releasing a version with more content and we’ll be sure to share in the discord for anyone interested. 

thanks so much for playing and for your feedback! We plan to add some more levels , clean up existing gameplay based on feedback and add new cool buildings as well as different types of win conditions per level. 

wow what an honor to get a recorded play through! This is so cool to see your reactions in real time, it really helps to highlight where things are and aren’t working. Really appreciate you taking your time to play through and record your feedback - people like you make these game jams 100x more fun and valuable. Thank you thank you!

This was a pretty interesting game! I like the way that the gun was used in multiple ways and thought that killing the technocows by magnetizing them to the crystals was pretty fun. The roll mechanic came in clutch many times. Even though there were frequent checkpoints, I think having 1 HP was pretty punishing in areas where there were multiple technocows and they started kicking up rocks and charging at you in a small space without anywhere to run. If there were more platforms or places to get away from them, it would have felt like more of a fair fight. Overall though, I enjoyed this - nice job!

The really cool and unique art style definitely set this game apart! The gameplay was interesting and tense. I appreciated that even when you failed to connect a node, you weren't overly punished and could experiment without being afraid of losing too much progress. The symphonic soundtrack added to the creepy dissonance in the cave, it gave me a Clockwork Orange kinda vibe. A really solid entry, nice work to the team!

There's a lot to like about this game and a handful of things that given more time, I'm sure could be polished up into an even better game. For me, I couldn't quite reconcile how to interpret the arrows combined with the direction of the track. Was I supposed to match the tracks to match the arrows exactly? Intuitively, it seemed like if the track was complete and a car was able to enter it, it should follow the track to its completion. Of course, this would make it a different game than the one here, but I found it slightly confusing. My biggest feedback would be to make sure there are checkpoints for each level! In a puzzle-ish game like this, it can be very frustrating to be sent back to the beginning where you aren't getting a new experience, but you are solving puzzles you have previously solved once or more times previously. All in all, I really enjoyed the theme , art, and music, and found the gameplay to be interesting albeit a little unrefined - nice job!

This was a very clever little game, I enjoyed the puzzles which seemed to be a nice balance of being challenging without being overly difficult. I had to refer back to the cheat sheet a few times and wasn't even sure I could interact with certain objects, so I think a little more UI would do a lot of good. The simplistic art style worked nicely enough, but some more info on the screen in the moment would be helpful. A nice game, good job!

Very atmospheric - a cool short experience! I think adding just a few interesting points of interest along the way would help to spice things up and add even more intrigue. I enjoyed the storytelling and was hoping for some sort of conclusion, even if it didn't explicitly tell me what happened / how the character got where they were, but I enjoyed the atmosphere nonetheless. 

That's the best compliment we could hope for! Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the feedback.