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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

If chromebook has a terminal it might still work???? I have no idea though

What have games that you can play been porting to so I can add it next time?

The art and main mechanic are really cool! However, I agree with the comment below in that you should either be able to change your strategy, or not have a roll button / have faster animations.

For some reason, the install instructions only show up on the default version of the submission, not the game jam version. If you are on mac, you have to run these commands to open the game. You do not have to run these on Windows (I don't think the second one would even work lol)

sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/app.     
sudo xattr -dr /path/to/app


(1 edit)

Are you on mac? if you are, run these commands

sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/app.    
sudo xattr -dr /path/to/app

For some reason, the install instructions don't show up on the submission version lol.

Very creative take on the theme! I really like the fact that the direction that you are facing is also random and can only be changed by rolling again as it further encourages use of the mechanic. The only thing I would recommend would be to upload both windows and mac executable versions as it was quite laggy in the browser. 

Also, I would appreciate it if you could review my game!

The idea was very good! I also liked the pixel art aesthetic! The three main things I would recommend adding / fixing would be: 

1. The collisions don't continue to deal damage after the first instance of entering the hitbox (once an enemy hits me once, it cant again until I leave it's attack range) 

2. Certain interactions should be weighted to begin happening more the less they happen (In one game, I got 1 bat in my first 10 rolls, in another, I had a bunch of enemies and no sword to defend myself)  

3. Some way to repair the house. 

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed my game!

Really like the idea and polish! The extra time you took to save progress and add custom levels was really cool! I agree with the comment below as the animations move a little too slow, however everything else was great! 

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed my game! The base concept is similar to yours, however, I took a more combat heavy interpretation rather than a puzzle based one. 

The idea is really unique! The graphics (while simple) also fit together really well! If I had to take a guess of the top of my head, the camera bug was probably partially caused by the camera being a child of the character while simultaneously being told to follow it however I could absolutely be wrong.  Also I would appreciate it if you could check out my game!

The graphics and polish are definitely the best I've seen so far. The only thing I would recommend would be to make the restart button a single hotkey ie: 'r' rather than in the menu considering how much the player needs to restart.  Additionally, I appreciate the fact that there was a downloadable version to play as it was unplayable on the browser due to lag (it ran perfectly on the downloaded version).  Also I would appreciate it if you could review my game!

Nice Concept, however, I would recommend adding a destination tracker as I was confused about where I was supposed to go.

Also I would appreciate it if you came and reviewed my game!

(2 edits)

For some weird reason, I can't even open Java on my desktop. Ill try and play this on my laptop later

Also, I would appreciate it if you could review my game!

The art is really well made! However, I wish the player had some level of ability to at least swing the odds in their favor and/or express skill. Maybe the player has a timed attack that is multiplied by the dice?

Also I would appreciate it if you could come and review my game!

Loved the polish of this game! Reminded me a lot of slay the spire. If you continue to work on this, it would be cool if you added some type of map progression system as well as made the enemies moves more clear as sometimes what the enemy did didn't line up with the indicators overhead. Also I would appreciate it if you reviewed my game!

(1 edit)

Very creative take on the theme! The voice over and first person camera animations during cutscenes had a lot of personality! It would be cool to see more levels: Have to pick up groceries on the way home, have to pick up the kids, have to go out to dinner etc... Also, I would appreciate it if reviewed my game!

Nice Game! My main recommendation would be to reduce the health (so just buying all of the money dice while taking hits left and right is not viable). It would also be cool if the tower of dice represented your health and slowly toppled over to represent your remaining health. Other than that, this is really well put together!

(2 edits)

I would recommend adding a tutorial as I don't know how to save people. Can you let me know how that works so I can give the game another shot?

Love the chaos! If you choose to work on this further, I would recommend changing the default UI graphics and making it so that the same events can't be used twice (I got brittle ground/trampoline 3 times in a row). Also, the meteor should affect the brittle floor in my opinion.  

Also, I would appreciate it if you could review/rate my game!

I loved the idea! The art made the game seem corrupted/cursed which was amplified when the players went out of sync. I agree with others who said that the game should get harder the more out of sync the players are as I think it would compliment the fact that only one player needs to make it in order to win.

Also, I would appreciate it if you could review/rate my submission! 

A really great concept! However, after the math, all popups disappeared and the virus was guaranteed to win. If you had a fixed version as some comments said they won the game, I would love to play it!

Also, I would appreciate it if you could review/rate my game!

The atmosphere of this game is incredible! However I found some bugs

  • The first dialogue will restart whenever the character moves or whenever it feels like it
  • Respawning in the button room (and potentially others I didn't die on causes the screen to glitch out for like a second (flipping between rooms)'
  • The continue button on the final dialogue didn't work for me

Hope that helps you on future versions! Similar to what the previous comment said. Test every new feature as even a seemingly minor change can have massive unforeseen consequences. 

Also, I would love if you reviewed my submission!

Solid game! Didn't notice any real issues bug wise. If you continued to work on this, I would recommend just adding more levels/obstacles. Maybe more levels themed around extinction level events (ice age comes to mind).

(1 edit)

I knew this game felt familiar and then I read the comments XD. Like some of the other comments said this game's controls should feel terrible according to all logic yet somehow feel great!

Also, I would appreciate if you reviewed my game!

(2 edits)

Love the older style graphics! I would recommend using a camera collider so the camera doesn't clip into buildings and adding a 4th wall so the car cannot escape the map. 

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed/rated my game!

(1 edit)

Loved the execution! Glanced over this when looking up interpretations of chaos but ended up doing something entirely differently. Would make a great mobile game with a procedural level generator! 

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed/rated my game!

(1 edit)

Great Submission for the most part! However, there is a bug that moves the character when pointing the gun in the opposite direction of the character sprite. Much chaos!

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed/rated my game!

(1 edit)

Incredible submission for a first time game creator! My favorite level was level 6 which had a really great "a ha" moment to it. One thing I would recommend in future games is saying ok or retry when the player loses should always restart the game on it's own. I also love the name! 

Also, I would appreciate it if you reviewed/rated my game!

(1 edit)

Great submission! I would recommend launching in free aspect ratio so It scales with the size of the screen and I can see what the soldier is shooting at. Or just choosing a screen ratio and fitting the enemy inside it.

Nice submission! My main recommendation would be that a little sound and screen shake would go a long way.

Really fun and polished game! The only issue I found was the options button wasn't working yet although I'm sure that that's already fixed since you decided to continue working on it. Great job!

I would definitely add a unit cap. Was able to crash the game in <30s. Once I toned down the banner placing, it was fun to watch!

I can't wait to try it! Good luck!

The game was a lot of fun! If you continue to work on this, I would recommend adding subtitles as I had no clue what the voice was saying. Despite that, just the fact that it existed added a lot to the experience. Great work!

Amazing job on your first completed game! I would recommend adding death barriers on all sides of the map because the first thing I wondered when I saw the game was "I wonder if I can go backwards." Got to -1600 meters lol. The Game is quite chaotic, challenging and fun! 

Was confused for a while about the goal of the game (thought the green cylinder was where the invaders was supposed to go). Once I figured that out, however, I had a fun time! Great Job!

Excellent game! The art style and audio reminds me a bit of Little Big Planet (the good ones).

Sorry about Unity deleting your project files :(

Charming Art! Other than a few minor bugs like some issues with the walking animations and the piano taking your health no matter what the game works great! 

Cool Idea! A few things you may want to consider fixing or learning more about. There are some great videos on You Tube about various ways to handle the problem of the weapon/first person model clipping into the ground. Also, it appears that you do just as much damage with your fists as you do with the sword so you may want to adjust the numbers.