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A member registered May 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Ahhh, "snap an object" in the sense of "take a picture of an object". I didn't make that connection, I thought I was meant to hook it somehow. Maybe that could be somehow better explained :D.

Super cool project nonetheless dude!

Nice fresh take on the classic like Tetris! It's pretty hard to control the player, I often found myself not being able to climb a block or falling off a block very easily. Maybe that's a skill issue though :D

Interesting take. I didn't realize the Employee training is a button until I saw your comment, maybe you could make it a little bit more obvious somehow :).

Nonetheless, good job!

My finger hurts from clicking :D

But I managed to kill 2 bosses, I'm proud of myself.

Interesting concept and well executed! I don't really see much of a difference in the minigame with any of the other cheatsheet types, or their size. Also, it would be nice to have an ultimate goal of some sort.

Nonetheless, for a first game, that was really good!

(2 edits)

Ahhh, I spent so many hours playing Phage Wars (

I love these types of games :) Was this your inspiration?

I didn't like the shake screen honestly, it was too much at some points and made precise-clicking harder. The AI could be a little more challenging too, it wasn't a problem finishing him off. And it would be nice to combine attacks from multiple cells into one enemy cell. Cool game nonetheless!

The idea is super interesting, never seen anything like it.

I cannot however solve the first puzzle, am I missing something? I know I'm supposed to take a snap of the whole green area, but I don't see any way to scale the size of the window to fit the whole thing.

I'd love to play the game!

Very nice concept for a game and an execution in this limited game-jam time is also note-worthy. I couldn't finish any of the three puzzles in the second room, but I was close to finishing the sink puzzle once. However, the physics seem not to be deterministic, because the first time I ran the experiment, I put the toaster at the 45 degree angle and the ball changed the direction by 90 degrees as intended. The next time I tried exactly the same with the toaster turned 45 degrees, the ball didn't turn by 90 degrees, but more like about 60 degrees. Then the next time it went completely nuts and turned like 120 degrees. I couldn't make it to turn by exact 90 degrees anymore, I had to quit after that without any ideas on how to improve the layout.

And of course not being able to reset everything to where it was before my test run is super tedious, but you know that already :).

Nonetheless, kudos for making such a polished looking game in such a small amount of time!

Haha, you shouldn't have let them take control over the music :D coders can have good music taste too!

Nothing too fancy honestly. Most of the levels I placed stuff semi-randomly first, then played it once or twice to see what happens with the ball, then went back to level design to make it a bit more interesting, then playtested again, moved stuff around again, rinse and repeat until the level felt like fun, not too hard and not too easy, and doesn't look like shit. I also tried to incorporate some unique mechanics every 2 levels or so, so that it progressed incrementally.

In the end I'm proud how it turned out :)

I almost did the same mistake, but managed to fix the built in time. Unfortunate for you, but looking forward to play your game next year! :)

ahhh right... I forgot about cancelling. Thanks for the hint!

There already are the wind and gravity particles that sway into the direction of the force. But if that's not enough, then we'll definitely look into how we can improve it! Glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing! :)

Awesome, that's very nice to hear! I crunched the levels on Monday night, had maybe 3h of sleep that day before my actual work :) would not recommend

There is no "proper way" to play this game - as long as you reach de goal, you're doing it right :D I was enjoying myself during playtests trying to find ways to beat the levels in unconventional ways and then adjusting the levels to discourage shortcuts. Nonetheless, there are still plenty of ways to work around it!

Wise words, we'll definitely work on the controls and more balance between wind and gravity. Glad you enjoyed, thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for the kind words! I crunched the levels on Monday night, had maybe 3h of sleep that day :D not recommend. I'm super glad you enjoyed them though, appreciate it!

Ahh, the dreaded portal level :D hope you managed to get it till the end afterall!

Thanks for the kind words, appreciate it!

I love that soundtrack, reminds me of Rimworld :). Glad you enjoyed, we'll definitely balance the game more in the future!

We'll definitely work on the controls! Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for playing! Indeed the learning curve might be a bit steep :)

Fun to play, albeit very short :D

Good and challenging platformer. Some of the levels early on are brutally hard to get right (like the one with the "timing is right" or something text)

I got stuck on this level though, I can't seem to find any solution to it... I just slam into the ceiling every time.

I like the idea, although it seems impossible after like 4th day, the tax is just on another level :D

But super fun to play, I'd love to see it polished!

What the hell is that ending :D I wasn't expecting that swarm. Cool idea though, I had a good laugh!

I also had loads of trouble figuring out how to play, but finally beat the game :)

For anyone else wondering - you have to first place the portals with RMB by aiming them at the gray walls, only after you have 2 portals you can start pushing the ball with LMB. There are always 2 portals of the same color - one is shrinking you down, one is making you bigger, depends which one you enter. Enjoy!

I absolutely loved this game. I think this is the most time I spent on the game in this jam. Got to 11 rounds, the required score gets brutal after that :D What's your highscore?

Very nice, I remember playing a similar game back in the primary school times :D

It's sad I had to play alone having no one with me to play with, but still definitely fun! My right hand crushed the left one :)

(1 edit)

I think I flew too far away from the center, because the game crashed on me :D

Interesting concept, I was also thinking about a similar game!

ahhh, unfortunate! :(

Such a cool concept, very addicting! :)

I love such simulation games, fully approved concept! Although the gameplay seems like it has no real target and there's no challenge in conquering other players' bases, it's mostly just a clicking game :D. It's also quite funny that I had 1.5 billion army with 18 million population :)

That's sooo sensory-overwhelming :D I got my 30k and I'm proud of it! don't care about your 1mil :D

I can't get past the menu, is it broken?

Missing .pck file :( unfortunate

I kept losing my guys in mysterious ways. Me being bad at the game is just one of them :D

The art is amazing! I agree it is very Papers please-style like. The ID is very hard to read and some characters are very ambiguous due to which I have to run a scan multiple times before I get it correct.

Once polished, this will be an interesting choice though!

I like your unusual take on the theme too :)

I have zero clue how to play this game :D

Glad you enjoyed! I love the soundtrack too, reminds me of Rimworld for some reason :)


Interesting take. Feels very like an indie game Islanders. Nonetheless, as already has been mentioned, there could be some more guidance to the player, as it's quite play-by-feel (i.e. randomly place blocks and see what happens) right now.

I have zero clue how to play this game honestly =] there's just too much going on right from the start. I would love to be introduced to the mechanics one-by-one and have at least some explanation within the game.

I appreciate the universe you built - seems like a lot of work went into that!