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A member registered Oct 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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I recently participated in my first game jam (OST Comp Jam #7). The submission form for the jam was a bit lengthy, and I was going back and forth between different browser tabs and applications on my computer to reference information. I clicked outside the submission form modal pop-up box and it closed the form altogether and I had to start over completely. This happened twice while I was filling out the form.

This was quite frustrating, but I was able to complete the form. My suggestion is the site should not close those form submissions when clicking outside the modal pop-up box, but instead users should explicitly click the "Close" or "X" button on the form, so they do not lose their information.

And/or if possible, save the form data in the browser state (cookies/session?) so in case the form is closed before submitting, users don't lose all the fields they've already filled out.


I like the mood you set with these tracks, the first one reminds me a bit of Stranger Things. Your sound is pretty unique and I like your percussion sounds a lot. Track two has a groovy bass line, and I feel like your mixing/volume levels are well done too. Good job!

Thank you! Haha true true on the punk chord progression, I intentionally made it super simple at that part just to have fun and keep my sanity. If you liked the combo of orchestral + breakbeats, check out Venetian Snares' albums Rossz Csillag Alatt Született or My Downfall (Original Soundtrack). His stuff is pretty different and out there, but you might appreciate it! Thanks for listening :)

Yoooo this is really cool! I like how the overall sound is like happy and uplifting, but I gotta say the end of Loyal Companion and the whole of Base Camp were my favorites. When the drums come in to make that sort of polyrhythm in Base Camp, and the epic sound at the end of Loyal Companion, nice! I'm a sucker still for prog rock and metal. I also enjoyed your use of different time signatures, refreshing to hear things not in 4/4. You pulled it off well, good job!

Thank you! I missed making intricate electronic drums in that style, glad you liked it!

This is a fun OST, it's unique and fits the sci-fi theme you described. It's kind of eerie and weird in a really good way. I like the drum sounds you used a lot, good job!

Thank you! It was fun to make

This is a gorgeous OST. The sounds to represent confusion took me off-guard, in a good way! I've just started my journey in orchestral composition and aspire to write pieces that sound this nice one day. Small critique: I think the drums in "Gates of Thalassia" could use more reverb and volume, maybe a secondary lower tone to help fill them out more. Great job!

Thank you! That particular odd sound from the Korg I knew from the start I wanted to incorporate. I almost separated this into dedicated songs, but ultimately left it in one for simplicity/time. I've been thinking about exploring each part more fully into dedicated songs later, thank you again!

Thank you so much, you are too kind!

Fantastic! I like the uniqueness of your work. The instrumentation and quality are quite good, it sounds like it belongs exactly in the game you've described!

Nicely done! I think you nailed the Celeste vibes in Inner Dive (Title Screen), love that game! I really enjoyed Forest of Loneliness, it stands out to me the most with the light plucking and soft melody. I actually like the intro to Ocean of Fear a lot too, I think the quick cello lines are interesting and it builds suspense well. My one critique is the lead tones in the first two tracks are a tiny bit harsh, maybe they could use some adjustments to the attack parameter.

Good job, it was pleasant to listen to! Oh, and the last track was a nice little treat (and cool album art too!)

Fun tunes! You put so much work into this, I like that chord progression in the first track, it has a little twist that piques my interest.

Your OST is a lot of fun! I think my favorite track is Blog Cleaning, it really has that "online" feel with the playful synth "blip" sounds. Very creative use of the theme too, truly a unique game idea!

Oh my, the melody really is so similar! It was not my intention but I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s not the first time my subconscious and ears have mimicked other pieces XD 

I did want to put a bit more care into the drum sounds overall, but I ran short on time so they ended up in only a couple tracks with just some few volume adjustments. Mixing in general is a skill I need to develop. Thank you very much for listening and offering the critique and kind words!

Thank you thank you!! I think I’d like to explore each part more in depth later, and perhaps break each into their own song. So glad you liked it! It was (and is) a bit overwhelming to do a jam I’m finding, but I’m so happy I pushed through! Rock and roll!!!!

Thanks! It was a challenge to perform the guitar but I pushed through! Pretty sure my hand was cramping by the end of it xD 

Thank you!! I just tried to have fun while writing this piece, so I’m glad that came across. I love making intricate little drum breaks. Squarepusher and Aphex Twin especially had an impression on me as a teenager, and more recently SabrePulse. :)

Your music is a lot of fun! It’s happy and mostly chill, it reminds me of GameCube and Wii era soundtracks. I can imagine it in a video game very easily, good job!

good stuff. Your sound/instrument selection is nice, I especially like the atmospheric synths you use. I think you have defined a creative sound for yourself. My feedback is I’d like to hear more bass/bottom end tones, it can be subtle still without being overpowering 

Beautiful piece! The chord progressions are lovely, and your use of all the instruments and sounds from the orchestra come together very nicely. You nailed the emotion in the music, love the idea of a lullaby. (Bubble lady gave me a chuckle!) Your volume levels are pretty good too ;)

thanks dude, glad you liked it!

Thank you so much! I completely agree on the mastering, that and mixing EQ I'm a total noob at.  I need to spend some good time improving those skills :)

Keys of Creation and Net Stroll have nice drives with the kick, I could imagine doing some fun 2D platforming to these tunes. Good job!

You pulled off a lot for one day, nicely done! I like the chill atmosphere, and how in depth you thought about correlating your sounds to the theme. Hope your ear is ok!

Yes just the guitar and bass in the soft rock and punk rock parts though. I have a Boss Katana guitar amp which has direct USB to the computer, so no hassling with a mic :)

(1 edit)

Great job! My favorites are Girl Standing in Water and Wild Waters. It's refreshing to hear the experimental off grid take, I know I'm heavily guilty of relying on it too much. I think you have a real knack for both eerie and calm sounds, also excellent guitar playing. And props for going all in on the story!

Thank you! It took many many takes to play the guitar parts correct haha