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A jam submission

Aquatic SpiritsView project page

Submitted by ellio cheerio (@ellioCheerio) — 13 hours, 36 minutes before the deadline
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Aquatic Spirits's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3793.3043.304

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I started with the bassline melody in the soft rock part. Everything else came from that. I played the guitar and bass parts, the intro sound is a microKorg, and everything else is midi in Ableton Live 11. It's a 3D action adventure game where you play as the girl from the picture trying to find and help lost water spirits with various water creatures aid. The tracks span multiple genres but maintain the core theme and mood. The punk rock section in particular I image being a fun fast paced dolphin ride. I decided to keep all parts in one track because I want listeners to hear it as I recorded from start to finish.

The album artwork is done by me, it is an interpretation/fanart of the original theme artwork for the jam by @kawaakar._

Message from the artist
This was my first game jam ever! I got a little consumed with the recording, I haven't tried any serious recording in about 10 years. Thanks for the opportunity!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I tried to think of the emotion I felt from the picture, which is where the bass line melody came from, repeated at the end with the pizzicato strings. From that starting point everything else came, and I got a little too "Inside my (own) world" with the recording. It does jump genres, but I think I did a good job at staying true to the emotion and using a leitmotif.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission


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Nicely done its really hard to mix to many genres and fit everything together I think you did a wonderful job on this part.  Chord progression for the Punk part is missing something or its not moving enough you are only going down, I know its the main progression for previous genre but I think it needs to move in a different pattern. Orchetral sounds is interesting but I think they voicing of the chords and sound needs some work, mixing orchestral with breakbeat is actually insane to think about in the first place but you manage to did it. So yeah mix is pretty decent honnestly with all these diffferent genres its really hard to make everything coherent. Good job !


Thank you! Haha true true on the punk chord progression, I intentionally made it super simple at that part just to have fun and keep my sanity. If you liked the combo of orchestral + breakbeats, check out Venetian Snares' albums Rossz Csillag Alatt Született or My Downfall (Original Soundtrack). His stuff is pretty different and out there, but you might appreciate it! Thanks for listening :)


Cool idea with multiple genres. Really helps to bring the soundtrack to life.


Thank you! It was fun to make


Wonderfully unique composition! First time I’ve heard punk/rock mixed with chiptune and strings - nice work! The electronic drums in the second half are really cool! 


Thank you! I missed making intricate electronic drums in that style, glad you liked it!


The sound of the Korg at the beginning is magnificent, and the transition from the initial chill moment to a darker, more distorted one, culminating in the entry of all instruments, is very well done! A truly beautiful intro. It seems like you created several short tracks and grouped them into one piece; it would be interesting if you could develop and separate them into different tracks, contextualizing their significance within the game. Excellent writing and sound design overall!


Thank you! That particular odd sound from the Korg I knew from the start I wanted to incorporate. I almost separated this into dedicated songs, but ultimately left it in one for simplicity/time. I've been thinking about exploring each part more fully into dedicated songs later, thank you again!


Really calming vibes at the beginning. I was very  relaxed listening and!!

To surprise, combining different kind of sounds AND styles. SIMPLY AMAZING!


Thank you so much, you are too kind!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very unique submission, well done. The pizzicato near the end is a carbon copy of La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf, I have no clue if it's on purpose but it made me smile lol

Maybe the acoustic drums would have needed a bit more care and mix, as it is it sounds very mechanical so the punk rock part sounds a bit cheap to me where it would have been cool to get a really dynamic drum with a heavy mixing!

Very cool overall tho. Great ideas !


Oh my, the melody really is so similar! It was not my intention but I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s not the first time my subconscious and ears have mimicked other pieces XD 

I did want to put a bit more care into the drum sounds overall, but I ran short on time so they ended up in only a couple tracks with just some few volume adjustments. Mixing in general is a skill I need to develop. Thank you very much for listening and offering the critique and kind words!


Oh... gosh.... LOVE ROCK!!!

You did a great job of combining several genres in one track! Listening was exciting, with the anticipation of “what will the author play now?”. And the author surprised everything!

I loved it! Thank you for a fascinating time)

P.S. Very good job for your first jam!


Thank you thank you!! I think I’d like to explore each part more in depth later, and perhaps break each into their own song. So glad you liked it! It was (and is) a bit overwhelming to do a jam I’m finding, but I’m so happy I pushed through! Rock and roll!!!!


I quite liked it! Very impressive that you recorded some of it I don't think I could play the guitar it would hurt my hands too much!


Thanks! It was a challenge to perform the guitar but I pushed through! Pretty sure my hand was cramping by the end of it xD 


This OST is so much fuuuun!!! I really enjoyed listening to it and the production on the drums was sick. Great job!


Thank you!! I just tried to have fun while writing this piece, so I’m glad that came across. I love making intricate little drum breaks. Squarepusher and Aphex Twin especially had an impression on me as a teenager, and more recently SabrePulse. :)


I love how diverse the whole thing is, the breaks, stutters, it's super super interesting to listen to!!

I wish the mastering would be a bit more controlled (I got the same issue too) but otherwise super nice!


Thank you so much! I completely agree on the mastering, that and mixing EQ I'm a total noob at.  I need to spend some good time improving those skills :)


I'm there with you, my submission really lacks a lot of knowledge in mixing and mastering properly! You'll get there for sure, I sure hope I'll get there too at some point!


dude i love how you split this track into separate parts, super unique and made the track really interesting. 


thanks dude, glad you liked it!


Yes, I'd like an all-in-one piece of 6 different genres. What a ride! The transitions are well-executed, and the instruments picking is on point considering the goal. Nice one!


Thank you! It took many many takes to play the guitar parts correct haha


Wait it was live-recorded? Wow!


Yes just the guitar and bass in the soft rock and punk rock parts though. I have a Boss Katana guitar amp which has direct USB to the computer, so no hassling with a mic :)


Very unexpected shifting of gears! I'm a sucker for breakbeats, so the panned and stuttered breaks are a win for me. The transition to the string section works surprisingly well given the pace of what came before it. Good work!


What a cool ride! I especially loved the transition from the soft rock to the punk rock part and the great variety. Congrats!