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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh no! Sorry to hear that. I have come across that bug before but I have not been able to replicate it since, I *think* doing a browser reload should get it back to working order. I'll have to look into what might be causing that bug.

Interesting game, I like the concept but the controls felt a bit clunky and I think I bugged the boss as it stopped giving me time to crouch behind the rock and just instant restarted the day. I did bring the cat with me on all of my attempts, I don't know if that is part of it but he was my little buddy.

Seems I'd make a terrible Homer Simpson! It'd be nice to have an in game clipboard or something as a quick reference on what all the buttons do. I can definitely see this concept being very engaging with more time for polish.

Just say the cows abducted the UFO and call it a feature!

Pretty cool game, I had fun figuring out the puzzles. I had some difficulty with placing blocks where I want them to go or telling exactly where they were in the grid, which was a bit frustrating. Maybe a highlighting system or showing a ghost block before placement would help. Nice work though!

Neat game, I liked the alien ship trying to abduct the cows, guess their anti-grav was on the fritz!

This was really simple and straightfoward fun, though I wasn't a fan of having to reapply the powerups every time I died (which was often). Nice work.

I think the core mechanic could be really interesting if it were fleshed out a bit more and there was some indication of what adjacent tiles might be. Unfortunate you didn't have more time to work on it, but nice work on what you do have.

Fun game! I did seem to get stuck after possessing a red side skeleton, but other than that I enjoyed the puzzles!

You're absolutely right, it was my intention to ease in to the mechanics but time did not allow. I have added a link to the ruleset the game is based off of that is hopefully more informative than my rushed infographic. I'll link it here too for convenience of anyone on this page.  

I appreciate the feedback!

The shield generators will absorb impacts as long as they have at least one charge remaining, though they are vulnerable to direct hits.

Yes, early on the focus should just be on surviving as long as possible and taking out satellites for points to buy upgrades so that you can eventually survive the onslaught and start progressing levels. I suppose that could be indicated better.

(1 edit)

Sure, I had the machine gun, shotgun, and pistol and I was using rolls and slide and bullet time. Im not sure if infinite sliding was intended but I made use of it to get around quickly. It seemed that no matter what I did my health would just get whittled away, dashing in to try and pick up health drops usually ended in a net negative, running away to safety and cover wasn't effective since there was no regen it just seemed to delay the inevitable.


Very cool shooter, I couldn't get past the waves of enemies where all the cars are but I had fun trying. I like the narrative and setting. The art and sfx were great. I think taking damage could be better indicated. Overall a really great submission!


Cool 3D platform puzzler, I got to level 6 and saw the solution but I got too frustrated with the controls. I think the mechanics could be introduced in a more intuitive manner. Really cool graphical style that hit the tower and 1-bit themes well. Good work!


Nice and simple game, just click the circle. I got to 127 before I couldn't take it any more. The background effect was neat. I think it really could have benefited from some music. Great project for a first jam, good work!


A nice platformer with a lot of the classic elements and a few levels to play through. The controls felt good. Dying isn't too punishing. I'd like to have seen some more design choices differentiating it from other platformers but what was there was solid. Good job!


Interesting card battle game, I like the art style, and I really liked the intro story which gave the game a lot of personality. I couldn't get past the two monsters but I blame Ruffus and his curse. Nice job!


Fun platformer with many classic mechanics. Sound and music fit in well, and the art was clean and cohesive. I think the boss could use a little more feedback when taking damage. Nice work!


The grappling hook had a cool mechanic that added some challenge to use optimally, I liked that. The art was good, the music wasn't bad but it got a bit repetitive after awhile. I did encounter a few bugs, I got stuck in the wall several times while grappling, and I fell out of the world in the shop zone. All things considered I think it's a cool game, nice job!

Rated, though I had some issues.

I really like the concept, the music, sfx, and visuals all felt cohesive. I had an issue in the vents, after throwing the grappling hook I could not jump up to reach the rope and sadly could not figure out how to progress. I restarted and tried going to the room further to the right but could not use the grappling hook where it said W/UP. What I was able to see I enjoyed, but the transition between rooms could use some polish I think.


I liked the narrative element a lot, the music and sfx did a great job of setting a forboding ambience.  Good visual style and the mechanics had potential though I'd have liked to have seen more challenge in using them to solve puzzles or aid combat.  Really nice submission, good job!


Really interesting game and well polished. Music and sfx and visual style were all cohesive and contributed to the overall vibe. I think I'd like it if the classes were differentiated a bit more, they felt similar to play. All in all a really great submission, nice work!


I really enjoyed this, clever use of a font asset to get a cohesive visual style. I liked the water animation. Sound and music fit well. Really great job!


Unique submission, I liked the different units and it was fun watching things collide. Unfortunate that there is no audio. I think some more feedback like damage numbers or health bars would make choices feel more impactful. Overall nice job!


I liked how this was just one mechanic and timing, the jumps being offset with the traps added some variance. Nice submission!
