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A member registered Mar 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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That game is too short! I want to mine mooooore! :D actually pretty fun 

Thanks for Playing! 

Thanks a lot! 

Very cool retro style. absolutly on point in he graphics part. I think the game is a little to hard and punishing especially for a jam game where peoples attention span per game is rather small. (had to learn that for my own game :D ) 

The shooting/aiming took a little to get used to but thats part of the retro style which fits the rest of the game, so thats fine. Overall i had a lot of fun!

wow thanks a lot for that feedback. Realy happy to hear you liked it!

Thank you for playing and the constructive feedback! 

Very cool art, Unfortunatly the game lags on my system. Not sure why, coudln't realy test it because of the lag.

You hit the theme pretty well with this one. Super fun to get stronger and stronger but at the same time know - this is my enemie soon. That also made it a little punishing, you want to become stronger but at the same time you don't want to become too strong so you can't defeat your old self.

it would have helped to know what each potion does. I just collected them randomly but i guess each color does something specific. also maybe it would be cool to see my current "stats" like attack speed and number of projectiles i fire.

Overall i had a lot of fun with this one!

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for playing! Loved to get live feedback on your stream!

Very cool concept. I could imagine this beeing appended on with more complexity, 

What a cute platformer. I usually not the biggest fan of stressful platformers but I wanted to see what the next evolution looks like so i keeped pushing

 It was little frustrating to play for me. But i enjoyed the artstyle and just kept trying for a while

What a gem. something completly different and i had more than 1 laugh playing it. Iam not sure if i finished it or encountered a bug. But after handing in the gems to the rabbit i got a black screen and nothing happened. 

Anyway great entry.

Theme on point but it lags a little content i guess :D The base idea is great

Realy cool game, if it only had more bosses. i see great potential in this game. I think the fundamental basics are already pretty good. I would have killed some more bossess if it had more, keep it up!

Thanks a lot! Realy appreciate the feedback

Liked the simple controls. Reminded me of getting over it or Jump king - but way easier :D 

Hitting the hook just perfect could realy generate a lot of momentum which was super fun. 

Realy cool concept

Greate Graphics and relaxing sound. 

The gameplay was the weakpoint for me. The "waiting" before moving kicks in was the reason for most of my deaths. All in all very well done game but didn't hit the theme for me.

Thanks for the reply! I agree with the UI missing. I wanted to include much more UI and a time aswell that shows at the end of all levels. I just ran out of time. Happy to hear oyou liked it :)

Very cool twist on a platformer. The jump sound was a little annoying :D

I think it fits the theme pretty good

(4 edits)

I think i need help here, i can't even jump over the first branch. I tryed now over 20 times i just die every time :D is there any trick to it?

EDIT: Jus found out, yes there is a trick. you can jump multiple times while in the air

The Waterdrop looks pretty cool but the game is pretty hard and punishing. Iam not sure if there are any checkpoints but even after 3 min of suriving i didn't find a checkpoint and just restarted the entire game :D I think it is a good game and a different twist with the sliding mechanic compared to other platormers. but it's to hard for my taste without checkpoints.

Cool Visual pleasing platformer. I realy like the idea of the Player emitting light and casting shadows around it. Only took me 35 deaths to complet ("only" lol).

Interesting twist of the puzzle game. Good Background music and creative solutions for the levels. The only part i thought was a little confusing was the controls. The twisted camera angle made it sometimes  a little hard/weird. Moved in the wrong direction sometimes. Well done overall

Thanks for the feedback, i should have made my hint system better. Currently after 100 seconds you get a hint if you can't finish a level. 

Very cool graphics imo. SFX where also good but the background music should not restart every time a new level is loaded. 

Game is not working for me, i can't press "start". any idea how to make it run?

Thanks for the feedback. I have to admit the controls are not the best part of the game (but maybe should be, considdering a lot of it is a platformer).

In Level 3 there is hidden (second) finish point below the bridge. In that level you don't die from falling in the red pit. After 100 seconds you will get a hint in some levels that helps you finish the level. But i understand that the level design can get frustrating. Very valueable feedback for me.

Super cool art style. and cute little story. Realy enjoyed the calm and relaxing vipe of the game.

Thanks a lot! I'll check your game out aswell

Thats a pretty cool idea and a gr8 base for a realy fun game. Unfortunatly all my fox always died out even tho i had 50+ rabbits to eat. But The base idea is super cool and you have already a lot of important features in place.

The Camera handling worked nice.

Rabbits AI was already smart enough.

Attaching the camera to an idividual animal an following it around was even a thing (very detail that you implemented this).

I could see a game like this beeing polished and released.

I love the Fox and Rabbit design. Super cute. it get repetitive a little to fast in terms of replay abbility but the idea is cool

(1 edit)

Very cool one. Realy enjoyed figuring out how to solve this. 

Was wondering if i missed any hidden easter egg? The dude talking about his spider seemed odd, was there more to it?

Amazing artstyle! Grabling hook was realy fun to use even tho it took me a view minutes to get used to it. 

wow thanks a lot for that amazing feedack. I totaly agree on the controls part. I did not invest enough time to make it more smooth. Thanks for the tips especially the FOV part is very true. I knew something is off but couln't point my finger on it. I will check your game out and leave you a review later today.

Fits the theme very well. Very cool idea

Very unique idea. Takes a little at the beginning to get the vegetable going but once you connected some ressouces it's starts to pop off

Always good to find something different! you realy got creative with the characters. I liked my  24 years old pizza delivery guy, he was zooming to deliver the pizza but got stapped in the end. i guess someone realy liked pizza.

I played this longer than I maybe should have. god damn i suck at platformers :D I think the  power ups i reached felt very good to get. The dash was cool. It didn't fit the theme but it was a game with a main menu, sound settings and overall a playable expierience which is already a great archivement. Keep it up!

Cool idea and the "placing a new building" mechanic felt realy sadisfying