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Didn't ever play this genre, have to say that was pretty fun, around night 5 I felt like that's too easy and repetitive and I almost quit, but decided to try few more nights, and then I got my ass handed to me by night 10 xD.

I think this game can be really addictive if polished and taken to a good direction, I loved the art and the monster theme, few minor things that bothered me:

1. I feel like there isn't enough indication to the user that a drink was served, there is a "sliding cup" sound but it very faint and when you place two drinks really quick the sound is played once, so I think there should be a more noticeable sfx maybe so lines for the monsters like "its about time" or something like that, and a better visual indication then the progress bar changing color and resetting

2. the progress bars color blend too well with the red color of the bar and its quite easy to miss or think you have red bars when you don't have them, maybe an outline to the bars?  

3.  I wish I had another way to survive then rely only on choosing the attack damage or the health damage upgrade, meaning I  wish there was a place to use my skills as a player somehow

overall very polished, fun and addictive, a lot of potential definitely a top contender :)

I'm really glad you liked the alchemy system, this took me the longest to complete and I'll definitely keep doing interesting things with it, I'll also consider changing to waves instead of an endless wave vampire survivor style, but I'm still not sure.

I'm glad all see the same issues, but mad at my stupid mistakes and bugs I created, everything will be handled.

anyway thanks for taking the time to test the game and the detailed feedback <3

best thing about the game is the name :P

jk, I really liked the are and the atmosphere, my main issue is that the game feels really dead due to lack of FX and indicators to the user like health bards and hit animations, also the character animation feels a bit stiff but maybe that's just me I'm not an artist :p

overall good potential for this game , you should continue developing this <3

I'll check it again later with you instructions <3

I really liked the art, audio and the eerie atmosphere overall, I feel like there is a great potential here but I gotta be honest I felt like I didn't get what to do I roamed the map interacted where I could shot the monster,pressed tab and nothing happened, so not sure maybe I missed something.

anyway great job, definitely keep developing this!

some bugs:

1. There are places where you get get off map between the buildings

2. when you walk on the stairs the character behaves weirdly

3. when you move the camera the character is blurred but I feel like its a unity thing because I saw this in another 3d unity project.

well done <3

Ok, this is the first time I'm playing this genre and this was so cool, your game was so polished I can't believe you made it in two weeks, goddammit!

you implemented the theme of the jam very well.

the art style was so unique and the eerie atmosphere matched it perfectly, some things that bothered me(some of them subjective so they might not be relevant):

1. the "conversation" audio was really cool the first few times I heard it, but then it really got on my nerves since it more or less the same sound all the time, so some variance to that would be awesome

2. I really don't like reading a lot of text or waiting for animations to finish, some like it, but I really tried sometimes to spam the mouse to just make it finish faster(especially when I get the options in the chests)

3. I felt the gameplay was a bit repetitive and i got like 5 special cards after only 2 battles and I didn't even need to use them to win

overall this is the type of game that makes me feel bad about mine, and I think this has a lot of potential and a very good chance to win this!

I really appreciate the time you spent playing and giving me such a detailed feedback, your feedback is the best I got since I actually learned something so thanks for that <3

I will definitely implement some of you suggestions, and I'll handle the issues in the next version, thanks again you rock <3

thanks for the kind words and the feedback, yea the upgrade issue is a major issue and a bummer, I'll handle this in the next version thanks again <3!

really cool concept and implementation of the theme!

gameplay is fun the and jump pads are very satisfying, there are some bugs I encountered where I got stuck between rocks and couldn't move, and where I just climbed a rock and got teleported back to the starting place, that was pretty annoying.

I also feel you could have made the atmosphere more menacing and dark and that would go well with the audio track, also I don't know if that intentional but the character is a bit blurred when jumping.

when you press continue I think i get someone else's progress, since I played for the first time.

overall I really liked it and I feel like there is a lot of potential here for a cool game, consider adding a time element like something chasing you (creature or a toxic gas or something)

ok, thanks for the feedback

holy shit dude!

 I don't even know what happens after 4 minutes how did you survive this long? does it just get easy once you have many collisions?

currently the game is endless, but I need to think what direction I will take with this game

thanks for the feedback that really helps and I will def fix the issues you pointed out <3

Thanks for playing and for the important feedback, I will definitely take you comments into consideration in the next build <3 

good work for 2 weeks, some feedback i can offer,(i know you had time constraints):

1. sound are pretty repetitive, try to add some variance

2. the bullets feel really slow, the enemy is very nerfed

3. you got to add some feedback to hits like animation or flashing

4.  there's a strong light reflected from the gun but there is not light to justify that like a sun or something, maybe is the light you use as flash light.

5.  I ran out of ammo and no idea where to get more

6. a creepy sound track would really elevate this game

overall good direction, you can polish this to something very fun <3

thanks, the whole strategy is that you need to combine guardians and bolt to create elemental collisions, but yea I need to polish and balance this, again thanks for the feedback really appreciate it mate <3

ok, like many said and I'm sure you know, this is not fully cooked, but I really dig the art style! and I think killing mobs would be really fun once you add feedback sfx, animations and health bars <3

keep working on this please!

amazing implementation of the theme!

the gameplay is really fun and I don't like puzzle games, so that means something!

some feedback:

1. I feel like the art is too blurry, i dont know if thats because you didnt change filter to "closest" or because you tried to draw shadows

2. there are too many elements on a small screen, I think a quick fix is just to make the viewport larger

3. I think the level names should have their own screen and then transition to the level it self, becuase right now its jumbles together with level and creates a mess.

overall amazing concept, you should keep working on it, and you might even wanna think about releasing on mobile as well that would be perfect for this :)

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thanks for playing <3, 

some questions for future versions:

1.  do you think the rotating "shadows" are distracting?

2. do you think there is too much audio effects? I got a feedback when you kill a lot of zombies its beginning to sound like static noise

I was afraid of this, since you really need to press the mouse intensely, I will definitely balance that, in the future you wont need to click so much, the game is very hardcore right now, the pacing isn't good, anyway thanks for the good feedback and playing the game <3

Ok first of all that's insane for a 2 week jam, great art and very good implementation of the theme!

now some feedback:

1. I personally didn't like the turn base movement, I feel this could work better with regular movement, and I felt the the controlling system with the 8 directions is very annoying.

2. I feel that if you wanna keep it tile based maybe the use of mouse to select where to move or attack might be better.

3. you need to add feedback sfx and animations to the mob attacking asap, i know its probably because of the time constraints and because you made a FCKING MMO for a game jam, but you gotta fix that asap I feel like I'm attacking air

also what backend you use for the sever/s? everything feels real smooth!

well fcking done dude you're putting us all to shame :(

holy shit that's intense xD

i really like the concept and the implementation of the theme, very original, also the main menu is sick and the character waving hair :O

you should keep working on this, well done!

really cool concept, great implementation of the theme, you got something here, few feedbacks to help:

1.  some animations to the player would really brought this home, but I understand the time constraints

2. sometimes I can kill the mobs without any threat, they just don't detect me and I use the shadow to kill them 

3. something feels a bit awkward with the key combination  + the mouse, a lot of times the attack didn't work for me, also some indication for cooldown might be good like a disabled sfx 

overall really cool concept and keep at it! well done <3

Thanks for the kind words, yea I want to kill myself that's a major bug...

really cool physics based puzzle game I had fun, several feedbacks:

1. once you get the shuriken you don't really need the character anymore since you can solve everything without it, at least I managed to.

2.  I think the shadows are exaggerated a bit I really squinted my eyes to try and see the falling objects in the darkness

overall really fun game, with a lot of potential for a fun casual game, really good for mobile if you remove the character, well done!

very cool and fun concept and use of alchemy,nice menu and audio, some feedback:

1. something is too saturated for me in this game too many colors but maybe thats just me

2.  the arena in 4p is too far from my sigil or whatever it called so i need to constantly go a lot to see whats happening

3. I would maybe allow the camera to be moved without moving the player

4. I don't have an indication what is the result of the ingredients im combining, or i missed it

in summary this has high potential just needs to be polished! well done :)

i love the art, not really my type of game, since it has too much text for my taste, but very clever use of the theme and great implementation

I like it! cute are, cute casual game and really fits the theme!

 seems a bit slow in the transitions, and missing sound like drums or something before finding out if you passed and failed, also after like 10 times it gets repetitive and easy, but i'm sure you can work on that and make it better!

Love the art style and the sound design, very original idea and implementation of the theme, well done!

Art  and UI is supreme! the pause menu is something out of this world! I personally don't like this genre but and I don't like to read texts in the game I wish there was an options to skip or just displayer the text right away instead of waiting for the animation to finish, all in all really polished game for 2 weeks! amazing work

This review really puts some wind in my sails, glad you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback I will definitely consider changing the camera zoom level

Thanks ryan really appreciate the feedback, I definitely need to balance this game, and had more ideas to include the players sword in the alchemy and upgrade system, but I developed this solo and the time ran out😵‍💫

Thanks 🙏 🙏 

Yeah this might be too intense with the clicking, but later you will be able to upgrade the sword as well, I definitely need to balance the game, thanks for the feedback this really helps ❤️

Thank you for the detailed feedback this helps a lot! No doubt this game needs balancing 💪 💪 

really cool vibe and concept!

I know the genre is quite common, I planned adding more interesting upgrades, especially more abilities to the player cursor that will create interesting interactions with the tower abilities, but the alchemy system took too much time, had to make compromises xD 

anyway thanks for playing and the feedback <3

Thanks for playing and for the feedback,really appreciate it!

 yeah I know what you mean and i'll definitely fix that, and i'll be sure to keep developing this to a full well polished game 😁 

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That's amazing! i planned on adding upgrades to the players sword as well, but the alchemy system took too much time,but i'll definitely continue and add that in future versions!

Thanks for taking the time to play my game ❤️ 🙏 🙏 

Thank you so much for trying the game, I'll definitely handle this in a future version!

we all need some sleep to charge for the next game jam :)))

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Hi,Your assets look great! can you maybe create a fairly priced bundle of all the shadow mobs you have in your page?