If you check my profile you may notice that my past 30+ games have all been deleted from my account. Some silly goose (a maniac that belongs in an insane asylum) got into my account and deleted EVERY SINGLE game I have ever published to my account. Fortunately, I have all these games saved on a USB so I still have them. Unfortunately, it would be an incredibly grueling task to go through all 30+ games and reupload them with their screenshots, descriptions, etc. While it is nice I still have access to the games, it definitely sucks to see over 2 years of games, feedback, and videos stripped away so quickly.
This, however, does NOT mean I am going to give up. This is just a minor set back in my game dev career. In the future, when I'm telling people about my game dev journey, this will be one of those moments in the story where the character gets knocked down but keeps going. All I can ask from you guys is to continue to give me support and feedback as I rebuild everything. From the crazy success from Late Night TV, I'm sure I can come back swinging with games for you all to love. Thanks for everything and see you soon.
Update #1: I see many people saying to contact support. I have done so and am really hoping there have some sort of archive or backups of my games. Some good news: I have found a archive on the WAYBACK MACHINE that has archived some of my games. I may try to bring all my games back by copying the descriptions, page layouts, and screenshots through there if I am unable to get something worked out with Itch support. If you would like to check the archive yourself, the link is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230703142040/https://goosestranger.itch.io/