Gather unknown signals from deep, silent space · By
I love the new base, the basement had me on edge the first time I went down it was great! I love the new garage location and what you've done with the stair case to create the same unease as the old hole did but I do have some feedback; most is immersion related. (I do draw comparisons to the old base but I still prefer this new one) I did write a lot so I've boldened parts to it can be skimmed.
(Non-base related)
The (removal of) ATV Knockdown - The game had an incredible piece of emergent gameplay, I hope it can return and I hope I can find a way to do it justice in text. It has to do with how pursuits play out and how the game's systems played into them to make for a high tension and immersive experience. The ATV came with a great risk/reward feature. This came partially from being able to knock yourself off the ATV, partially from the environment we're driving it in, and partially from the lack of damage we'd take from these collisions. The bottom of it is, the forest is treacherous so when navigating normally you have take your time to get between trees. When you're being pursued it created this emergent gameplay I love: "Do I take it slow and safe, risking the thing catching up but staying on the ATV or Do I try and boost to escape losing maneuverability and risking hitting a tree". Hitting a tree became a punishment in the place damage typically takes and created an incredible horror experience with frantic re-orientation and split second decision making if you did collide with something. By extension this lead to moments of "Do I try and find my ATV or do I run and hope I'm fast enough" ATV knockdowns made you vulnerable, it was exhilarating and felt like a natural world interaction. I miss the ATV knockdown and I hope it's revisited. It managed to create the game equivalent of a protagonist tripping during a chase in a horror movie with all the excitement and frustration you'd expect but I think overall contributed to a positive horror experience. I do also hope that if it's revisited that the player doesn't take damage from the collision, as the chase between you and the entities should be the stars of those scenarios, the knockdown is punishment enough.
(Base Related)
Kitchen Cabinet Doors - I think they're an unnecessary interaction cost for the player. I don't know if it's a design choice to be tied into a future event but I think the swinging doors should be used a little more conservatively. Their awkwardness takes out you of it, but I do very much love the physicality of storing items in the gameworld so it would be nice even if they just became open shelves. It obviously isn't realistic, but I think a gameworld that feels natural to interact with physically creates a much more immersive experience than a 1:1 realistic one.
Room Separation/Overall Size - I hope we get a little more space in commonly used areas of the base for customization. One of the greatest strengths of the original was the large open rooms (both the bedroom and the terminal room). I loved using the furniture to create my own areas within it (the pre-existing walls helped with that as well). I had a corner with the corkboard and printer to document sightings, I had a corner dedicated to hard drives, and just a decorative corner as well and my room was decked out with things I'd found or other decorations You could tailor the space to how you were playing the game and none of it was a hassle to interact with because it was right there in the same room (Corkboard for example. It didn't matter if an event trashed that space, since it was right beside the main terminals I was more than happy to reconfigure or restore it while waiting on signals same with the bedroom). The new base is a lot bigger but it's very segmented and it's largest area (the hallways) I can see serving a gameplay purpose for events but we've lost a lot of practical player useability (and the larger base makes it more of a chore to fix things in other rooms). We've lost a lot of space in high traffic areas to customize and it's a bit of a bummer. Now it might seems silly to be talking like this about customization but it does play a big role in the horror aspect. You make the base your own, it creates a false sense of security as you create a 'safe' feeling space for yourself. It really lets you pull the rug from under the player when events occur in the base or something happens within it while they're out of the base.
Decal Vents - it sounds weird but, they take me out of the game. Decals are used throughout to add more detail but I think a good strength of the old base's bare minimum design was pretty much every detail (minus the floor drains) were physically there in some way. This is great for the horror, because it doesn't matter if the vents were tied to any events; just the fact that they were there and the idea that maybe some monster could use them added to a sense of paranoia in the base. It also just adds a layer of physicality to the base, selling the player on the idea that it is a tangible place that you're in and immerses you. The 2D vent decals just yell "Hey, don't forget this is a game world!"
These are a bit of small nit picks but I don't know the intentions for the design so really don't want make a concrete judgement on the base as a whole. Overall the base feels less natural to interact with, the larger base and new rooms I think open up great opportunity for future events within the base. I do find the overall size of the base paired detrimental to the (in-game) day-to-day experiences of the player, just because of the much higher interaction cost to do anything within it now. It really seems just to open up design questions for the base. a large base is great for longer events, but are they frequent enough to justify the size? Does the larger size events/mystery outweigh the associated player fatigue from the higher interaction costs to play within it? What's the balance between physically simulated gameworld interactions, game performance and realism?
I really hope you don't take any of this as being overly critical. I feel the need to stress that you've managed to make a game that I can simultaneously jump fling myself off mountains and towers unscathed not only immersive but also incredibly scary. The way you blur the line between the game and it's world and interconnected them in the horror has really lead to a one of the kind horror experience.
Please tell me that inventory system is going to be improved?
Hotkeys are very clunky and I constantly forget the key combinations. Would be a lot more intuitive if just selecting the item put it into your hands instead of having to frustratingly try to hit that key combination to put the item back into the inventory when I want to switch. Drop can be its own button.
Reduce the amount of buttons needed to the bare minimum.
It is quality of life issues like this that can make people quit already at the tutorial.
Love the game. Runs smooth except in the rare cases of events making changes causing minimal skips for a few seconds. My biggest request is to have a return feature for the remote drone when you press the green return button. Like modern drones that return to point of launch. Otherwise there's lots to do.
I do find my-self a little lost on what to do from time to time. I try not to search up hints in efforts to avoid spoilers.
I'm in love with this game though and the subtleties of non-major events.
Definitely avoid the forums if you do not want secrets ruined, there's so many casual spoilers here.
Simply doing your job and exploring and playing with all the toys in the shop and world in your off time will get you most of the interesting secrets and events- there is a huge amount of easter eggs that you likely won't find without SOME internet browsing but they are mostly easter eggs/silly memes and references, nothing important. The only tip I would give you for weird secrets you can figure out yourself but need a pointer for even thinking to try is that the tutorial is bigger than you think.
SPOILERS for a pretty big event below, beware.
The event where the hole gets opened up is very cool, but the requirements to make it end are very specific and not intuitive. Approaching the hole seems to be discouraged, as the little machines shoot at you, but in order to end the event you have to basically get right up on the hole (and do nothing but look at it?). I had to look for a solution, because at the time I had already viewed the hole on the camera and flown a remote drown all the way to the bottom of the hole. I did not think there was anything to gain by going to it in person besides potentially getting killed and losing the event.
I gained interest in this game by watching a friend play it. It took some getting used to as far as controlling goes. That seems to be the only issue I had to get into it. The tutorial was fine, just my concept of how to manipulate and work within the confines of the engine was a bit of a curve ball, but once I got passed that, the gameplay loop is hella addicting. I played it for hours and hours, and I'm up to the point of just after the big square coming by if you know what I mean. I'm by no means done, as I've just started mining bitcoin farming for credits to customize and change my base.
One thing I have an issue with is remembering where everything is. Yes there is a digital map you can buy, but it won't work while riding the quad and it takes up a bit of space early game. I found myself either struggling with batteries, then struggling to remember I charged, then remembering where things are. sv.target is a great early game feature, but I find it incredibly difficult to stay on target while riding the atv and using the digital map. I can't seem to figure out how to nail the digital map to the atv properly. It either spins or makes a bunch of noise. Another issue I have is using nails/axle nails seem to dettach from wherever they're nailed when you reload the map. (Save, close, comeback later) So, I feel kinda defeated if I used a bunch of nails cosmetically in the base for nailing things to walls or other objects. I would definitely love if you could save the "attached" state as well as their position, because it seems to save their position just fine when it loads in.
If you could posibly fix that and maybe have an ATV upgrade path to have it's own HUD map on the dash, or a purchable item, like "Smart glasses" that provide a minimap in the top of the screen, would be great. Could even add something like when you look at a satellite it has an overhead display of "A - X" or "T0-2"
I even thought of just setting up a pathway of glowsticks to show me the way to all the transformers instead of having to stop and sv.target'ing anotherone is fine in the beginning, just wish progressively the loops becomes easier and then I can focus on the rest of the game instead of always being caught up in annoying busywork. Yes it is important to gameplay initially, but late game, I don't see it as important. Right?
I think a nice change would be making the drive rack vertical, and pulling out a drive from the rack will hold it instead to avoid the issue of it shooting back into the rack. Another nice QOL; Holding a drive allows you to left click for interactions - Inserting a drive into the console, placing a drive into a rack/box.
My masterpiece example of the VDR™ made in Paint.
First time playing the game and I am loving it so far. The gameplay loop is very rewarding when completing tasks successfully, seeing my money go up gets me exited to buy upgrades so that I can do tasks faster so that I can get more money and buy more upgrades. I got to congratulate you MrDrNose for creating a survival horror game that actually has a fun gameplay loop. Most horror games I’ve played feel more like an interactive movie, this feels like a proper game.
Everything is very good! (Only I have problems with optimization, but this is because my computer is crap)
Could you add something like weight gain? For example, if a character who is already 100% hungry for some reason eats more, then over time he slows down and can carry less things (because he already carries some “weight”), because the game at the moment simply writes “I’m not hungry right now,” I would like some kind of punishment for players who continue to press EEEEEEE when completely full
mrdrnose, i know there is almost no way of this happening but i figured i would shoot my shot, is there any way i could do a few voice lines for the character (mainly falling grunts or hurt noises), I'm not a voice actor, but i love the game and thought it would be cool to at least try and ask. just as like a temporary thing, i always loved the game and even if its only in an old version i would love to be a small part of it.
I really like the game and I'm looking forward to the next versions with new content! But it seems to me that something stands out a little from the general process where the player does most of the actions manually - upgrades of radar, sensor, modules, etc. which are currently just bought for points in a separate menu. It might be more interesting if hardware upgrades could be bought in a store and installed on their own. For example, at the beginning of the game, give the player only a few servers, and he must buy the rest in the store and connect them himself in the server room. Or change the boards in the radar, connect solar panels to the ATV, and so on.
it is very funny to respond to 'the game feels like work' by telling somebody to focus on the excessive amount of garbage in the base
that said, while the daily tasks offer a lot of credits, they aren't mandatory (and the X drives daily becomes trivial once you have some download, detector, & processing upgrades)
it's also worth using the hash code driving time to do some exploring! if you route your dishes so you're taking the shortest path, you'll have plenty of spare time to find some really cool stuff around all those dishes.
head out in the morning, get the codes, and return when it gets dark or when you feel like it!
I know this may be difficult to pull off, but is there a way to get this game working on MacOS devices? I'm stuck with a 2019 Mac due to a certain choice my parents made, not the biggest fan due to how limited I am to certain games. I love this game just from the videos I've seen on it, and I would love to play it someday. It would mean a lot if this was compatible with MacOS.
After having complete story, and gone to infinite mode. I was hoping for more events to happen in infinite. Though I know story is meant to have the most content, I would like to see more ported or happen to infinite. It can get pretty stale when not a lot is going on. Also a fix for trash getting stuck in walls. Had a metal can escape under the floor and had to turn off "Physics impact props" (I think it was called ?) cause there was a metal can stuck in the floor constantly banging. Tried everything I could, including a glitch to get under the base (which I actually appreciate since sometimes stuff like Kerfur or plugs get stuck under the base and that's the only way to get them out). But even with that glitch, I couldn't reach the specific piece of trash. And I like having the setting on so I can break stuff and hear things getting hit.
Besides those things, this game is one of the MOST amazing indie games I've played, and I only provide this feedback as to further help development so the game can be the best it can be. It's so good in fact, I showed it to my close friends. Every single one of them downloaded it, and played it for hours, and hours. I plan on donating eventually when I have the extra funds, but will be more than happy to purchase this from Steam when the time comes.
P.S. In the like far future (or whenever possible, if possible), after a lot has been done. I would LOVE to see a desert map, similar to Signal Simulator. I think this games love, passion and mechanics mixed with a Nevada / Arizona base aesthetic would be perfect. And plus, Signal Simulator is a dead game, otherwise I would try that. But it's just not worth it.
Hey i just got the game and love it! however I've been having issues locating the satellite dishes when wondering the surrounding forest and thought of a way to implement a G.P.S. system:
mobile map making it easy to find dishes + base when exploring
requires active satellite dishes (inactive dishes creates "dead zones")
only shows approximate location (a circle around the player moving around the player)
can't be used to pin/waypoint points of interest
requires batteries in order to work
expensive to buy
if you want to add to the anomalies in the game you could also add one that effects the G.P.S. either harming, breaking, or jamming the player/G.P.S.
just my thoughts on an issue i seem to have other than that love the game and i hope you have fun making the game!
Bug Report.
Thank you a lot for the game!
Bug Report.
Thank you a lot for the game!
first one is usually caused by a roach nest or prop getting under the fridge, you can still move the fridge with the broom
You push/pull harder if you move in the direction while doing so, and where you "grab" the prop matters, it actually attempts to pivot around where you started the grab, not the center of mass of the object. You can also hold sprint, then grab, and it will push even harder but it will try to prevent the prop rotating, more useful for pushing tables and such.
And for plugs falling through the floor and getting stuck through walls and such, there is a button on wired machines near where the wire comes out to reset the plug location
Overall I like this a lot. I'd like to know (and this may be too early in development to tell) if there could be any console ports down the road (I'm mostly saying this because I don't have the greatest of laptops out there). But if so, is the Switch one of them? if not it's fine, I'm just wondering. :)
I'm not sure how other people feel on this since i've never interacted with the community, but the entire trash/dirt clean up feels like more of a chore than literally anything else in the game. For me atleast, it makes the game unplayable. I love games like House Flipper but when I want funny signal game, I rather not spend my first few days of playing cleaning up trash (irl days). A setting, mode, or even a cheat to just have the entire base clean at start up would be incredibly nice, as I can't stand the dirty base
Ребята разработчики добрый день! Сделайте пожалуйста текст на экранах внутриигровых мониторов чётким и читаемым независимо от разрешения экрана, выставленного в настройках в параметрах рендеринга. На слабых компах вместе с общей картинкой мылятся и надписи, читать невозможно просто - приходится пользоваться приближением. Причем, приближение не работает, когда ты сидишь непосредственно за устройством - приходится из-за него вставать, читать с приближением, а потом садиться для взаимодействия - крайне неудобная штука. Пока ничего более критичного не нашел, в целом, игра уже очень нравится :)
(sorry for the long post)
Hello MrDrNose I don't know if anybody has asked this yet but what about the idea of adding guns to the game I understand if you don't want to make it that kind of game and want to keep guns out of it. I remember the previous base having a pack of bullets that you could find but during my time in the old base I never found a single gun but if you ever had the idea I have some details I think you might like
I don't know what uses these guns would have yet as there is not many entities that will attack you outright (at least none that I've found yet) possibly for hunting if deer or other animals are added or an extra layer of protection the player might feel from them even if they do no damage to entities.
and thank you MrDrNose for this wonderful game
I loved the game. Like a lot!
It was my first time playing on this version of the game and I am happy that it was.
However, my biggest gripe with this pre-alpha is that the "end" achievement should appear earlier. Some late story based events could have closed this one off, but instead I felt dragged over uneventful days before getting the achievement.
Other thing is physics bugging out so much making us loose certain items, or have them become unusable. Those are necessary to fix.
Thirdly, and this is a bit nitpicky, the nature of some moonlogics of the game make exploring its secrets not that fun. The internet will always provide the necessary steps to explore the game 100%, but would be nice for many mysterious activatable elements to be 1st, worth it. And 2nd, be interacted with in more than 1 way. The game is pretty much an Immersive Sim, and would like to see you incorporate the mindset of an Immersive Sim game to some of these secrets and elements. It would make more players find more ways and discover more things in the game world without the use of the internet. An example is the locked Bunker. If that card gets shoved out of view, you hardcoded a solution where it teleports on top. Not good at all and is really a bad solution. Make it possible to enter the bunker in more ways.
I've sunk countless hours in this game, but I'm just sick of it now after this update. It's the transformers, solely. I have a huge handicap when it comes to finding my way to things and especially finding my way back, but with the satellites, I could manage. But having the transformers drain this insanely fast and having to practically every day go check EACH one to find the SPECIFIC one that's running out of power and then find my way back is a nightmare.
I've used the map, I've used beacons, it doesn't matter, it's still a nightmare. The transformers power drains way too fast, and it's taking me so long to find a specific one and reset it all the time that I only have time to do my dailies and can't do signal hunting anymore, the most enjoyable part of the game for me that isn't the cool spooky events.
I also ran into a bug where all three transformers were reset and at 100 yet one of them was still marked at 9% power and it drove me insane lol, it was the last straw for me. In a future update, please consider making transformers less punitive, the power lines more visible, and maybe a way to differentiate the three so I know which power line to follow in the first place, they are just far too time consuming and frustrating at the moment
there’s a command you can input at any terminal that will pull up the transformer status. Type :
- and it will tell you the percentages of each transformer, listed as tr_0, tr_1 and tr_2. You can then target them the same way you target satellites, so for example you would type :
sv.target tr_1
-to make the compass point towards tr_1.
Hope that helps!
I already use tr.check a ton but I didn't know you could target them like satellites, that should help a ton, thank you! I also downloaded a mod that makes the digital map slightly better, especially since it turns the player dot into a player arrow which shows which direction you're facing.
My feedback still holds though, maybe having them show on the digital map / on a map inside the base to show which one is which number would help? I can only assume that's planned already tho
this is the first version i've played, up to day 44, really good, just two things:
is saving ever going to be made functional during certain events, especially when the danger isn't actually nearby? it is incredibly frustrating to do a lot of work on the base, see that an autosave failed, and have to make the choice whether to engage *at all* with whatever's going on or just hide and ignore it so that you don't get killed and lose work
like, the way save disabling currently works encourages some really degenerate gameplay where you DON'T interact with events at *all costs* if you've been spending the downtime actually doing something and see a failed autosave. and while only a few events *can* kill you, the ones that do can really set you back in these cases and there's no clear way to tell without spoiling yourself, or to prepare for it because that null error is your only warning. this is very bad for a game where these are the most interesting and unique things that happen.
also please put the transformers on the maps or something lmao it was incredibly unclear if they even existed when i first dropped into story.
there's no clear indication of where they are in relation to anything else so unless you put some serious legwork into writing down their positions using the digital map/driving around the nearby dishes, routing between them is just pointlessly hard.
Just want to say thank you to the dev ( I think there is one for design and one for coding, and of course one for music) for this fantastic game. You helped me slack and decompress in my last semester of college and this game helped me through it. I started with version 0.7 and the few bugs I did encounter I am sure the dev is already aware of. This is a hidden gem and I have been recommending it to all my friends. I love the radiant and random events that could happen and not knowing if I was bugged or if there was something else going on always kept me on my toes. I love the structure of gathering signals, fixing towers, collecting hash codes, processing, and sending signals to buy more junk to clutter my workspace. This game just feels good. I am very excited to see an over-arching story mode where the story events start to make more sense and have more meaning and I am just so excited to see what Mrdrnose has cooking up for this game. There is so much potential and I am so selfish I can't wait for the next update I need it NOW lol. Thanks again to the devs I hope you get the recognition (and cash money $$$) you deserve for this project. 07
Still enjoying this update, the base, and its secrets.
also I began picking up Blender and am looking at 3d game engines. I will safely blame mrdrnose for any games I make that are in 3d because inspiration is a deadly thing. Curse you for making such a good game. XP
seriously though, thanks for the game, it's been my go to relax (and get spooked) game for like a year now. I am so excited to see where this goes and can imagine the final version will blow us away.
Love the game, for the people with potatoes, would it be possible to somehow render text at higher res than everything else? Wanted to play at lowest at 60% 720p, but the the text is unreadable :(
If you were wondering, these are my specs:
cpu: Intel Core i7 - 7600U
gpu: Radeon R7 m465 (equivalent to GTX 295 or GTX 550) (2GB VRAM)
The Exploding Mushrooms/Acorns that happen over and over after about 30+hrs kinda get annoying but thats a nitpick from me. Thank you for this awesome game! 7.0 has been great, the size of the new base is perfect. Blood seems to reset after leaving the game, though clean up in one sweep. (annoying after blood rain event)
Grabbing drives from Drive slots: The small issue I have here and often is that the drive wants to maintain the distance which pushes it back into place, having the carry distance with the scroll wheel set to a distance would be nice so you dont accidently pick something up and the max distance.
Stats! Stats would be awesome, [Total Signals processed] [Food Eaten] [Distance Walked] [Distance Driven] [Time Played] [Times Jumped] [Mushrooms eaten] ect
Something to spend high volumes of money on would be great, some very pricy decorations as a goal to aim for in later game times would be kinda cool.
Something I do is use that extra storage room next to the breakroom to make a physical backup with lvl 3 signals, I have about 100+ saved into physical drives, archiving seems to be kinda fun, to see the actual progress made physically.
I really enjoy your game and have a couple ideas:
1: If your ariral reputation is high enough they will rescue you if you fatally trip or crash once a week by taking you to their treehouse or your bedroom. When you wake up there's bandages around you. (and maybe extend it to the night they drag you into the forest while you sleep regardless of rep as they would feel responsible)
2: Some pranks the arirals could do is one where they sneak behind you and use a squeeze horn behind you or a air horn at low rep. they run away if you turn around before they do it and drop the squeeze horn. Another thing is they can learn pranks from you if you make one slip on a banana peel or throw something like a pie in their face and eventually enter a prank war.
3: With the climb mechanic you could have it slowly make kel stronger such as for every 10 times he climbs he gets 1 point in strength and strength would primarily just increase max health and ease of lifting/throwing objects. Also possibly have a joke scenario where the arirals are too afraid to mess with kel because of how buff he's become after 100 points of strength.
Love the game and the mechanics so far i only ran into 2 problems
The first behing kerfus konstantly glitching under the building and the 2nd behing the absurd sizes of the generated caves i personaly whould limit the size of the caves that can generate and maybe put in a limit on cristal spawns per generated cave that way you have a reason to fully explore the cave
I have a few ideas.
1. general screen blackout and auditory hallucinations when tired.
2. most Players stop being afraid when they realize it's all the pranks of friendly-playful cats. I suggest delaying their appearance and enhancing the atmosphere with NPCs that will cause Arirals to appear. For example, Unknown organisms or groups that are aggressive to the player and their capture is engaged by a group of researchers who landed on the planet.
3. Mushrooms and cones - they are everywhere, they cause a big drop in fps even on not weak PCs.
4. Add the ability to donate in other ways.
BTC wallets or other.
Hello. I’m playing this game in “peaceful” mode without scary things (15th day). But I’ve got 3.33 event in the basement meat room and sometimes nightmares. So what events are still available in peaceful mode except theese ones? And for ideas: let breakers, servers, transformators and satellite servers break in peaceful mode, because there’s no big reason to make omega kerfus or buy the regular one: there’s nothing to break except tower.
Это уникольний экспириенс (во-в-ком-случае таких-игр-не-видэль) игра затягивает на многи-часы, ведёт поиск-сигналов. увлечение. Я lluseblulus cosmos и вы cdelali ego dlia menya её інтерёсне! Истолковые рахличные механики скрашивали рутинные работы на базе. Можно разговаривает на тему ВотВ в одной из стран, когда я помогаю вам в развороте!
хочу предложит какой нибудить в мирскую жизнь, что это каких-то нибуддов сооружения и не сооружения, активновские, а то мир пустовал и её сигналы! Это было сделано для того, чтобы сигналь не был одним из самых богатых людей, которые использовали 250 штук сигналов и в том, что они были похожи на других людей. Что тот считает, что его слова являются по-себе крутая игра завершает работу. ПС. Не умея я писат красиво сочиния.
First time player...
The game absolutely TERRIFIED me for a while... in a good way :D
First (ingame) week or so I was happy-go-lucky... until I noticed things...
...SMALL things that didn't add up... which cascaded into me constantly locking doors and changing codes.
Well done!
- The path-finding of the Kerfur is nuts, especially around / in the base, getting stuck all over the place.
- It would be nice if the Kerfur: had a charging station where it returned to - rather than returning to the player.
Starting out I had these CORE issues:
A: Couldn't figure out how the 2nd science station worked (changing speed, rather than the value was one level of abstraction too high for my brain).
- I gave up and ended up checking a YT in order to figure out how to do it.
B: Couldn't figure out the exact format for the sheet on the box.
- At first I turned the pages into a "TAG" that I attached to the box.
- It was not obvious to me that I could just put the page on top of a box and it would "stick".
- I gave up and checked a YT on what I was supposed to do - where I learned that I could click "report" to get it pre-filled.
All-in-all... I've had a GREAT time in this little game.
I don't have Paypal, but I sent $10 your way via a Twitch-streamer. :D
Thank you!
Splendid game, lots of fun. The glitches I've experienced you seem to be fixing in that update post of yours (especially the damn hallucination burgers getting stuck in things and destroying my ears.) I think it would be fun to leave in the ariral picking up things it shouldn't though. There was nothing more shocking I've seen then it rip a lamp in half, pick up the top half and throw it at me. Could be a fun feature.
At the beginning of the game I almost dropped the game. Nothing normal happened in the game for 10 hours. Stupidly sit cleaning the base and catching signals for 10 hours. From the beginning I expected that the game will be scary because others claimed that it is a horror, only in the process of the game I realized that it is not even a horror although people said the opposite. But then something unimaginable started and some cat girls appeared and started beating me 10/10
I love the game, but one of my sole gripes is the container management. Anything with a size larger than 450 flat out cannot be stored in containers like the mailbox, solely because it cannot fit in your inventory to move it to the container. A very nice feature would be being able to use alt+drop to store your held item in a container. That's like my one complaint.
If yall are curious about “where can i find alarm from bad sun event?” Then here is a link to it
Thanks to Kylis
i guess i'm probably late to the party given the dev replies all dried up within the first page or 2 of the comments lol, but i love 0.7! i don't know specifically what build i had played before, but i believe it was when story events ended at like day 30-ish. regardless, i think everything new to 0.7 is great. in 0.7 i finished a story save and have played 25 days of infinite with a few light mods. i've tried to skim previous posts to make sure i'm not making repeat suggestions, and have highlighted the important parts because i got a little wordy lol.
0.7 is the first time I've actually picked up the game after watching Joel play it over the course of many streams since it seemed like a great jumping into point.
My honest opinions:
Fishing - This one came to mind first because it was the last thing I was doing when playing the game. I feel like it was dangled in a few ways at me over the course of my playtime (bait in the store) but I had to look up online how to actually do it. I feel like it could be introduced a little earlier.
Base design - I absolutely love the new base design and the abandoned visitor center-esque feel is unique and gives a vibe all on its own. With that said there are a TON of lockers in places where there maybe could be something else. Every room actually does feel unique, I personally made a habit of using all of them for some reason in particular but I'm sure some players might just make a habit of avoiding them altogether, I don't think that's a bad thing but there's definitely room for some hijinx.
Objects - I had some issue with curtains being funky and getting stuck in limbo between two rooms despite me doing my best it free. Buckets are suspicious, they phased through my walls and ended up outside. As for object variety in general, I think there could be more 'fluff' time wasters. Things like planting and fishing are great because they can give the player something to keep going back to disconnected from their 'job'
"Happenings" - I love the current direction of how events unfold and you seem to have just the right touch in terms of their interaction with the player. I did have some events play back to back and had like a week of nothing happening which thinking on it, yeah that should be about right. I shouldn't be able to predict when anythings about to happen, long as they're not non-stop one after another.
Work - At one point I think I got to the level of just churning out signals easily. I think maybe there could be some special days that say "We noticed strange readings in sector x,y focus on that."
annyway, great work!
If you asked me, I find it genius. The way to make people uncomfortable, making them uneasy or letting them think somethings stalks among them. At first i didn't even know the sounds were created by falling pinecones. But I wouldn`t wish to remove or making it quieter, with the amount of spooky stuff that`s already in the game.
ATV desperately needs some sort of a physics rework, currently it behaves horribly, especially on steep cliffs and ESPECIALLY when pressing shift to accelerate. It sometimes just randomly spins in place, even on pretty flat terrain. I've experienced multiple cases of the ATV randomly turning in one direction and crashing into a tree, sending me flying or even worse, leading to a fatal crash. Please look into that, the vehicle is barely usable right now. Maybe implement an upgrade system, so you can buy some new ATV parts which you have to manually install (something similar to the mining station) that increase its stats, like fuel capacity, max speed and steering responsiveness.
This game is kind of fun once you figure it out, but I strongly suggest the devs put a lot more work into a properly functioning tutorial that has a defined end point. Lots of weird quirks integral to gameplay that aren't explained at all. Graphics are a mishmash of styles with no clear direction - do you want it dark and gritty or bright and colourful? Currently its a jarring combination of the worst of both. Gameplay has so much potential but this game is currently bogged down by a lack of consistent direction.
This is a small suggestion, but can you make the kerfurs have the option to stay within the base in patrol mode? I always have to idle them or make them follow me and it can be annoying when they're moving away from me. Then when they get outside it's frustrating to find and chase them. Just something small. Thank you for all your hard work, MrDrNose!
oh my god the tutorial easter egg is so enchanting but the ending is so underwhelming please expand it please please
It's not that I don't like the base from update 07, but its format seems a little strange to me: everything looks like it's designed for several people, judging by the full parking lot, administration room and freezer, but the bedroom, shower room and so on are only for one person, also I don't like its new color, due to the fact that it is very dark, it is difficult to see it at night, I generally liked the base from 06 more, but I like the number and location of rooms, the fact that the base is being expanded. Also, for example, there are vending machines with soda and snacks on the base, which someone has to fill, but this base is autonomous. so it looks more like an office in the city.Anyway, thanks for your efforts, good luck in developing the game.
By the way, yes, I didn't think about it, but still parking in the absence of a normal road to the base (there is only a path) looks strange, and I still don't like the new dark colors
UPD:By the way, I noticed something else, the base is quite black on the outside, and more gray inside, and several different styles are used inside
It's fantastic!! I feel so at home/terrified at the same time. When ANYTHING happens I panic and crouch and try to pause the game and realize I'm in deep when I cannot. This is such a gem of an idea, I find myself playing this over Elden Ring and I'm a big FromSoft fan. I keep coming back to get more signals and clean the base up more and coze it up. Too scared to play story mode, I play Infinite and go out only during the day. But those time when I have no choice but to go out are nights I remember. I use the digital camera all the time, to show my friends later when I tell them about what crazy thing just happened.
I'd love to see more immersion in the form of a wrist watch or maybe handheld compass/mounted (for ATV). Also a way to pipe the sound from a TV/radio throughout a base if one desires or to your ATV. Maybe speakers that you 'use' on a tv then mount on a wall? It's already such an amazing game though I'm enamored so whatever you do, whenever you do it, I'm here and excited.
Will there be the REAL "Ariral s#x" event? Jokes aside this game is wonderful and it would've been a pleasant experience if there were some real real scares and perhaps some entities, that you can beat by various ways (like in WTTG series for example) and/or hide from. Love your project alot and will follow for the next updates. Wish you the best! :)
Awesome game, the core gameplay of gathering signals and cleaning the base is a fun cycle. It would be awesome if you could build and interact with some gameplay objects, like the door or the computer. Maybe the doors could require maintenance, or you could be able to build new doors, or you could buy a laptop to access the computer for emails and camera access remotely?
I'm really enjoying the 07 update until now at least (only day 11). The first days where a bit rough since my computer struggled to handle the trash around the base, but as i cleaned up it became a lot more playable.
I'll be looking forwards to many more hours of fun in game game to come.
And a last question, why does the security room (in a base located in Switzerland) have a Norwegian "Høyspenning Livsfare" (Danger High Voltage) sign on it, and what in the room is over 1kV AC or 1.5kV DC?
- spoilers ahead -
I'm watching a streamer who used stickers to label all her mannequins, but the stickers disappear when the mannequins activate. This confused her into thinking the activated mannequins were "impostors". It would be a neat detail of continuity if the stickers stayed on the mannequins.
Similarly, a nametag given to Kerfur-O will disappear when activated. I can't give my boy a funny name :(
I'd like to see more little toys and gadgets and gizmos to fiddle with, similar to the arcade machine, but handheld. One thing I was thinking was a little game console, like a Game Boy or something similar.
Mainly as something to pass the time when going outside is less preferable/not an option.
But in short, more things to mess with.
Good stuff thus far, clearly a lot of time and work has gone into it, so I can't wait to see what else is added.