You should make a mobile raft and have different areas that you can travel to on that raft and make sure it has a ore, to paddle with.
An Oceanic Survival Game · By
Some idea:
I have some ideas that would make the game harder and realistic
-The fishing rod requires bait to catch fish because its too easy to get food. Thatch should sometimes come with worms (used for bait).
-When you kill a shark it needs to give 3 pieces of shark meat not 6, again, its too easy to get food. Also, making the growing time for the potatoes would make the game harder, also giving 2 potatoes instead of 3.
-Placing roofs on walls without a pillar needs to work, its logic
-Each time you want to heat up the cooking station and the water purifier you should need 1 plank and 1 scrap
-Later on in the game you could make something that would make your raft move your water. You could explore little sand islands(as big as 4 foundations) that have banana trees that you cut, get bananas, wood, thatch , take their seed and plant banana trees on your raft. Also on islands you can find strawberries
I played this game for 1 hour and I love it! Very nice idea. I would like to see more features.
1. More animals like turtles, we could see fish as well. Maybe birds, like seagulls. Shrimps
2. Some kind of way of collecting dirt, from the bottom of the ocean or from the barrels, becouse tree cropplot contains dirt (we should have it from somewhere).
3. More crops: Wheat, Carrots, beetroots.
4. All survivors should have rum for drinking :D (from barrels or something).
5. Wrecked ship, containing treasures.
6. Multiplayer!!! Making your own server, playing with friends and other people.
7. More building materials
8. Bait for the fishing rod.
9. Some events, like storm
10. We could see coral reef in the mirror of water.
11. Cloth for clothes and "??"
12. Saw for making furniture.
13. Fishing net
14. In game key setting, sounds
15. Nice music (When storm -Pt.9.- spooky music??)
16. Flint - becouse how we can start the fire without it.
17. Hammock. For resting and gaining energy
18. Knife
More coming soon <3
Since then doesn't have many more options this game, that if these only in the middle of the ocean doesn't make sense to get so many objects and so many things without a site where the votes come from, would come a point where serious repetitive, only a game build if not you put something more adventure just getting tired.
For beginning this game have really good idea for the surroundings ,great potential and performs the basic elements of a survival game, but it will be much better if we can find there things like this:
- More kind of vegetables and tropical fruit (like pineapple, papaya or mango)
- Trees what includes these kind of fruit (on the same principle like the coconut palm in the game)
- More kind of fish ( like Tuna, cod, mackerel or salmon)
- Possibility to make small boats for traveling around the raft
- More kind of sharks (swordfish, hammerhead, great white shark)
- trophies (head of the shark or whole fish hanged on wall)
- Basic types of furniture (chair, table, shelves)
- weather, natural disasters, season and day cycle
- Raids of groups of sharks or raid of a pirate ship
- Pirate and other weapons (like saber, musket, sword, ax, etc.)
- Some kinds of octopus
- Also besides floating barrels floating Chests
And for the future:
- The possibility of adding the way your raft will come to the far remote island
- 2-4 players coop
Love the game so far! Very relaxing. I've put many hours already into it. I see a major potential with this game... granted I love survival games.
Here is a list of ideas I think would be great long term:
I'm sure I will come up with many many more ideas, but I look forward to seeing the progression of the game! Thanks for the fun!
Great list! There are some things that I personally would like to talk about more...
How would they affect your raft?
What would the pirates be like (Modern, old school, what would they do)?
How rare would a pirate attack be?
-Bow and arrows
This idea I do not personally like because fighting the sharks with the spear is such an original thing that it should be left like it is. (Other melee weapons would be cool)
Raft multiplayer would be a very interesting concept. In my opinion the multiplayer should be like this...
1-4 People spawn on the same raft
There are multiple sharks
Thats all I have to say...
Yeah! So...
Thanks so much!!
My Suggestions as of V1.04
-Upgrade the overall crafting interface
-Add sun damage so that overtime you need clothing!
-Add Ability to go third person
-I know that is repeated but you need to make this game harder somehow! (More sharks or faster shark damage or maybe the shark steals the barrels sometimes)
-Add a explanation on why you woke up on a little raft
-make your raft buoyant and not just magically flouting
-Add a backdrop and remove the fog.
upvote = "I like your suggestions" or "that you thought the same thing"
downvote = "This is utter rubbish and it should not be added at all for any reason!"
Great game and I and the community shape it to be the best it can be and maybe get it over on the steam....
Dear Mr Raft Developers
How about some sort of shift click option to move items around in your inventory or into storage boxes easier/faster. Also when shift clicked items stack and when in a full stack, any spar go to the next available slot.
This is a very great and enjoyable game, i cant wait to see what else is to come.
P.S. Happy holidays/Christmas/New Years.
-Armored Foundations
-new enemies
-dont have to drink every ten seconds
-player armor or suits maybe you can see your own character and customize him/her
-Beds that you can save in, and if you die you can respawn. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
-Platypuses, why you may ask? because.
-things to customize a house with.
-more things to build a house with
-Sharks with laser beams attached to their backs, ohhh and, sharks with laser beams attached to their backs that are tamed, so you can ride around and take ovah de Atlantic.
- the one above i was joking, but the game has potential for easter eggs, wink wink
-bigger inventory or craftable backpacks
- night day cycle making use for items like beds or lights, and you know how games tend to get harder at night make it easier because sharks dont have great eye sight so at night the shark does not attack you, but you need light to build or you need fire to stay warm.
lovee the game you guys have a lot of potential, keep up the work, you guys are amazing, oh yah one more thing new fish. -Kohl
While in chest right click on an item in your inventory to drop into the chest inventory and vise versa.
The ability to attack shark with axe,
the ability to click on a food item in your inventor and select whether to eat or drop that way you wouldn't need to drop it on your hot bar.
that's all so far :)
great game btw.
Here are my ideas to improve:
1. You can get different types of trees. For example, Oak trees (No coconuts, but more wood and thatch. Also, oak seeds)
2. You can swim underwater
3. You can make picks to mine cobble at the bottom of the ocean.
4. There are fish
5. I have some more ideas that I waill not post right now
Los voy a escribir en español porque me resulta mejor para expresarme :D disculpa las molestias.
-Un mundo abierto tanto hacia las profundidades del océano como una o unas islas.
-Modo historia ( estilo TheForest pero no igual, solo el estilo de supervivencia con modo historia incluido ).
-Más enemigos, lo de los piratas suena bien pero es muy irreal.
-Que no puedas construir un edificio sobre una balsa.
-Que para hacer cosas más avanzadas tengas que tener planos de construcción.
-Opciones gráficas, optimizar el juego para computadoras lentas.
-Mejores gráficos.
-Que las construcciones no sean tan ''cuadradas''.
-Más dificultad: temperatura, lluvia, tormentas eléctricas, olas grandes, marea alta y baja, necesidad de dormir.
-Que el tiburón sea más realista y que salte.
-Más objetos.
-Pisos, techos y paredes de metal.
-Cofres más grandes.
-Que no tengas que empezar de cero cuando moris, pero que pierdas todo lo que llevabas en el inventario.
-Más tipos de comida.
-Que tengas que regar las plantas y que demoren más tiempo en crecer.
-Barcos de naufragios con tesoros y armas.
-Más tipos de armas: desde un simple arco hasta una pistola o un rifle.
-Físicas realistas.
-Diseño del personaje, no solo unas simples manos flotantes.
-Que te puedas agachar.
-Que puedas investigar el fondo del océano.
-Día y noche.
-Escaleras verticales.
-Más tipos de materiales, por ejemplo: que para hacer un vaso tengas que bajar al océano a buscar mineral de hierro.
Y muchas otras ideas!!! :D
Espero las lean y les gusten, tengo muchas más pero me pasaría el día entero escribiendo :D
PD: que el juego sea más realista.
How about a harpoon? (I did a quick look on the sug thread and didn't see it.)
Basically a throwable spear with a tether attached to it so you could harpoon the shark and pull it in close to your raft to kill it.
I think it would also be useful if you could hang a live shark up on your boat to use for food.
Hey guys.
Just before I begin. I wanna say that the game concept is brilliant. and for an early access/alpha staged game, it is very well polished. So congrats to you guys! :)
If I could give you some things I think are the most important for quality game play is:
Once again guys... Great game :) Keep it up :)
I know you guys plan to add a lot of things, and i know some people ask a lot but i thought i would type out some stuff that could be a nice add down the line!.
- A neat little way to auto kill or something strong we can make to kill the shark to keep him from taking down the raft
- Maybe a way to reinforce a raft part, more health
- A way to discard items (i have a whole chest of palm tree seeds! and no way to throw them away)
- A way to move items without having to destroy the whole raft to move things
- More types of items to find/make
- Islands to explore
- Ways to auto set up gathering water (Maybe rain catchers)
- Weather could be cool
- more ideas if i think of them!
A few ideas ive thought of:
More weapons! (harpoon gun,different levels of spears etc...)
Doors for buildings
Different kinds of walls to make different buildings (stone house,wood house,bamboo house etc...)
Decorations for the inside of buildings such as beds,chairs,wooden desks or a bath that we can fill with water from the ocean (just for aesthetics)
More ways to catch food and different kinds of fish
Different levels of fishing rods such as basic rod(made for catching basic/small fish),medium rod (can catch bigger fish like tuna,lobsters etc... and experienced rod (for small sharks and other underwater creatures\
Different kinds of sharks as enemies that change everytime you kill the main shark (meaning): the first shark is the basic one we already have,then when we kill it it becomes a tiger shark, hammerhead shark,great white shark and finally a megalodon as a final shark
Different ways to make platforms (not just building pillars to stack houses for multiple levels)
The already mentioned idea of crafting diving gear and exploring is really interesting and the idea of crafting different kinds of rafts sounds fun too
Upvote/reply with any ideas/changes you have!
I had some more ideas:
^ Working with dangerous items like spikes, traps, fire, or stronger fish on a hook could require skill checks that hurt the player if failed.
^ To discuss an already-existing reward: I recently found out that if I regularly combat the shark(letting it bite me and so I can hit it until it dives under) my raft is attacked way less. Please please keep this in. I find it allows me to work on my raft on my own time without getting interrupted, plus I'm eating food as soon as I can produce it to keep my health up, so I don't have a crazy surplus of potatoes. Also it's fun decorating the seas with the carcasses of my enemies >:D I always have something to keep me engaged by playing this way.
These ideas are more "out there" but would be pretty cool:
^This would only be possible during special events, when the raft is drifting over a shallow area. The player has the opportunity to dive once per event.
^ The player would need to craft a tether and post so that they 'anchor' themselves to the raft. It'll explain why they can't go far.
^There's a breath meter. Running the meter down starts decreasing health until the player surfaces or dies. Not sure about the fatigue meter. The player can risk running out of breath by waiting to drift over good items.
^The player could collect things like sand, rocks, decorative shells, and seaweed, and could grab crabs or spear fish.
Edits for spelling and words
Things I wish to see:
Thank you for such an amazing game! I look forward to seeing what this game is capable of!
I'm also an independent game designer. I can do most everything on the design end except make art assets - models and promotional images. My main talents lie in programming and writing.
I spent the better part of a year devoting myself to learning how to code for multiplayer, and it really is a pain in the rear. It has to be something you plan from the beginning, and even then, you have to know EXACTLY how the whole system will come together before you write it; alternatively, you have to go back through your entire set of code in all of the scripts used just to rewrite it to include multiplayer support. By then, though, the game should already still work, so you still have to test it again, thoroughly, to make sure you didn't miss anything in multiplayer, or you need to have several people proficient in multiplayer coding to proofread all of the code too, to double- and triple-check that nothing was missed. And you'll have to debug it, too, which is even worse because, again, the code already works. So you have to find where it works but doesn't.
Every input needs checks for singleplayer, client, and host or server. Any inventories need to be known by a server, as well as any changes and when. Non-authoritative p2p is prone to lag and needs predictive ai to represent other players, to better understand where they are and what they're doing; ai in p2p needs some form of synchronization, so even the shark existing complicates matters. Checks need added to update positions and changes that may have been missed. All connected players need managed so the game knows who is allowed to play, and who gets the data. Everything needs to check if in multiplayer to disable communication attempts so it doesn't waste resources in singleplayer. It's like programming your game layered overtop of your game, and requires points in the singleplayer code to connect to the multiplayer code; you can't just add more code to it and hope that it works, the way you would add new content.
It takes way more effort than it's worth for a small group. It's not impossible, but it's definitely "super difficult" without a team devoted just to it. If they aren't planning multiplayer now, it will be even less appealing when there's more content, and they probably never will. That's the sad truth of it. Knowing how to code is different from coding for multiplayer, and the task is just too ambitious without several experts on the matter.
"dont 2 go 4 people" ( google translate) and i think once they get the ground work for 2 people it should be easy to put it up to 4+ people.
я думаю, что как только они получают подготовительную работу для 2-х человек он должен быть легким, чтобы положить его до 4 + людей. (Google Translate очень жаль, если его неправильно)
Rare items that come from the sea would be so cool! I hope they add diving equipment that you could make from the scrap metal pieces or something that would allow you to dive for new items in the ocean. Also the idea of abandoned shipwrecks and deserted islands is such a great idea as well and I hope they will take the game in this direction with the next few updates. :D
If you add this , the game will become much awesome. "INSANE GAME CHANGES!"
VERSION: 2.0.0
New Recipe:
1. "Shark Alarm" - This alarm is a bell on a pillar,when the shark want to destroy your foundation this bell alarm you.
RECIPE: 4 Wood , 2 Rope , 5 Scrap .
2. "Bow" - An regullar bow.
RECIPE: 5 Wood , 2 String
3. "Arrows" - Two Arrow's
RECIPE: 1 ROPE , 1 Wood , 2 Scrap.
4. "Fish Net" - A net like the item net but for a fish. (max. capacity:3).This net capture a fish per 20-40 seconds.
RECIPE: 5 Rope .
5. "Wool" - Some wool you can use to make a bed.
RECIPE: 4 Rope.
6. "Bed" - A bed where you can sleep when is night.
RECIPE: 5 Wood,3 Wool.
7. "String" (HSLEGACY IDEEA) - Some string . You can make a bow whit it.
RECIPE: 2 Rope.
New Creature:
1. SeaGull - A gull. Can be killed whit arrows.
DROPS: Gull meat (can be cooked)
2.Salmon Fish - New fish type.
DROPS: Salmon Fish (can be cooked)
Game Changes:
1. Stacks increased to 16.
2. Day Time & Night Time.
If you guys want that changes hit the ^ button please. :)
Please notify me on email if you add this. ""
Having worked with arrows IRL, I know that feathers are needed for the fletching (the three things at the back end of the arrow). Perhaps there should be an easy way to gather some feathers just by scaring the sea gulls or pulling them out of the water like scrap and planks. I think it would only take one metal scrap to make the arrow head.
With the bow, I know it might seem like rope is what you'd need, but bows actually require a finer material: string. Maybe a recipe for that could be added as well?
Wool seems unlikely on the ocean (because it comes from land-based animals), but maybe fabric scraps could be gathered from barrels? Cotton seeds would be another idea. They could be planted in crop plots.
All your other ideas are pretty solid, though.
... there on a wood floor just burn that :) also the roof as that would heat up a bit as well :b stuff it live in a giant fire {jk devs dont set my raft on fire plz} but i wouldn't lite a fire so open on a wooden raft make it cost more and combine cooking and boiling into a closed fire with a chimney you can put threw the roof. (that uses wood and matches etc to light maybe even paper you have to dry first cant be that hard to find in a ocean were metal floats)
The more I am looking into the game and try out your updates, the more convinced I am you might be creating THE game of 2017. People love the game, youtubers are picking it up as well, I hope you get the support you need! Good luck, man, you deserve success with it, the idea is great.
Other people have already picked up ideas I also would have suggested like:
Day/Night circle
Temperature (very hot - need more water; very cold - stored water might freeze, you need a fire to keep you warm, better clothes)
different sharks and NPCs (also friendly)
I will present you my suggestions for these ideas and also other new ones:
Add a bed (can be crafted out of a lot of thatch and some ropes to keep it together, could look more like a pile of thatch than an actual bed. If nights are added you can animate a sun and a moon, perhaps also stars, according to which you know how late it is. For far away future: you could create an even bigger world and you'd have to navigate according to the stars, according to where you travel you could paint maps - literally let the player him/herself make the map according to how long they travel somewhere)
Make surviving a lot harder (when I start playing it's not easy, however if you play smartly you soon enough reach a point where surviving isn't that hard anymore. Add not only different kinds of fishes to eat and catch, but also make the catching a lot harder. Think of some sort of bait, perhaps pieces of raw fish or insects. More seeds would be a great idea but everything should take a way longer time to grow. When you have to survive you can't start growing potatos as it would take months for them to grow. When a day and night circle is added you can let stuff like potatos take up to 5-7 days and palm trees 15-20 days. There should be some variety in the plants growing in general.)
Weather (storms, waves, sun, wind, ... all these natural issues can occur and damage your raft, perhaps even throw you off and you have to swim back while keeping the shark off. The weather could also affect and damage the raft, pillars could crack if you don't repair them on time or a piece of the raft might just break off in general)
Nets capture so much (which is awesome and therefore too easy I think. Perhaps let them catch up to 3 items only, the rest should swim through, and if more than 10 items got through the net could break)
All together your game already improved a lot, it's great! The added chests are very useful, I like that you need a lot of metal for them and that they don't have that much storage room. I think you could in general make a "normal" and "hardcore" mode later on, just different stages of how hard surviving might be.
I just posted in another thread and saw yours. Very similar to mine. I shall just expand on yours :P
From my play through of this game, it is probably one of the best builder prototypes I have ever played.
A bow would be a great introduction to the game. I would love to see the shark get harder the longer you play as well. Definitely more plants to plant, more fish types with varying hunger levels/poisonous fish that harm you when you eat them. Also a fishing net would be amazing. Either similar to the nets that collect items or a casting net similar to the hook.
I also think a more advanced crafting system would definitely benefit the game. The more you advance, the more stuff should unlock. A more advanced cooking station/water purifier to harvest more at once from a singular station. A furnace to smelt the metal down to ingots for further advanced crafting recipes. Perhaps leading to diving devices as suggested above? Maybe a craft-able cannon to battle the shark (gunpowder could be harvested from barrels)? Upgraded spears/harpoons?
Going along with what I said about more advanced items. As you progress through the game, more advanced materials start drifting in inside the barrels.
Adding durability to items should also be a must since once you create a tool, you can use it indefinitely.
Nighttime/daytime cycles that limits vision as said above. Weather with hot and cold affects the character requiring you to find shade so the reason to have walls and a roof is useful. Bad rain and storms that damage your structures.
With those listed above, seasons could also be added as well as different biomes. This opens up the option to craft clothes based on the environment or something as simple as a rain poncho to help ward of getting cold from the rain. (Furs and such could also be harvested from barrels)
Lastly... This would greatly improve the current game. Add a cooldown to the annoying starving/dehydrating sound. It is probably the biggest annoyance and downside to this game since it spams constantly until you eat or drink.
From what I have seen from this game, it has a HUGE potential. I honestly can't wait to see what future updates hold.
Since I really like this post, i'm going to list some quotes you said and improve a bit.
i agree with everything but the nets but i do think there op but mabe just have different ones that get different % of the stuff that gos threw them. eg a net with larger gaps would be cheaper as it needs less rope(but gets less) and the smaller ones need more refined thin rope (but can also catch the odd fish and all the stuff that gos passed).
It would be well to put different times rain storm fog cte pirate boats that came to attack more weapons that the tide change and that every time a raft comes with modern things that raise the game bubble more animalis like wild and pass it so well after 5 hours Come a clank more materials and more crafteos
I am a YouTuber my sub count is rising fairly fast but the likes on this game is where its at. i am with 100% if your with me. i have asked my subscribers to support this game and will be playing the game on my channel (if your ok with that). With that being said here are mine and my fans ideas
Character customization
More enemies
more weapons
more tools
fall damage
more interactive enviorment
ability to swim "down" into ocean and collect items you may only find in ocean (metal, sunken ship, etc.)
more interactions
voice acting (IF POSSIBLE)
more animals (not necessarily enemies ex: birds, whales, types of sharks??, more fish, crabs, etc.)
more but cant name them all
Again with the islands...
It ruins the purpose of the game, if you find an island with a sufficient amount of food and clean water, it defeats the purpose of even having a raft. It would be basically changing the whole game into stranded deep. Think about this: The two major sea games are Subnautica, and Stranded Deep. Raft sits right in the middle of both of them. Stranded Deep is island focused while Subnautica is underwater diving centered. Raft is no islands, and no diving, which, like I said, sits right in the middle of both games. Many people think that since it has neither, it needs some main focal point so the game can thrive on, so they either say islands, or diving. That would turn the game into one of those two games. What I think there should be is sea exploration. Going around in your raft finding other NPC rafts and creating positive or negative relationships with the NPC's.
nice idea with the npc rafts
But i think diving and islands as additional feature cant turn raft into another game the main feature is and (i hope) will ever be the raft you should give the game time to evolve and stop complaining about ideas of fans. Not all islands have clear water, food or even palms and every new feature turns raft into a new game some more some less
So have a nice day and well done so far to the developers
I understand your view point on islands, but I wasn't "complaining". I was just stating my opinion on a largely discussed topic, and the downsides of it. I actually agree with you about not all islands having water, food and trees. If there were mini islands just for either small island homes or aesthetic purposes, it would be nice.
It doesen't have a multiplayer and you can't look at yourself so No Character Customization
The game's name is "RAFT" So no Islands.
What kind of enemies do you expect? You are in the Ocean dude. THE OCEAN!
Something that deals more damage can be ok
More tools? Such as what?
fall damage might be good but also, it might ruin the game because if you are on the 3rd floor and there is a shark attacking the raft, Shark would win. Because you can't jump down.
interactive enviroment? What enviroment? Sea?
Ability to swim down sounds ok, but it would take a looooooooooong time to implement that feature to the game.
Again, what interactions? Petting a shark? pfft..
Voice Acting?! Don't make me laugh.
birds and more types of sharks might be ok but Whales? They would destroy everything that you have created in one bite, Like One Punch Man. Also, Crabs? This is not the seaside dude.
But I am not a developer so...... This is what I think.
(No Offense, No Homo,)
You got a nice list going but here are a few things that would really make this game cool.
-a possible sandbox mode made just to build and ability to fly
-armor or gear such as scuba tank and scuba suit for going to bottom of ocean
-more blocks such as bed (for sleeping and maybe saves game), spikes (to deter sharks), couches (just for decoration), fences (to prevent falling off the raft while at the same time not interfering with your peripheral vision), ceilings (to top it all off), doors (do I need to explain?) and ladders (for different means of climbing)
to add on to your "more tools" idea,
-shovel for digging at bottom of ocean for sand, used for glass?
-bow for shooting sharks at distance
-possible workbench or building grid for making bigger/ more useful things
-gun or flare gun of some sort
Stone should be an item in the game for making things such as stone foundations that can't be broken by sharks
another cool concept should be a sort of shark bait because shark meat is a great food source in the game
It would also be cool if the developers added a feature that auto joins walls to form 1 big wall that has no gapsThere's a great future ahead for this game. Even in the early stages, I find myself not being able to stop playing. Raft Developers, keep up the good work!
developer plz make it so the raft can be as big as possible because some people can make cool things and ONLY small rafts would make the game a 2 hour of fun. make a small raft only would be cool ONLY in a different game mode. keep up the good work
:D game rating right now in v1.04 like real life 7/10, fun 10/10 but gets lower as the same save goes on, thing right now to do in game for a 1.04 game there is a lot so 10/10 total 9/10 my opinion this is. o and this is my 4th fav game when full probs 2nd
Its called raft, not giant wooden island. The developer should focus on deepening the content rather than just "make the raft bigger." Right now the game lacks realism. There is no considerations when it comes to buoyancy, the raft doesn't move with waves and shit, and doesn't drift in the ocean. The point is to survive in a small space with minimal resources not make a world builder.
-Add the possibility to stack Walls and pillers on top of each other, so that you can build higher rooms.
-Maybe add Ladders, so you dont have to build those big stairs, they should also be stackable.
-Add Night and a Bed, wich you can skip the night in (some sort of hammock maybe). But there should also be some advantages at night, to give a reason to not skip it.
-Add doors so you can build closed rooms
-Maybe add small Island randomly spawning near you sometimes, where you have to swim to, to get more materials or you find researches of new types of structures that you can build after you found a research.
-Add an online coop mode
Ideas para multijugador:
Servidores oficiales:
Modo de juego:-Modo survival
-Modo creativo
Antihack: si
Servidores de jugadores:
Modo de juego:-Modo survival
-Modo creativo
-Modo historia
Seguridad del servidor: contraseña opcional ( creador del servidor )
Antihack: opcional
Modos de juego:-Modo survival
-Modo historia
-Modo creativo
Seguridad: contraseña opcional ( creador del Lan )
Antihack: no ( ya que sabes quien esta conectado a tu servidor Lan )
Modos de juego:
Modo survival: Consigue recursos y sobrevive cuanto quieras.
Modo creativo: Recursos infinitos, vida infinita, hambre infinita, etc...
Modo historia: Igual que el modo survival pero con la diferencia que va ocurriendo una historia ( parecido a TheForest, pero no igual la historia claramente :D )
Modo editor: puedes crear tu propio mapa, puedes editar las AI, el terreno, plantas, construcciones, altura del mar, cuevas,etc...
Compartir mapas del editor: comparte los mapas que creaste en una lista de mapas de la comunidad, donde otras personas pueden descargarlos y jugarlos.
Steam: les recomiendo que cuando tengan el juego un poco más avanzado lo vendan en Steam, además que tiene la SteamWorkShop que es una tienda donde los jugadores comparten sus Mods o Mapas para el juego.
Supongo que los sepan...pero se los digo de todas formas, Steam es una tienda muy conocida, donde se venden miles o millones de juegos, desde juegos Indie hasta juegos FPS, MMO, Acción, Aventura, etc...
PD: háganse un canal de Youtube y promocionen el juego, poniendo las novedades de las Actualizaciones, Trailer del juego, MiniGameplays, etc...
PD2: este juego si lo terminan va a ser un éxito, no se rindan y continúen!! :D
Hi this is my first time suggesting something for a game.
Sorry if my English is not understood much I am Spanish speaking and I try to collaborate with the game.
This are some ideas that i think it would be handy to have in others versions
1. Increase the storage capacity of the chest
The possibility of stacking more than 10 articles of the same article,
because while you're playing comes a point where you have to make
many coffers since the amount of objects is very high.
2. That the level of thirst diminishes a little slower
if you are protected from the sun having a roof.
It seems to me that it is a simple and realistic touch,
although I do not know if programming is difficult.
Thanks :D
stop being a party pooper if we spam they may change there mind :) but i 100% under stand if they want more content first. but eventually servers or even 2p is the way of games know its becoming a must for survival games i think :/ also with this many people asking PROBABLY a good idea to try or give a reason why not even if that reason is the game is not compatible yet (eg. there is no character in 3rd person its just a capsule with arms, rafts cant move and are based around not bring abill to move OR just genral problems with having more then 1 player
My Ideas :
I have some ideas:
1.) I want some sort of defenses, such as sharp edges like spikes, or stronger walls to keep sharks away, thus preventing them from biting at the raft. It's frustrating that I have to jump off my five story raft just to kill one shark.
2.) A door would be helpful
3.) Water and food meter run out too fast. Please make the loss time slower.
Hello , it would be so nice if you would add some diffrent types of fishes.Some that may poison you or that give you more health, some bigger storage , that requires more material , or some torches or camp fire to make some light if there will be a night/day cycle , and the options of sleepy , cold , sick , etc , and also boats , to make diffrent bases and to go from one to another one without a bridge .. sorry for my bad english..
Hello! I added to the game small islands and the possibility of making a small raft on which one could swim. On the islands there were to be a variety of items that could not be gotten in any other way than on there. He would also night and the bed more kinds of fish, pirate Items that were found to be in barrels, smaller wall or fence, doors, signs to describe the chest. You could also add a larger FOV.
yea thats cas you can jump off the edge and stand up nearly (try let a coconut fall off and watch it) theirs nothing to sink in its sooo shallow that the shark has to have its fin above water. its a miner problem but explains a lot (no sinking, the sharks fin is always out of the water, theirs no (big) waves and most of all theirs no chance of a boat going passed Xb) seee it was 100% meant to be that shallow and daaa you cant sink still havent worked out the not spinning or moving though 0-o , not tipping , no rain also night time? i mean let a guy sleep
1- Every item placed in the boxes is covered by space. 2-Game seagull should be added. Mayrards maybe play food. :) 3- The scrap should only swim in the barrels, except for the more scrap, you have to net under the sea and collect the scrap. Of course it is difficult to make scrap from the bottom of the sea. I need some time for this. 4- We need to give the game a purpose. Like living and building a civilization 5- How the soil holds water and is not affected by sea salt. We are curious about her.
More weapons with different damage.
Crafting a small boat to arrive to far small islands with different loot.
SPECIAL BARRELS with special loot to make special craftings like bombs, guns, reinforze your raft with metal, etc.
Traps for the shark and fish.
craft a Underwater suit and well, go underwater to find loot.
Bottled messages, that give you useful info, where is an island, tips for surviving, and some kind of ULTRA SPECIAL STUFF, like a Watch, or food that fills you a lot of hunger bar.
A faster (and expensive) way to cook and purify water faster.
and if i get more ideas, i will post them all here.
If i have any english fail, sorry, im spanish :D
Ideas : Day/Night cycle ? And the shark attacks you more often at night ?
U can place floor if u have walls ? Because i dont want pillars in my house...
More fishes ?
Repair the nets ?
Spears ?
Chair ? Table ? Just for the fun ?
Bridge ? So u can make more than 1 base ? :D
Pirates ? (If the game will be to defend your raft )
You find people that swim from the boat ? And they can help you idk xD
If u are interested in some ideas i can help you with more :) ( Raft Developer )
Hyped for this game more than No Man's Sky , and multiplayer maybe when the game releases ?
I've scanned through many of these posts and I see some awesome ideas. You are getting wonderful feedback from the gaming community. It is true that the path of this game should have a significant difference from the other major water-based games out there. For now, maybe the focus should be beefing up the established options and adding one or two new ones that move towards endgame possibilities.
For example:
Upgrading what we have
- Fishing doesn't always yield a catch, multiple types of fish, maybe poisonous options?
- Incentive to go into the water and brave the shark (durability on the hook?)
- Multiple enemies, oceanic life or otherwise.
- The ability to move items after placing
- Crops grow super easy right now. Don't they need water too? Additional types of crop?
Moving toward endgame
- Weather (some resulting in raft destruction) and day/night cycle. [rain for crops/fresh water without boiling]
- Barrels/Crates yield items to build a radio or transmitter
- Decide whether we rescue ourselves (steering the raft to a goal. Would also result in being able to steer towards desired flotsam) or if rescue comes to us (constructing radio contact with passing ships/aircraft)
I apologize if I duplicated previous suggestions. I like what you are doing and you've attracted a lot of attention. Keep it up!
(you guys posted things while I typed this out, so there are duplications. Sorry!)
I've really enojoyed your game, but, as a peaceful player, i'd preffer to have opinion to turn off shark atacks... It can be so annoying once you have bigger buildings,
Also having bigger stacks would be nice, i have 2 chests full of scrap and dont want to make new chests for that.
Thanks for reading, bye!
i think the devs have a choice to make do they want to make it so you can move the raft OR do they want it so your all on the same raft... this will allso make a difference to number of players as if your all on 1 raft you cant have a server as there would be to many people BUT if you can move the raft it may take away from the game.... also to move the raft they would probably have to re do alot of the scripting to allow the rafts to move around.
After an hour or two i kinda ran out of thing to build i basically had not limits because of the item traps and was bored because there was nothing to build except from expanding so having more items, being able to reinforce thing and a way to explore after all it is a raft not a base some way of underwater exploration better weapons i do under stand this is a quite early build and it's an absolute blast to play for its current stage and just like the logo maybe a day/night cycle and sleep im sure i have wrote the same as most other people and im sorry this post isnt as structured as other posts
Why? It would just be Rust on the water. Would completely defeat the purpose of the minimalist survival game. You're stranded at sea. Do you expect to come across hundreds of other people stranded at sea who also happen to be building rafts? Thank God the developer isn't giving in to you people whining for multiplayer.
get is kinda laggy! also a good idea would be if you added more levels or materials! for example it would be nice if you could upgrade the wooden fountation into an iron one(so you will be protected from shark) ..same goes for others building materials! You can also add some islands! and maybe add nets that can captivate the shark
I don't suppose you could make the equipped items stay there permanently? Some time I'll be filling up tins, and then it will just leave my quick equip tab, so I have to go back into the menu and equip it. It's a small thing, but it would be a good and helpful fix.
By the way, I really love this game and can't wait to see more of it in the future.
Maybe there would be gentle ambiance music when the player is just surviving, but things get more intense if the shark is coming? And if music is added, there should be an option to turn it off. I'd hope the music in the game would be copyright-free and/or royalty-free, because not too many games do that, and it makes live streaming and video recording a pain.
As for the scrap, it seems that the newly-added chests require quite a bit of scrap. So that's useful. Other suggestions have been things like harpoons.
Progression: The further you sail, the better / newer items you start to unlock.
Sails: More sails equals faster sailing (err.. or drifting). Don't have to necessary move the raft. Just an internal distance counter.
Storms: Clouds building on the horizon then you hit a storm. Huge waves would be legit (although maybe too complicated to simulate) but just heavy rain, wind, and parts of the raft having a chance to break off would be great. Might mess with your distance as well.
Left Field: Ice-burgs.
Keep up the good work!
We all know that scrap isn't the most used resource in the game,so heres my idea:
Spikes would allow your raft to stay safe from the shark in a 1 block radius around the spike,and spikes could be placed on walls,making a cool looking epic viking-like raft with deadly spikes covered in blood.This could be used for afk item/potato farming (which in this game you should encourage as the entire game depends on gaining these resources).These spikes could be made from scrap.We also need a renewable way of farming scrap,which could dunno you'll think of it.
-Have a good one.
whys the shark eating your wood raft any way? also for farming metal mabe abandoned boats you can scrap ? i mean all the parts that float passed must be coming from some were right? ..... just ignore there floating its very heavy water thats why you can make a 2x99999999x2 raft and it doesn't sink. finally found out why :D also gun parts from abandoned boats? and uncraftable tools?i know i spelt thta wrong idk how to fix it though Xb
Hello I want to contribute some ideas to the game, because it is a very good game and has much potential,
1) put more fruits and vegetables to not stagnate in coconuts,
and potatoes, and achieve a craft of tropical salads by the style of the game
2) Add glass the rubble to beautify the boat, and make containers of beverages.
(3) ISLANDS: the Islands would be useful as have the opportunity of shelter is of the heat,
and collect fruits, besides load is of wood and because not add maps to the kill to a shark
4) maps: to the kill animals carnivorous or scavenging by them Islands find maps for find chests
that us den things unique, that things? that I leave to you.
Thank YOU
I used Google Translate to see what you said, and it translated to: "Do something to fall out with shark skin"
I agree, shark skin would be very useful. It could be used to make water-resistant bags as well as clothing (boots or swimming fins would be good). I'd suggest adding a drying rack as well (to dry out the shark skin into a leather so it's easier to work with).
Survival mechanics and features I'd like to see:
Ths game has great potential but needs some updates first. these are my suggestions.
Different types of trees and plants that give other foods
furniture which can be created e.g. bed to sleep in
traps that can catch fish and the shark
different modes easy, medium and hard
easy is one shark
medium is three sharks
hard is 5 shark
day/night cycle
different weapons which have higher damage
scrap metal creates armour which give extra health
options and control settings
blueprint mode which people can install other peoples rafts
| bouts will be good | Iron stuff will be good | shark traps will be AWESOME! | Diff sharks | DO NOT PUT blueprints in Game | fish nets will be good | cheats will be AWESOME! | more building will be Nice | add a ice age | Faster sprint (Shift) | building angle will be nice | ADD IRON Floor,Walls, @ for most of building things | Add Big'er/Better nets also make them look better | Add Armor | add diff Trees and things like dat |
and also plzz add this stuff will be AWESOME! ps i LOVE this game
I think that there should be enemies like pirates or whales and you can raid pirates ships and they could try to raid you. Flintlocks, Cannons etc. should be added to give an extra use for scrap and add gunpowder. There should be beds and the sleep requirement as well as heat and dealing with your raft getting caught on fire. There should be doors to protect you from enemies such as pirates and nails should be added so you can choose between rope or nails for your buildings. You should be able to reinforce your foundations and walls with scrap so that the shark cannot break it so easily. Here is a list of animals and enemies and foods that should be added:
More fish types just to add more variety into the game (Cod, Salmon, Tuna etc.)
More plants (Corn, maize, wheat, sugar cane etc.) for making different foods using a new object.
Foods you can make: Tortillas, popcorn, Bread, sugar etc.
Food Recipes: Tortilla + any meat or fish = Taco, Water + Sugar + Any fruit = Juice, Flour (Wheat, corn or maize) + sugar + Coconut milk + eggs = Cake etc. Be creative with foods as I think there is an entire range of food items that should be able to be crafted
Whales (Little bigger than a killer whale) That are rare but can destroy large chunks of your raft (Should only spawn after < 1 hour of playing) They should produce whale meat which should be a little more nutritious than shark meat.
Pirates. They come in a pirate ship and are armed with flintlocks. Their ship has cannons and can shoot your raft which will destroy whatever it hits. They have cutlasses and will board your raft and attack you. When you destroy their ship it drops loot (planks rope nails barrels scrap food etc.) and it all floats along for you to catch. Pirates can also loot any chests not behind closed doors but the cannons can shoot down the door
Birds. Birds can steal your food and create nests on your trees. You can harvest these eggs to either get more birds for food or for eating. You should be able to boil the egg in a tin can full of water over the cooking station.
Salt. Salt should be obtained by putting salt water in the cooking station instead of the water purifier. It should be used to make food more filling but take away from thirst
Finally the weird one. You should have the option to pee in a cup and drink it immediately if you are about to die and your water is still cooking. You should receive debufs for this like walking slower because you are feeling sick and you may have to vomit into the sea which will contaminate any water got from it for 5 mins.
Thanks for reading and I will come up with more ideas at a later date.
I do realize this game is very early in development, so it may take some time for my ideas to be implemented into the game if they are found useful or interesting by the developers. I believe Raft should have a day and night cycle, a temperature aspect, beds, fire pits(warms the character and cooks food), more sharks, more weapons and metal bases. When it gets dark outside (night) the temperature could plummet and this would leave the character only two options, to light fire or to go inside of a walled-off room. To skip to day the character could sleep in his bed. Later in the game when the player has had time to make a base, more sharks will approach and attack the ship at once. The later on in the game, the more sharks. The next step is for the player to make metal foundations, wall, etc.. These foundations will not be easy to make and would require some farming. However, they would stand a good defense again the numerous sharks that will attack. To help defend furthermore the character would use his more advanced weapons like suppose a harpoon.
Thank you to the developers if they put some of my ideas into the game.
I've been wondering about a harpoon. It seems like a great idea. Perhaps it'd require a bit more metal scrap than a spear (or perhaps you spend a spear to craft it). The only thing I'd suggest is that hitting the shark with the harpoon might be dangerous. What if you had a chance to be yanked off the raft? On the other hand, it would deal even more damage to the shark than a spear would. Just swim back to safety before the shark comes back for revenge.
I see lots of suggestions about day/night cycles (which I know are tough to create), and I see a few suggestions of beds. To add to both of those, I'd suggest two types of beds to start with: a hammock and a palm frond sleeping mat. More options could be added for types of beds later on.
Certain beds would cost more but help the player recover more health (in the event of injury from the shark), players can only sleep if their injuries are severe or the sun is setting. Players also must have decent hunger/thirst levels before sleeping, as sleeping will make these go down. If a player is injured to the point they must sleep, they will wake back up when too hungry or too thirsty.
While sleeping, the shark might destroy 1-2 foundation tiles. (As per the difficulty level suggestions, this could be increased with an increase in difficulty.)
True, the night has to have something bad about it.
As for the game engine, this game utilizes Unity (as it states in the opening credits). I have UE4 installed, so I could try to figure out how to add a day/night cycle with that as an experiment, but as far as I know, most programs have confusing or complex ways to implement such cycles. I've never used Unity, though, so I'm not too familiar with its capabilities.
"There also must be something special about the night time to make the player WANT to sleep, besides simply health."
Maybe an Energy meter aside from Hunger and Thirst meters. Eating and drinking can bring it up slightly, but that can be a waste if you're full already, so you'll have to sleep eventually.
First of the game is cool and I like a developer that is doing something about his game.Pasing these thing here I what I would like to see:
• the previous save to be compatible with the newest version of the game.Cause we all know how anoying is when you have a big building and after that is disappearing.
• make a day/night cycle and in the day time if you stay too much in the sun your thirst is going down faster.In the night time to get cold and you need to stay near water purification station or cooking station when they are working or make a camp fire to stay warm otherwise you will die.
• being able to craft bed to skip the night if you don't have a campfire but your thirst and hunger will go up.
•defense from shark to damage and make him run but only one time after that you need to recraft the defense item.
•shark not being able to destroy or damage your platforms if they have wall's on them or a chest or something.
•durability will be nice but to not have too less or too much durability and the hook be indestructible.
• some furniture or things to put in your base.
And now things that I wouldn't like to see in game:
•difficulty to raise as you advence because think about it,you have a big platform 20/20 you wouldn't be able to protect the base from 3 or 4 sharks at the same time cause you see now in the game you made yourself a home and it's hard to protect even from 1 shark.
• bow and arrow would not be the best idea, if you put bird's and shoot them how would you need able to get them if they fall in water cause the shark will kill you.
•the raft to go underwater when you are building too much on it.If you think about in real life if the raft is bigger can sustain more weight just like throwing a rock and a plank in water.
I think is enough for the next 2 update. Hope it helped and sorry if I write it wrong couse English is not my primary language.
First of all, the game is really fun to play and i'm sure it will become a really great game. It needs a long-term objective, but i'm sure you know that.
I didn't see anyone mention this: fixing a foundation can cost more wood than letting the shark destroy it and building a new one. I couldn't come up with a solution for that, but I think repairing should be more beneficial, than building a new one.
There should be a "creative mode" were you can build anything with out having to use anything. Also it would be cool if you can chose to have the shark spawn in your would or not, and some other things to build with the hammer/craft, like a ladder, a bigger chest, maybe glass, a fire place to smelt stuff and give heat to the player, better foundation (Like a metal foundation/floor). And one last thing, durability to the tools. (And with better/upgraded tools).
UMM? Am I the only one that thinks about the human stranded?
Adding different sea creatures like dolphins and whales would be nice whereby one could be friendly but the other can either be friendly or enemy AI. For example if you fish too much you become a threat so the dolphins/whales attack and the one that's always friendly can be fed and after a while turns into a mount for a certain period of time.
-Add more types of food (like carrots, radishes..) but more difficult to obtain. (Cotton for make cloths also)
-A day and night cycle, what means to add a bed
-More types of fish, ones friendly, other agressive
-Food degradation. The food can rot after a while
-Temperature system
-Diseases, by drinking dirty water, by eating food in poor condition (food degradation), sunstroke during the day, hypothermia at night (add bonfires, which will play an important role here to maintain the temperature)
-Shark Algorithm: When killing the main shark, increase the number of sharks that spawn at the same time, progressively, or make the sharks harder to kill. In Hard mode, at the beggining would appear 2 sharks. (or something like that)
-Improve the wood floors walls etc with metal, making them more resistant to attacks
-Weather system, rain to collect for drinking, thunderstorms + rough seas (which can break the ends of the base), etc (That includes natural disasters like hurricanes, Tsunamis...
-Add more items and weapons! Fishnets, Bows for hunting, etc
-Defend the base with spikes, torches to keep sharks away
-Fall Damage
-You need blueprints to make complicate buildings/Items
-Cloths and armor, with leather and metal
-More buildings
-Smeltery for making better weapons or improve your actual ones
-Floats that must be placed while you expand the base (or the base will sink, but thats a hardcore idea)
-Goose barnacles glued to the base which you can take off and cook for eat (Why not?)
-Maybe... brocken ships near the base with loot
I dont have more ideas right now.. If I think anything else, I'll comment it below! (PD Sorry if you dont understand something i dont speak a lot of english)
Some of these are more advanced, but I stuck to what I knew was doable without any massive amounts of money invested, such as multiplayer.
1. Raft/Canoe... may be used to travel around the sea a bit more, and reach loot in the ocean.
1. Buoys... Some stationary buoy's located around the ocean, that you may sail to using the raft. Some more advanced loot may be placed there for looting.
3. Until some ideas for further implementation of the world border come up, I think having a world loop (if you go over the side on one side, it puts you on the side adjacent to it (opposite side)) may be interesting
4. Snorkel... pretty self explanatory, you may make a snorkel (basic) out of wood and thatch or something, and then simply be on the surface of the water, or a snorkel (advanced) to go down deeper.
5. Ocean caves or ravines, accessible using the snorkel. May contain a dungeon or something maybe?
6. Advanced materials, such as clay, sand, etc. For example, you may use sand to make glass.
7. Windowed wall tiles, so that the wall has a window on it. My apologies if this is already implemented by the time that I write this.
IIt would be really nice if possible to add a tool that could remove a foundation,floor,stairs etc... (everything that u built), and let the game be more competitive like, adding NPC trough out the game with their own base and we could raid them,killing them and stealing their stuff, and adding more combat gear to fight NPC´s like bow and arrow
I think this would be a very neat way to be able to get scarp metal. You know how you get materials floating from you and you start thinking of ways that you are getting them. I was thinking of enabling a sunken ship that has been giving you supplies. You should be able to go to the ship and mine away either with a hatch or a pickax and mine away at the ship and every hit or so you get one scrap metal just like how every hit or so you hit a tree you get wood planks or thatch. Just thought it would be something interesting
I think there should be a logistics system, which would include hoppers, chutes, logistics chests( those could interact with the logistics system by accepting items( from chutes) and ejecting items( into hoppers)), channels, and possibly sorting macines. there should also be new items, like gears, sheet metal, and bolts. I also think you should set up a poll to see what ideas the community supports.
I would suggest adding a feature when you mine floor/walls/nets/etc... with an axe, you actually get the item back. This might be a good feature because sometimes when i place something wrong i have to chop it and then make another one of that item and that means i have to lose more reasources, That would be really helpfull. The other thing is more graphics options. I dont have a good computer which means i have to run a 600x400 resolution. It is really hard for me to play so adding more options would really mean something to the gamers out there. And maybe if you have some time add like some more fish. Right now theres only 1 fish type and thats kind of boring... but its something. You can also add like an automatic machine that picks up planks/scrap/leaves automatticly for you.
This is a completely out-of-the-box idea (because hardly anyone else will use it), but I would enjoy a return-to-center cursor mechanic in the game. As of right now, you have a completely different cursor mechanic, so it's impossible to play this game with a graphics tablet right now. It would have very little impact on the gameplay of other non-tablet players, so it shouldn't bother too many people. The only potential problems I can see would be with controller support, though you could try implementing something to detect the presence of a controller and switch to a more controller-friendly cursor mechanic.
The only reason I suggest this is because I'm more accustomed to playing FPS games with a graphics tablet (sounds weird, I know). If I could play this with a tablet, it would be more comfortable for me. (If you don't know what I mean by 'graphics tablet' try searching for 'Wacom Tablet' or 'Huion Tablet' to see what I mean.)
Love the game
Maybe you could add some exploration into the game for example someone said underwater play this could be use to kill fish/creatures/bosses who could give you loot (a range of different attack methods e.g. spear guns) and to loot places e.g. abandoned ships, (using driving gear which could be different quality that could last longer underwater).
Start with lighter and limited fuel to start fire (or nothing on higher difficulty) and once that runs out, you'll need some other method of making fire to cook and distill water with.
edit: and I know animation is low on the priority list at this point, but I'd like to see more violent shark attacks on the player, thrashing, biting, dragging you underwater, and give the shark the ability to grab you from the edge of the raft and pull you off.
Fish Traps and Spikes so the shark will get hurt when eating my stuff. A pistol would be a great addition with ammo craftable with metal scrap. Maybe a metal refinery would be good so we could make metal ingots and sheets to craft a gun. A bow craftable from wood and rope, arrows of leaf+wood+metal could give you 3 arrows. Just some ideas that would fit into the game. Thank you!
Currently, I've spent about 3 or 4 hours on this game. I've found out that having a day/night cycle would be amazing. When/If the day/night cycle is implemented, torches would be a given. We'll need oil found beneath the waves of the ocean to craft the torches. Along with cloth made from either, Thatch or a type of hide found on an island or in the barrels. Up-gradable hammer and axe to make better floors walls and traps to set to kill the shark. More resources, like iron, steel, pearl, rock, coral. Found under the ocean as well. Glass for a scuba mask can be caught with a fishing rod or a scoop you create the same as the hook.
Ok, i just played for a few hours and basicly i won, cuz there is nothing more to do. I suggest making it a larger area for the shark and debris. Also add a bed, ornaments, and base defences. Also would be fun for like bad weather, and even hurricanes to mess everything up. In that case maybe make some new walls that are super strong to withstand the hurricanes that take alot of materials and time to make. It would make it more indeapth if you could make night time too, and add a fireplace. Maybe add clothes to stay warm in certain weather:make it or even armor out of shark skin. :) ok im sure i can come up with a bunch of more stuff but thats a start :)
I'd like to suggest a sort of "peaceful" mode (sorry, Minecraft was the first thing that came to mind trying to explain this :P)
A mode where there's no shark and you can just create stuff without the worry of a shark gobbling it all up. I got so scared when I was just trying to make essentials and hadn't built anything and the shark came and ate a quarter of the raft ;-;
Maybe have two different physic properties to the raft that goes with previously stated difficulty ratings. On the lower two difficulties have the static version of the raft, but on the higher difficulties have a raft that need some sort of floating device that would be used to cancel out heavy sides.
Example: Put literally everything on the left side of the raft, the raft becomes heavy on the left, and starts to sink in, depending on what the player does the raft's left side could... I don't know snap off? or maybe it causes some sort of game over (player falls into water and cannot get back on the sinking raft, which then has the player become shark food?)
Charatcer customization would be cool to see as well.
Just brainstorming. Anyway loving the way the game is coming along. Keep up the work!
Hey, the game is very nice but I think we can make it better by perhaps adding night, it means you have to sleep in a bed. Mabie night could be cold, so you have to build a fire. adding falling damage as well would be a very good Idea, you know, things to make the game more interesting and a little bit harder in some way.