Pretty comfy, wish there was a tutorial or something
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I have no idea. You click and things pop on the screen. I watched it on stream, so I don't think I missed anything.
Cycling doesn't actually cycle, it just moves left/right to the end of it. Or no, it does cycle, but Q cycles fishes, W Plants and E red blobs. Sure, would have liked some better explanation on the Side tho. I also think something like this would work better with full mouse controls, and maybe popup panels on the side to select what to buy, instead of those cycle menues.
No Idea how much Food anything needs/produces, or what they eat, so I bought a butterfly/fly/bee thing by accident, which immediately flew out of the Water. Also bought some Trees and Algae, so everything seems to work out I hope.
Everytime I tab out and back in to write on the comment I accidentally buy something, but thats on my end obviously.
I think I had one of the Trees multiply itself, so thats nice. Its also nice to see you use Sprites for once, instead of only colored Shapes.
Since everything kind of reproduces itself, I'm assuming it'll also balance itself out over Time naturally? Also my Bee got stuck in a Tree.
Reproduction can become really fast over Time, I was swarmed in Anchorfish. Don't know which fFish are predators tho, so I just bought a random assortment.
Another Bee got stuck on the Corner.
If I spawn fish at the Top, they just fall through the Floor into the Water. I was expecting them to suffocate.
One of the big red Balloons got stuck in another Corner.
Its interesting to watch the Fish, quite relaxing. I just wish they hade more of a different behavior. It seems they just float around randomly until Hungry, then dash to the nearest Food of their Choice. and if its a red balloon, they then float up with it, otherwise they just consume it.
It also doesn't apparear to lag out, even if I spam Anchorfish and Bees everywhere. Did you change something on your Engine? Seems way more performant then usual.
Fish can't move anymore at this Point, they just block each other completely, so its up to my massive Algae Forest to spew food into their location or they starve I guess. Its also starting to slow down at this Point, but I've nearly filled every visible spot with Anchorfish, so thats expected.
I wish I had ore control over the Aquarium Layout, and more Stuff to place. Not necessarily fish, a few more plant species and some environment props would be nice to have in there.
Found a green Anchorfish after a while, don't know what thats supposed to be, do they mutate randomly? Or are their Corpses green? I would understand the later, they can't move anymore.
At this Point its pretty much unplayable due to overcrowding and Lag.
But the Idea is nice and comfy. With some proper Fish behavior, ways to interact or customize the Aquarium, and maybe as a kind of "desktop-pet" setup instead of in webbrowser, this could be nice and relaxing to just leave running on the Side, and occassionally tabbing in to see what your Fish are up to.
very nice, reminded me of my fishtank. it was quite nice to watch and discover their different behaviors and although i did not see any flocking patters, it was fun to watch them run and compete for the bits of food. the flying type reproduced so much that any food created by the bush would get instantly eaten and create one flock of nearby 'fishes'. i saw fishes that would eat other fish; some of them i'm not sure what they do but they seem to change with time.
in general just adding more stuff at random makes the money raise faster so there is no difficulty in keeping them alive or anything like that.
had to play at 90% zoom, otherwise the game window would be bigger then the browser window
Really great tutorial, needs music and sound effects. Keep adding stuff.
Never played insaneaquarium but I enjoyed this game. It could really use some music and sfx.
The selection resets each time something is placed which makes it a little annoying to add 5 clownfish to my tank at once. Having a menu where every fish and plant can be viewed at once would be nice too.
Besides that, not much to say. Do you take fish requests?
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