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PlundergroundView game page

Diabloesque ARPG featuring AI controlled party members
Submitted by Tsveeble Mett (@tsveeble) — 2 days, 23 hours before the deadline
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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

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game is really fun. maybe a bit too easy right now. some rooms could use more enemies. drop rate is a bit low. some wonkiness with menus and UI i'm sure you're aware of. CRPG aspects are cool and fun. needs more dialogue interactivity. cloth physics stretch out too much. loot chance modifier would be great. dungeon layouts are nice and expansive, but the angled walls can feel procgen-y and hard to navigate. if there was a way to make them diagonally cut across the grid rather than conform to it, that could feel better.  enjoyed the grinding, very much looking forward to more. 

ps. re: witch, boobs don't look like that.


update: i got the samsara shield!

my life is now complete.


Congrats! How long did it take you to find it?

The females will be remodeled soon, just as the walk cycle has to be remade. Will check with the cloth, maybe theres an easy fix for it and i didnt see it yet.

Dungeon generation is a current issue im dealing with. The new levels you saw at the end of the demo got a fix for preventing double doors which the mines do not have. As they were built completely different, its hard to fix it, so i might remake it from scratch. You've got a point with the diagonals there, because they need to feel more organic than the new area, which is intended to be blocky and more neatly structured.

The rest is just a matter of time. Monster density can be increased now that you successfully tested the performance fixes i put in for them! Just the first load up seems to be a problem still. 

Really happy that things went pretty smooth for you and it was great to see you getting into the intended gameplay flow once you figured out the companion stuff. Thanks again for spending so much time playing, very helpful!


took less than 20 minutes of grinding in the level 1 dungeon to find it, dropped by a goblin champion. just lucky i guess ;)

(oh by the way, the champion enemies of any given class tend to always have the same name.)

the new area is cool, but it felt a bit repetitive quickly after opening many small room doors with a single skeleton. obviously an under construction area, but it would be cool to switch it up with different shapes and kinds of rooms. 

anyways great work as always, good luck and godspeed you.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

First time playing it, I really want to see more!

  • There were some odd stuttering issues, probably from loading things in. It got really bad when certain fights broke out.
  • These goblins can throw bottles through walls.
  • The companions are a really cool mechanic, though I wish there was some more explanations on how they work. For example, at one point the dwarf died and I could not figure out how to revive them. I went the rest of the level just fine, but when I moved to the next floor, they died again. I guess this is part "how do I revive him" and part "why didn't he respawn on the next floor".
  • The shops felt properly Diablo-like, though it would be nice to have a way to compare items. Most games in the genre have this QoL at some point.
  • The burp on drinking potions is stupid satisfying. A+
  • It would be nice to have some starting items on both me and the companions. I did not realize the dwarf had 0 items equipped until he died. Same with potions.
  • The map generation felt a bit sporadic? Not sure how you have it implemented but it created a lot of little nooks and crannies that didn't help navigation.
  • Additionally, there were some doors that just didn't load in until I opened them. Like literally a black void on the overlay and in the world, but it still had the interact icon on hovering over them.
  • I liked how weapons and armor appeared on your character, but did not like how they didn't on the companions. Let me trick out my dwarf, please.
  • Please make the hitbox for picking up items a bit bigger. Depending on how they fell, it felt like pixel hunting.
  • Also, dragging the items in the store out of the inventories seemed to freeze it in place. This persisted between closing and reopening the merchant view. You can tell I tried buying a potion for the dwarf companion here:



Thanks for playing and glad you like it!

First of all, when did you download the game? I was really busy trying to get rid of the stutters this weekend and uploaded new builds like crazy. You wishing for starting equipment makes me think it was an "older" build, because thats something i quickly put in too. Guess you didn't have proper loading screens with a progress bar either? That MIGHT fix some stutters.

I liked how weapons and armor appeared on your character, but did not like how they didn't on the companions.

This is a new one for me, it should show on the companions. Didn't see this happening on the streams of other players. Maybe i broke something in my recent builds?

Will also take a look at the store bug you mentioned. While way more stable than before, the inventories are quite a pain and the stores themselves have a few bugs that are hard to get rid of (sometimes it has more pages than needed, no idea why).

The door bug may also be semi fixed. The bug existed for quite some time and its hard to pin point it due to the proc gen and other issues that take priority. Seems like in rare cases the whole tile isn't properly uncovered, which made me hotfix a LoS check for doors. But that would sometimes leave neighbouring walls still invisible. Gotta work on a proper fix!

Your QoL suggestions are greatly appreciated! Revival of your buddies was frequently asked by people, so a hint seems reasonable. I will also make an option to review hints that were already triggered, because people tend to only read half of it, if any. Item comparison is quite a little beast to tackle im afraid, so it will take a backseat until i iron out the more annoying problems you and others encountered. It will come however! Item hitboxes are a good point and are easy to adjust.

Thanks again for playing and leaving feedback!


Just got the newest Version, nice.

Played roughly 1h.

I like the Animated Hero on the Title Screen, but the rest of it is pretty empty. Also no Music, and the slamming Animation is repetetive.

Your loading Screen Cursor isn't flipping, its just a static Sandclock.

Walking feels Floaty. Stats are simple and precise, not wasted on a lot of needless Substats or anything, which is nice. Menues are a bit bare Bones when played fullscreen, and seem Placeholder-y at the Moment.

The Card-Companions are neat, I like that Idea.

Is there anything seperating the Classes apart from Stats/Looks?

It occassionally lags when moving across the Map, probably when loading in new Chunks of Stuff.

When putting a Spell on LMB, it casts then I attack, probably a Bug. Also after a few Goblins where slain, I could no longer move.

You can see out of the Bounds of the Town. 

On loading, the Dungeon doesn't save.

Leveling up feels satisfying, but could be a bit better I think. The Idea of increasing Follower Attributes by giving them Skills is nice.

Dwarf is at -2/1 Health Potions now, no Idea how that happened, but apparently you check for 0, not <0, so he has infinite Potions now I think?

Nice Druid. If I have the Map overlay enabled, it disappears when I move up to the next Floor.

Loot in level 2 cleary dropped from the Weapon Racks, but didn't sparkle and wasn't pickup-able.

Very nice that you can mine the Gold if you have a Pickaxe.

Rat king got Stuck between the Cages, trivializing the Fight.

I'm assuming it'll go on pretty much unchanged forever at this Point, with just variations in Enemies, so I'm stopping here.


Finally a new essay, missed these.

Interesting how many things you figured out others couldn't, like the pickaxe and gold interaction. For the lag im still trying to find the perfect solution and while you were playing i uploaded a build that loads and instantiates all kinds of things in the loading screen as opposed to background loading without instancing things in previous builds. Its difficult to iron this stuff out since i can only test it on two machines, both of which cache some data between sessions...

The classes have different starting stats and can find/equip different types of rare auxillary items (witch can get spell boosting ones, warrior gets stuff for physical combat) of which there are only 1 per class at the moment. Additionally, because of the current feedback, the warrior starts with a shoddy sword now and the witch already knows the fireball spell. For the future i want to implement some non-magic abilities, but im not sure yet as of the specifics, but it might be a good idea to make some of those class dependent.

The punch after spell casting has been there for quite a while and isnt intended, was just low priority. You are the first to point it out though.

Will check out the other bugs you mentioned. 

On loading, the Dungeon doesn't save.

To be clear: levels save within the session. Once you go back to the main menu the data is gone and will be randomized again when loading your character. So porting to town and back should result in the same dungeon with the same corpses and loot laying around, while loading a save from yesterday should not.

Level 4 is different to the others, but is still very empty. It has 2 encounters though and will be the entrance to the next area which i will finish until next DD.

As always, thanks for playing. Your detailed feedback is greatly appreciated!


Lot of progress

-Classe and sexe should be separated, if I want to play a muscle warrior girl, it should be my god given right

-Some lag (linux debian testing)

-Magic & spell are lackluster, why can't I make fire rain from the sky?

Nice game, character should move a little faster.


Funny that you mention the fire rain spell. I was about to reply that you CAN learn and do it, but after checking it seems i forgot it for the loot tables. Theres still 7 other spells to find. However the sorceress companion can learn it early on and can use it on groups of enemies.

Working on the lag and pushed out a new build not long ago, that may or may not mitigate that.

Thanks for playing and the feedback. Will keep these things in mind!




Very charming style!

Gameplay seems fine but I couldn't get very far, the game (v0163d) had a bunch of performance issues.
There's a ton of stuttering when models and effects load for the first time, this is expected for Godot you need to preload particles and models, for my game I'm loading an instance of them at startup and that mostly does the trick.

Other than that I had frequent crashes when entering mine floors, one time playing as the witch the level loaded but the loading screen didn't fade away and it stayed up even after going back to the menu and reloading the save, restarting fixed it.

I'll try this again next time hoping that it runs better, it looks like fun.


Quickly tested it and i sometimes get it too.... so it must have snuck in with the latest changes :(

The stutters are so annoying: i did the instancing thing too a while back, which resulted in the game not respoinding for a few seconds (because i needed to instance a lot of different items per level) and could even lead to a crash on weaker machines. Currently im trying to just let the ResourceLoader load everything needed in the background before it gets used. This seems to work for some people more than for others. My other (weak) laptop runs relatively smooth that way, but a streamer yesterday had visible minifreezes on multiple occasions.

the level loaded but the loading screen didn't fade away and it stayed up

Thats a new one. Just got to reproduce this and it seems to happen if you switch levels while the fading of the loading screen isnt done. Will fix that.

Thanks a lot for reporting these things, really appreciate it!


seems to be coming along well.

i noticed some performance issues here and there though.. maybe the cause is similar to mine?


Yes probably, its hard to iron them all out if you made a lot of stuff before cleaning it up correctly. Uploaded a new version that should fix some of it, or at least it did for me. Hard to test these things locally due to caching.

Thanks for checking it out!


Works decently well, but has a similar issue as many submissions I've tried where it has to load sprites or sounds or something on the fly and it hangs the game briefly, which gets better after some time when the stuff is already loaded. Is there a reason I start out without a weapon or a spell? I'd prefer to start out with something since punching goblins as a witch doesn't make that much sense.


Hey thanks for playing and letting me know about the stutters! When testing myself, the only notable stutters i encounter are when starting out and walking towards one of the NPCs, not sure what thats about. Other than that its mostly lag free for my weaker laptop (i think i missed preloading the acid/fire puddles of the throwing goblins though). Did you have any other instances of freezes/lags?

Theres no really good reason to let the player start with no equipment, but you start out with a little bit of money and recruiting the dwarf he tells you to better buy a weapon with it. Spells are a bit strong right now, so starting out with one could make things trivial in the beginning, but i get where you're coming from. Maybe i can come up with some weak starter spell/ability for the witch.


Consider me converted. Seriously though, the shops are greatly appreciated. There weren’t any when I last played and it very much put me at the mercy of RNG.

It detected my previous save but I started again anyway. The companion system seems to work pretty well though I had the dwarf stand in the thrown goblin acid pools a lot.

Speaking of Alberich, does he get the surfboard?


A surfboard you say? Maybe an opportunity will reveal itself at some point, who knows... Anyway, made me look up the origins of that screen, guess i will need to at least watch a video on it. Named the guy like this because i just looked up dwarves from european folklore. 

I can try to adjust their behavior to avoid harmful areas, but im afraid it will conflict a lot with the rest, making them useless as soon as theres a few puddles around.

Glad you like the shops and that theres no worse feedback than the dwarf dipped in acid. Thanks for playing again!