It's great to see another shmupper and touhou fan
solid base, dunno if you are using a touhou-maker but gj
both kb and pad controls greatly; simple and cute menu
Random stuff i noted, the two most important i'll put right away:
- imo take a second to polish your art a little, it's not very welcoming. i know that touhou art can be very shitty too, but it's not really an excuse
- the dual chara i don't understand very much. They are the main 2 archetypes of touhou, no issue there, but the switch has nothing gamplaywise. The tip in the loading "one is faster than the other", maybe is the only thing; but in reality who cares about that
- Take for example harmful park: harmful has 4 weapons, each one with its own power level and bomb; when you die, the weapon you had equipped downgrades to lv.1. This mechanic create exciting gemplay possibilities for customization and risk/reward
- my tip would be to make two separate chara like (old) touhou; or if you like the change chara gimmick give it a strong gameplay foundation. Imo play harmful park for some inspiration. also make a different bomb for the two chara
- there is a problem with focus: the heart it's white. for man chara there is no problrm, red contrat white np; but not for your girl chara because her dress is almost white too.
- when u hit an enemy the collision particle it's very small, and the enmy itself dosen't registrate the dmg. you can make it flash (like i do), blink etc or maybe up your particles, dunno. in one phrase, lemme know at a glace in heat of dodging that the enemy is indeed taking dmg
- boss of stage1, third or fourth phase i think (when he showers a lot of small projtiles), maybe add another color beside yellow
- P disappar after a few bounces, no problem. but lemme know when they are about to disapper, so i can at a glance choose what P pick up next
- i like your bullet patterns, but they feel very touhou. since we don't have Y move imo you should think about on what you can do to differentiate from a classic touhou patterns
- at the start of the second level, if you start with male chara, the proj will all go to the bottom, maybe you spawn something there befor moving it to the top of the screen?
- hard mode filtered me, it's really really hard to survive just on X axis
- more on that, imo designing different difficulties in your state it's very premature. Your levels will change a lot and redo all difficulties every time can be maddening
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