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Bullet ChessView game page

A fast paced game of bullet chess, WITH ACTUAL BULLETS!
Submitted by DeanDoesDev (@DeanDoesDev) — 14 hours, 15 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall experience#313.3083.308
Creativity/game design#403.1543.154

Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Does your submission follow the required limitation?
No, it only follows the theme. I don't want to be rated if that's not possible, I just want the feedback :)

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Great game! Don't see how it fits the theme, but the game felt amazing to play. Polished animations and sound effects! I loved how the enemies actually moved like the real chess things. Could see this game making a really good full game


Thank you for playing! Ill be honest, it dosent fit the theme in any revolutionary way, just "keep checkmate away"


Love it its pretty amazing!


Thank you so much for playing!


this is a great game; the polish is awesome. it's like shotgun king but with free movement and bullet heck. shame it doesn't fit the limitation.


Thanks for playing!


Overall this was cool, it's a shame you couldn't have just recolored some of the sprites to make it fit the limitation but otherwise it's a fun little game! I found it difficult to know when my shots were making contact and wasn't sure if I was making contact or making near-misses half the time, so  would consider adding a clearer hit-effect or maybe even a sound effect. I liked the subtle screen-rounding effect to give it more of an arcade feel/look, and the controls were really solid. I liked the "CHECKMATE" cut-in lol that was very fun.


Thanks for playing!


Oof, I dunno if I should rate this but I guess 32 people already have, hahaha. I like the bullet hell/chess combo! It was a ton of fun. I also liked seeing all the different guns too, though it definitely got a bit repetitive after a while with no score incentive and not a lot of content. I don't think I ever saw a Rook or a Queen?

The presentation was great! I love the art style and the music, though I wish there were effects for enemy pieces dying. It was so close to the color limitations, though! Black, White, Blue, and Red would've been perfect for it. The guns and pieces were also definitely a bit too compressed to understand what they are clearly, I kept thinking there was a rocket launcher and didn't realize one of the pieces was a Bishop.

Overall it's a very solid game despite not following the limitations! I'd definitely love to come back to this once there's a lot more content. Maybe adding in some pieces from other chess variants once the full board is represented?


Yeahhhhh, honestly, im not in it for the ratings, just for the feedback, and you gave me both! So thank you!

Glad you had fun with it, after the jam I am defenitly adding some more content after there was so much demand for it! It sucks that I was strapped for time, I WAS SURE there was a rook enemy late game and a queen boss fight, I guess my code didnt work.

Post jam: I will probably scale up the enemy art, to add some more visiblity, MAKE THE ROOK AND QUEEN WORK LMAO, and your idea of chess variants is super cool! Will look into it! Again, thank you for playing and rating and, euh, feedback-ing lol


I might not have gone far enough to see them, actually! Without a wave indicator it's hard to tell how much progress you've got


A well polished game ! I like the graphics and the music. But you can just stand in a corner and spam to kill the enemies and if you spam then you can shoot any weapon as fast as you want. Also the music duplicates when you lose and get to the main menu.


Thank you for the feedback!


This game is super polished it feels like a GMTK winner. Music is great the art/animation is spot on and gameplay good.  A few ideas could be a high score, some more clarity on where the player is, and some projectile variation (Beams, high damage, explosive). Really good submission overall. :D


The chess theme is really nicely done and the sound fx & music is great! The  gameplay lacks character in my opinion, its like all the other bullet hell  games with minor differences, other than that, nice game. (Also there's a bug where the music doubles when you restart after dying)


Very nice game! +1 Follower


Very fun game and I liked the mechanic of getting guns a lot and the music was absolutely awesome, but it's really weird how you have made many not so important things to make the game juicier, but missed the most important and basic ones: little camera shake when shooting, camera shake when hitting an enemy, and big camera shake when killing an enemy and some cool particles from that enemy dying. Also the game is kinda too easy, because I run out of enemies (I think that you pre programmed the all the enemies somehow, correct me if im wrong) so no more spawned and I was still at half health on my first try.


Huh, not supposed to stop spawning, will fix post-jam!


very good and fun game : )


Super Polished and Fun Expirence


Nice game! It's really well polished, and I like the graphics (though I obviously would have wished you followed the limitation).  One thing I think the game is really missing though, is a score system, which would have really motivated me to try to beat my scores.


Yeahhhh, that would have been a great idea! Sorry for the limitation, I just couldnt with my artstyle and I didnt have time to learn 8-bit theory or whatever LOL


Fun game! It was too easy for my liking but I had fun with it. Only thing I didn't really like was how you couldn't really tell if your bullets were actually doing anything to the enemy. Maybe an enemy flash and a sound effect when you hit an enemy could be good for that.

Other than that, good game!


Awesome! Thanks for playing! Will be sure to make some changes post-jam. What do you suggest, difficulty-wise? (Health decrease, more enemies, more bullets, less weapon time)


The two main issues I found with the balancing were the fact you had way too much health, and the fact you could shot any weapon as fast as you wanted to by just spamming left click. I think you could balance that by making the weapon time a bit higher and buffing some of them, but adding a set firerate to each one. 

The shotgun could pretty much obliterate everything if you clicked fast enough which felt really unbalanced, so, for example, buffing its damage but making it shoot considerably slower could be good. Though, to be honest, I find balancing shotguns the hardest thing to do in a game (speaking from experience lol)

Those are really the only things I found a little bit unbalanced, the rest of the game is really fun and the art is very cute!


Awesome! Thank you so much! Yeah, i'm not sure how to balance that "left click spam" issue, because if I remove the ability to shoot when you click, the guns felt really wonky and un-responsive. When I kept it in, the slower guns felt over powered. TBH I think its just cuz im dumb lol


this is a nice shooter


Thanks! Any sort of feedback?


the movement had this nice jump so it looked like it was an actual chess piece moving and the game didn't feel so difficult that it was unfun to play  


Really enjoyed this but the queen feels like a slog to get through. I think the health should be nerfed a tad on her unless I am just insanely inaccurate haha.


Definetly, I felt so too, just though it would make it to easy, but good to know, will change post jam! Thank you for playing!


I figured it was to boost difficulty but I found myself most times leaving the queen for last and then just side stepping back and forth for what felt like 5 minutes(but was probably nowhere near lol)


lol yeah! If I were to expand this game, what would you suggest (what would make you buy it, or at least give it a shot)


Probably an upgrade system between games that could extend pick up times/damage. Then you could probably boost the health of some pieces and it wouldn't feel like a slog because you're working towards making it easier for yourself.


Nice game!!


Thanks! Any feedback?

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

This base is very solid and polished. 

If you pretend to expand this game, I think perhaps that you could transform it in a roguelite (bc you have everything on hands to do this), but instead of a infinit game, you would do levels with different formats and more weapons/powerups variation, and with a score table. 

About the graphics, I think you could make the chess pieces a bit more clear to identify wich is what.

Hope it helps you in some way XD


It does, thanks!


good job!


Thank you! Any feedback if there were to ever be a full release


maybe it's just that at the beginning of the game I had no idea what to do


Love it


Glad you liked it!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Love chunky pixels! this is a simple, but great idea! would of been interesting if there was a hard mode, where you actually move like the pawn, and only move square per square, but the upside would be that you can upgrade your chess piece to others. great job


Thanks! Yes, I had that idea, but I was afraid it was too close to Shotgun King LOL