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🔥Rate for Rate 🔥

A topic by thecyberden created Sep 15, 2024 Views: 373 Replies: 39
Viewing posts 1 to 19
Submitted (1 edit)

If you rate mine il rate yours

Submission Page :

Game Page :

Make sure to respond with you game.


Game :

Rating page :

the game has Mystical  story and more than one Endings


You did not rate my game in 22 seconds fella. You broke the deal :(.


I'm rating I was playing some fun game

Submitted (1 edit)

ohh the deal is still on then

Im gonna rate yours


Rating :-

Game :-

This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.

The game is funny and retro styled

I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback


I loved dunking myslef into the basketball hoop

Submitted (1 edit)

if you like 3d top down shooter games please play and rate my game Stay Calm =>

Edit: i rated your game based on info and screenshots as i am on a Mac so can’t play your game


Thanks for the rate; i did try exporting to mac for about half an hour but i just couldn't get it to work im sorry. il defo rate your game though


Hi, hope you had a fun time during the jam.

Try aswell and leave a comment about what you think about it! :)


Hey i already played your game and i have some feedback;

I loved the art and the assets and i know i am being picky but there was just too much on screen for me and i didnt know what it all meant at first and it took me a while to find the village bit i had to destory.


Any feedback is good feedback to do it better! So thanks for taking the time to write it. Glad you liked the visuals :)


first game jam hope you like it.

rate link:


Once you wrap your head around it its a great game


Rate Honorable Torch by whackyfear for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 - for the rating

Honorable Torch by whackyfear ( as my game

it was nice btw, solid 8


I love the torch aspect and the death sfx!

solid 8.0001


Just gave you a rating, nice game. Would appreciate it if you could check out mine and give me a rating back.


this game made me laugh; you should be able to knock over the npcs though cause i kept getting stuck


It would be nice if you checked out my game and I'll definitely check out the games of everyone who comments!

Game page:

Rate page:


i played this game for like 20 mins , its really fun


Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it.



Nice game i loved the art style ; you should make the WASD or the arrow keys control the cat


love your games

This is my first game game is about a person with multiple persona and if you choose wrong may cause persona storm 

rate link=☞


Already played you game and loved your take on the theme


I will be working through the games in this list from top to bottom. But I also will be working on some updates. Thank you for your rating and your feedback.

Game Page:

Rate Page:


Hey nice game, i did notice some performance drops which i assume is because of the grass one way i fixed this in my godot game is turning on backface culling for the multimesh.


Thank you. I will try to improve the performance, I will see if I can back face cull the grass shader as a quick fix. Unfortunately we ran out of time and optimization is usually one of the things I do to refine a game. Thank you for the feedback.


Haha i had that same problem, its i real issue with godot for example on my game i have every optimisation setting under the sun turned on and it still would either be at 200 fps or 10.


Rated your game.

Here's mine.

Rating Page:

Game Page:


Damn im js shocked you managed to make that in pygame thats insane well done! a while back i made my own pygame with a level builder and it was really annoying


Thanks for the encouraging words 


Yo, here's mine:


I loved the way the charecter walked but the game was a bit confusing at times

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks! And yeah, it was kinda confusing for me too. Gotta add more direction next time.


Rating :-

Game :-

This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.

The game is funny and retro styled

I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback


Rating :-

Game :-

This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.

The game is funny and retro styled

I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback


Game Page:
Rate Page:


Hello! i'll leave our card game:


Game Page:

Jam page:

Rate my game, I'll rate yours too :)