I will rate your game if you rate mine https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973218#post-10927144. there isn't much there but i would still like to qualify to win.
I will rate your game if you rate mine https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973218#post-10927144. there isn't much there but i would still like to qualify to win.
Hello, this is my game! Already rated your game and I will play other's games too
Game Page: https://logfaer.itch.io/fireinthedark
I've made game in html, jss and javascript. The game is simple but very entertaining.
Hello here is our game ,i hope u like it! I will try yours now! https://qertzo.itch.io/pawstro
Rated and commented: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973195
Can u pls play ny game on yt it would be really cool
Rating :- https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973823
Game :- https://avsdev.itch.io/bucket-list
This is a game about active ragdoll and open world. We have everything boxing, mike tyson, racing, making friends, Heck we even got me as a boxing fight In this game you need to complete your bucket list before the meteor comes and u sleep for the last time.
The game is funny and retro styled
I really put my heart into it pls play and give good feedback
Rated! here you have our game: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972244
I've rated yours, can you also rate mine
Game: https://azeemdesigner.itch.io/ghostlygraveyard
Rate Page: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2961613
Rated, you can check mine out here - https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2973778#post-10920603
if you have a controller and like 3d top down twin stick shooters then maube play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’ => https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2969404
Here is my game, please try it out!
hey! would love to know your thoughts on my game!
gonna try and rate your game right now!
Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 - itch.io
Rating yours ^^ Here is mine if you want to give it a try :) https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2970970
I'm thinking to make this game much bigger, and feedback could help. Thank you <3
Here's the game link ButtonRun by Ramdev for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 - itch.io