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SealView game page

Join the roller coaster of emotions as you "rewind" to the perspective of the seal behind you.
Submitted by PNutti — 1 hour, 25 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#6653.1133.113

Ranked from 53 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
You "rewind" to the perspective of a fellow seal following your lead, who happened to see the demise of your controlled character. You're the new leader.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
The code, the ringed seal, animations and cave assets are created by me.

Low poly rocks are taken from the asset store.
Music and sound effects from: and

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Things I particularly liked:

>Seals! I love scuba diving, so this was a nice treat for me :) I liked the seal and animations of it and the general feel of the game

>Nice relaxing audio

>The visuals in the first level were quite calming and relaxing I found (maybe you should lean into that further to try and achieve a relaxed flow state rather than adding the stress of avoiding rocks?)

Things that could potentially be tweaked/improved:

>Difficulty was quite low, which isn't a bad thing if going for a relaxed game (and this is a decent theme for a relaxed game i think). Simultaneously, I found it quite hard to guage the distance of the rocks sometimes, so that might have been frustrating if the difficulty was higher. I also felt I didn't use the stamina bar really, or have a need to.

>I found the turning of the seal in the first level to be a bit weird; I think it probably would have been better for the seal not to rotate at all in the first level, or if so clamp the value much lower.

>Theme: I felt the application of the theme to be quite weak tbh. I feel like going into the perspective of the seal behind is not really rewinding (even if the game has rewound slightly). 

Overall I quite enjoyed the game! Nice, simple, relaxing! I can imagine the seals frollicking now :) 


I loved this entry! I thought the graphics and music were both super awesome, and adding a new control scheme later in the game was a really fun twist! I would love to see this game continued and think it could become an even more awesome game! I would say if you continue, I would work on improving the camera in the swimming section, because I felt like it liked to stay behind rocks that blocked my view. I'd also suggest making the gameplay a little more complex. Maybe add some type of dash rings or a way to grow your pod! Overall though, I really enjoyed and thought it was amazing!


It was a very nice and fun experience! I really loved the ambience you created throug the level design and the music. If you decide to continue to work on this project (which i think its a good idea), maybe you could polish the controls a little bit, they felt a little bit unresponsive and i could not sprint and steer at same time. Other than that it was a pretty nice entry.

Well done!!


Short but sweet! I only 'died' once, but observing the rewind and then seeing my past self get hit by a rock caught me off guard was actually a bit emotional!! Very nice touch. Great seal model and animations, and overall it was a very relaxing experience :) 


Wow I feel like this game was made for me. I see a seal and I click! Really interesting idea having the different seals in the pod acting as lives. The effect of watching your previous self die is surprisingly effective from a narrative standpoint and very interesting. I hope you keep expanding on this after the jam, I would like to play more levels and see the ringed seals frolicking free across the beach. Nice submission!


I'm glad you liked it! Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'll have time in the near future to finish the project, but I'll let you know if I do! There's many things I wish I had time to implement, since I only had 3 1/2 days to do this. For now, you can imagine what I imagined for the game... 

- Plants and moss around

- Glowing vegetation giving the lights in the dark cave (multiple colours)

- Little fish swimming around giving some extra life to the scene

- Extra obstacles: cracks in ground / wall with steam/lava coming out, maybe an angler fish mixed with the glowing plant lights

- Sweet particle systems for various things like swimming animation, rocks colliding etc.

- Cutscenes for level transition (have the animations done,  just didn't have time to implement)

- A more varied cave with different paths

- Sound effects

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Excellent job on this game. It's very different from other submissions. It's relaxing and has a very nice atmosphere. The seal looks great and the environment looks decent.

-I like that there are two parts to this. Having two completely different levels kept me interested.

-The water stage is awkward to control. Having the seal move forward regardless of where it's facing makes it feel unresponsive and weird. 

- Controlling the seal on ground is much better. I like that there is full directional control and the seal moves where it's facing. The environment here could use improvement.The low poly style of some of the rocks doesn't match the style of the game and the textures on the sides of the game don't look very nice. I also found this part much easier, I don't know if that's good or bad.

- The "rewind" theme is there, but isn't used in a way that affects game-play. 

Overall I think you did a good job.


You were right, I wanted to be relaxed and immersed and this totally fit that vibe. Great example of color/style really resonating with the music.

A few suggestions:

In the first stage where it automatically moves you forward, I kept wanting to push W thinking that made me move forward and also because there was no animation of the seal going up, like the animation where the seal points to the left or right when you press left or right. I think that animation/movement should be the same with the up and down keys on this first stage.

Also in the first stage, I was getting hit by rocks that seemed to not actually touch me. Maybe this has to do with the bounding boxes on the rocks or seal model.

All in all I loved the feeling that I got from this game. Definitely a unique approach to the rewind theme!


Nice stuff! Love the graphics , love the sound.  It's cool that second lvl was diffrent(i was afraid there will be many lvl like first one under water).

Only thing, it seems that second lvl is a little bit easier , I was stoping every time i saw the rock fall. And i use sprint just for fun. Anyway good job , game has atmosphere!


Great game, the art style and music fit well together, and i like the mechanich of rewinding and seeing your past self take a nap after beign hit by a rock

Great Job


Cool concept, a simple game, but it does its job. Maybe it gets a bit too slow with the rewind animation, but it's a good game in general, considering that you made it in a week.


Thanks for this lovely little game! I admit I thought I was in for more of a relaxing ride when the music started and the chill atmosphere... but I need to be a better seal because watching fam roll over ahead of me was devastating! :P Really impressed you got two levels in and I loved the seals' little butt wiggles as they trundled along. Adorable. I'm very glad for the comfort of the last page so I know my little pod is ok even if I am an inept seal trying to lead them. ;)


Glad you liked the game!


For some reason it doesn't work on safari... I'll try it on chrome later.


Gorgeous game. It obviously was a simple concept, but it worked and was fun. I like how the pod size acts likes your lives and adds some severity to the game. The camera movement made it a little difficult for me  to see at times though. Also the rewind animation was a little slow for me ( but I am an impatient person). 


Very relaxing haha.

I don't know if it was intentional, but I liked how the rewind on death mechanic helped you overcome the last place you died on, in order to help you eventually reach the end. It was clearly not the main focus of the game, but it fit the game well.

The rocks are a bit weird, it's kind of hard to see how far they are. I ended up dying once or twice because of the weird depth perception, thinking a rock was far away when in reality it was right on top of me. But the rewind mechanic (and the stamina dash, too) helps counteract this a bit. And the second level is too easy, I never needed to rewind at all!

Good job!


Thanks for playing and the comment! Yeah, the second level was more of an afterthought that came to be on the last 12h during an all-nighter so there wasn't much time to playtest. I assume you played the WebGL version, since the rocks more often than not go through the ground. In the downloaded standalone version it's slightly harder since the rocks bounce off the ground and stay for a while.


I did! I didn't even consider that the rocks could have different behaviours in different versions. Well, then never mind! I withdraw my criticism! 


I didn't say the criticism wasn't valid, the rocks are still kinda unreliable still as other commenters have pointed out :D

Hard to see the depth of the scene and stuff


Nice game! The one thing that I will complain about is the depth perception. It's hard to tell where you're aligned with the rocks and surrounding area. I did enjoy the story and environment! Good job.


I liked the use of the rewind feature, took me a minute to get use to the up/down keys being inverted.


A little short, but still pretty good. Liked the part where it switched from water to land. The rewinding as a child or mate was pretty creative. Never seen that before in this jam.


Short and fun game! I thought the sounds when you get hit by rock was a bit too funny for the atmosphere, but it overall worked the theme in nicely!


Thanks for playing! I want to add some levity to the otherwise sad game with the sound effect. After all, want some people to have some fun too!


Good combo of music and art. Really emotional


As said, the atmosphere this game is able to set is really amazing. Great work

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