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The Good LivesView game page

Be good in life.
Submitted by SPRPrograming (@SamRProgramming) — 14 hours, 40 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2003.2503.250

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
When you get enough karma point you will then be reincarnated then start a new life with better or worse states based on the deeds you did the the last life.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
All the code was created by me but the art assets are on from Unity asset store or from royalty free websites. There is links to all assets on the itch page.

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Submitted (1 edit)

Cute game. 

The load function (in the main menu) did not work for me. 

The graphics were stunning and awesome.


Great cute game. I see we both bought Humble bundle right? xD 

Didn't find home for the pig :(


Great job!
Should've reviewed the controls before starting because I definitely accidentally murdered a bunny. 

Nice, cute game. The bloom was pretty intense.. but everything still looked nice nonetheless. 

The baby sheep I was leading to find their parent must've been really confused when I defeated an alligator and then instantly disappeared to become a gorilla. Hope they got reunited. :)


Amazing game!! Really well polished and well built! Had fun playing it!


A cute, relaxing, quest-based game.

Pros: really good polish, amazing lighting, cute graphics, and really creative use of the theme, Capybara.

Cons: while I liked the art I would have preferred to see SOME custom assets either art or sound. The fact that everything was stock made the experience feel like it didn't have much character. I additionally would have liked to see more sound design as a few animations (like the jump) felt a bit empty without audio cues. The karma mechanic is cool but it was a bit frustrating at times, here are some things I would like to see changed if this game gets updated post-jam:

the play area is too large for the amount of stuff in it which makes it feel tedious to navigate. More quests closer together, a smaller map or faster movement/more sprint would all fix this.

Some of the quests are unclear, for example when you pick up a pig you get a clear marker for where to bring it but when you deliver a baby sheep to its parent you have no way of knowing where you're supposed to go and there are multiple adult sheep which need to be specifically pared as near as I could tell. I never successfully delivered a baby sheep.

Although you can reincarnate as new animals all it really changed was your stats and so the quests feel really repetitive and don't really get any more interesting with each rebirth. I'd love to see more quests that you can only complete as specific animals.

If you're carrying carrots and pick up a pig the carrots get destroyed instead of dropping on the ground. You may have a failsafe for this where the carrots respawn (I didn't test it) but if not it means you could theoretically accidentally make it much more difficult to obtain enough carrots.

I hope I don't come off as overly critical, this was a really cool concept with tons of potential it just feels like the execution didn't quite live up to the idea. I suspect it fell into the common trap of wanting to make a beautiful, large, open map with a ton of content for a game jam to wow everyone with how much you were able to create in a week, only to run into issues with scope that make it difficult to add everything you originally wanted. From looking at your page I can see that you made this game solo and it's only your second jam (at least on itch) so it's still crazy impressive that you could achieve this much polish, but I hope my feedback helps you in future jams.


Thanks for the feedback. The main issue I had with making this game, was coming up with new ideas. I created the game in about 5 days so the biggest issues I found was that I barely had any ideas for the game jam.

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Wow! I didnt expect that! Very satisfying grapics, I LOVE IT!


Adorable! Love the art and colors. I also particularly love the player's idle animation, the happy little bounce =D


Nice one especially the environment plz rate my as well


Really nice work. loved the world and coming back as different creatures, and the music fit really nicely with the environment. was a bit irritated at the stamina function, but other than that i had a lot of fun. 


I really love the atmosphere and the visuals, it is mind-blowing that you did this in 7 days even if with asset store. Living in such a meadow as an animal feels so good.

The gameplay is quite slow-paced, maybe you can add more points of interest to the map (I know it might be impossible time-wise), which could make it even better! GJ!


Georgeous game!.


Super cute game! I loved the lighting, environment and the animal models. Good job!

Noice, the visuals are pretty epic and the idea is very interesting and unique. Just it takes a little too long to get full karma. But overall a good game, and the music it fits really well!


Cool game, looks amazing and I had fun playing it, from a level design perspective there were a lot of times when I tried to find something like a carrot over large and empty areas (empty from gameplay) and the running restriction felt really annoying and limiting especially when I wandered around in circles fighting off the stamina bar and finding nothing, other than that, really unique idea and again amazing graphics and cool music.


I became a gorilla after being reborn lol. For some reason I could not find the baby's parent. First thing I noticed is that the graphics is good, aesthetic is wholesome. I like the environment. stress free just living your life helping other animals. 

If you have time, please review my game as well, that would be awesome. 


It looks amazing and it handles very well. The gameplay was pretty slow though, and I think removing stamina would have helped a lot with that. It just didn't really feel necessary.

Overall pretty good.


Beautiful environment and terrain, and nice fitting music, although there isn't much content/gameplay. The idea of the game fits well with the theme though.


beautiful environment but i have no idea what to do