I finished it! It took multiple attempts and 90 minutes but I finally reached the top!
I would have loved to give this game 5/5. But it's frankly impossible for me to do that because despite being incredibly polished and having amazing art, sound effects, level design, UI, and even enemy AI this was the single most frustrating experience I've had in this jam.
For starters, despite the control options available this game really needs the option to have A/D as strafe and Q/E as turn. That may be a subjective issue as other entries in this jam use the same scheme as this, it's just that it trips me up every single time.
I would also advise making Escape not exit the game entirely. I pressed it a few times subconciously thinking it to be the menu button.
I love the idea of the platforming, and clearly a lot of time and effort was put into it but man it is just too strict and punishing. I mentioned earlier it took me an hour and a half to beat the game, because I spent most of the game falling off ledges accidentally, jumps not registering, and most annoyingly the ledge grabbing would push me UNDER a ledge rather than ONTO it. It was also incredibly easy to end up overshooting the number of squares to move, so that would also make me walk over the edge.
I probably spent 20-30 minutes in the first area with the patrolling bots trying to get through the ceiling light platforming section. I got really sick of walking back up to the second level every time, a shortcut back to the start of that section would've been nice. I did eventually discover that I could load from the main menu, after accidentally exiting the game. But in this section it didn't help because it spawned me in a room on the second floor, but BOTH doors out of the room were locked and there was no button to unlock either of them. So I had to restart the whole game. And then of course I was still getting stuck on that section for several more minutes because sometimes the jump just didn't seem to register. The first time I actually made it to the end, I made the mistake of walking to the left and not the right. As I just mentioned the load didn't work, so I had to go through it all AGAIN.
When I finally made it out the second time, I then spent the next hour trying to figure out how to get to the top of the main area and being very confused about how the ledge grabbing worked. By far the most frustrating part was when I was at the top of that long ladder section, and I'd try to jump across the long gap and 95% of the time I would grab the ledge, and then my character would move under the ledge and fall down. Fortunately in this area the load option did actually put me back at a reasonable point, but it always started me with the ledge grab turned off for some reason. So half the time I'd miss the jump because I forgot the ledge grab function defaulted to off. To be honest, I don't know why there's even a toggle for it, there's no platforming sections that require the player NOT grab a ledge.
Also I should mention I think I found a bug, where one time an enemy spawned in the main area and killed me in a couple seconds while I was on that top area. And after I died the menu screen showed up for about a second and then disappeared as my player character slowly floated up into the sky. So I had to exit the game and reopen it that time. Also a note about loading a save point to retry a platform attempt, it's kinda annoying having to skip through that opening intro each time to get to the menu. And you can imagine by this point how many times I had to do that.
I even looked at a couple of the recorded playthroughs posted here and despite doing ostensibly the same thing as them I still wasn't getting through.
Of course, I did eventually get to the end, and my god the catharsis. I think my blood pressure went down about 30%.
So in conclusion, I think this was a great 15-20 minute game. That ended up lasting 90... If you could have either clearer instructions on the platforming and polish up the movement this would be awesome! But in it's current state it can be really, really frustrating.
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