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WhoopsView game page

Deah is only the beginning
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nice idea and fits well in the theme. 


Fun game!

It took me a while to figure out how to exactly kill myself on some of the levels. I also feel like level 6 is a very large difficulty spike, but I managed to get past it.

I also noticed the bug where if you hit your head when you jump sometimes your jump is broken afterward.


Really good concept on the theme.

A really fun game too

Submitted (1 edit)

Genuinely fun. Clever concept, and creative level design. Things start to get a bit dicey and frustrating by level 6, in my opinion. I'm sure that could be minimized with some more juice, so its ok. I wonder if the character was just too slippery. I'm not sure. I'm trying to give you some advice because I legitimately think this game is good, and would like to see it fully realized, but platformers are always so finnicky to get just right, so I cant put my finger on it. I guess the best I can suggest is lots of playtesting by different people, if you ever want to make a full version.


Really cool game, would benefit from a bit more visuals but overall really nice idea. Can I suggest to make WebGL build for future projects it faster for players to test your game.


Nice game you have here! Although the visuals are still a little bare bone the puzzles you have in there are very creative and fun! I do think in the first levels the character should die quicker instead of having to do it like 5 times. I also encountered a bug where I could no longer jump under certain conditions and had to restart the level :(


Hi man congratz on your game. :) I really liked the menus. And the player moviment was super smoth. I dont now if I dont get it right, but I should jump the plataforms on the first level like 6~7 times to die? Is it not a bit to repetitive? Or it was a bug?

Talking about bugs, Ive found one. If you jump bellow the lowest plataform on first level, and hit your head. You will not be able to move anymore, and will start lose movement speed.

Please play my game and give me your honest feedback :)


If you hit your head and dont fall enough you loose the ability to jump. Pretty cool game, trying to kill yourself as fast as possible. I liked it and it progresses with more and more mechanics, like time rewind crystals and stuff. Keep it up!


This gave me some real Supaplex vibes, nicely done!

Submitted (1 edit)

Interesting concept and I liked how the difficulty increased level by level, but now I wanna know why the little cube wants to die so much :(

Submitted (1 edit)

Was laughing from level one onward - nice stuff. Also appreciate the level select screen, that first room full of reset spikes was going to be the end of me :P


Beautiful game!  It made me laugh!!  Fun and original!!  Congratulations!!!

There is a little bug, sometimes you can't jump... 


Thanks glad you liked it :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Whoops I got stuck 😅 nice game I like that you give players multiple ways to die


Wow! Thats a new bug never knew you could go inside the walls.


i was trying to fall down, but maybe I fell down through the floor hahah it was on level 10. good thing there's a fast way to restart the level


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Very cool game! The mechanics were really original and interesting, and I liked the end goal defying normal games with it being death. Good job!


Great game design!

Here's some feedback if you want it:
(If you don't want it, just message me and I'll remove it)

The levels are feel very nicely designed,
The concepts are presented in a nicely increasing level of difficulty.
I like the hints, they really match with the art style and I always understood what to do without it feeling like i'm being explicitly told.

The trail at the back of the character is a really nice touch.
The reset animation on green spikes with the sfx is really well done.

Checkpoints would be appreciated but maybe it's just cuz i'm a wuss 😆 (e.g. at the "good luck" at level 7 for e.g., I gave up on level 7, it's mean :C)
Level 8 was really cool, creative way of using the tools.
9, 10 really hard.

Level 4 felt really inconsistent to me :c I felt as if I was doing the right thing but it didn't always hurt me. AH, I think I figured it out(?):  The center of the character has to touch, I don't seem to take damage if the side of Blue (I'm calling the character Blue) touches the ground first. 

A bug?: If I jump when there is a platform directly above me, I cannot seem to be able to jump anymore (unless I restart).

I was also sometimes able to double jump/jump mid air. AH: figured it out, it was actually a feature!(?)

All in all, good stuff.
Thank you for sharing!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the feedback all the bugs you mentioned I know about but didn't fix because I am a very beginner programmer to understand how to fix them, level 7 was very difficult I understand I tried to make it easier same as level 9 but level 10 is difficult if you go the obvious route you could just die from fall damage from the start.  


Hey, just a heads up, I was unable to open this on mac, I haven't left a rating, but thought you should know about the issue, if you manage to get a fix added then let me know and I'll come back and give it a go!


Oh ok i'll look at at it sorry


It's just a funny premise. Made me laugh!  A little tricky figuring out the path to the solution, but generally fun game. Thanks!

