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A member registered Mar 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Are you kidding me? This is an outstanding submission, really well done on this one! :)

It looks and sounds polished, even the externally sourced music adds to the atmosphere. Love the use of procedural generation in your level design, it hard to get right and you nailed it. 

Maybe its just me, but I find the speed of the  acid rain elevation a bit too fast, especially when some jumps can be too finicky.

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Great spin on a retro formula! The whole gameplay gets crazy fast and had me sorting plant spots like a madman. I think I would have enjoyed more variety in the rain drops, even if its just their respective size, or added mechanics like lingering wet puddles.

 Also, it is way easier to just let two of the plants die and just move one single plant around. :P

The movement gets crazy in a fun way if the w and a keys are held at the same time, which leads to the tank surfing over the (procedurally generated?) hills. Had a great time while playing. :)

Wow, this was a great experience! Even in this rudimentary state the game was quickly driving my into a mental flow state. Would love to see this one being further developed.

You did really great with your submission, loved the soundtrack especially. Being able to rotate your character adds a lot more complexity to a well-known arcade format. I would love to see a level based around this gameplay with the shape/volume/angle of the player as a further developed game mechanic. 

Thanks for the feedback, there is a lot more content missing, we simply ran out of time to fix the code. 

It sadly is! Maybe next time we will learn from our mistakes made in this jam!

As stated in the title. I would like to participate, but the frontpage is a bit barebones on information. :)

Thank you so much for your considerate feebdack! I had to leave the bear traps out, because there was a huge balancing issue which would have made the fight either way to easy or to inaccessible for every jam player, so I had to scrap the mechanic for the last fight. :)

As someone else said a bit further down, the pinball would control more responsive if it would be bit less floaty. Still, I like the old school design approach mixed with some new elements for a fresh arcade feel!

You're right I guess, at least the collisions should be much more repsonsive and reliable, I can't wait until I have the time to get it to work.

You know- I had so much in mind before ultimately scraping most of the content. Not only because of the deadline but because I had doubts about having everything beworking flawlessly and being polished. But the world map was one thing I didn't want to leave out - so thank you for noticing it! 

Sounds like a weird bug, I also did encounter it once but didn't give it much attention, I should probably make a fail system around that going in the polishing stage. Thanks for telling me and playing the game!

Oh, I really appreciate your detailed comment, especially regarding the balancing aspect of the game! I actually wanted to add some more pick ups but had to leave everything out except the health pack, so it's great to have an outsiders perspective on it. The boss is completely randomized, he has three possible attacks at the start of the phase. Maybe a more reliable pattern would give me some more control to make the player experience more universal. Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to give me an insight in your experience!

You're right - if I had any more time I would have made it possible for the player to control the trajectory while the ball is being grabbed.  I*m not sure if it would count as polishing, or else I would implement it this week! Thanks for playing!

Maybe I should make my games more accessible for everyone by implementing some kind of dynamic difficulty curve . you gave me something to think about. Still - thanks for playing!

The narration is my absolute highlight of the jam and adds so much to the experience. Also, the programming seems to have taken a lot of work, as well as getting everything properly set up. What a creative use of the theme, a job really well done!

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I also thought about making an alternative imput method, but I think the artstyle doesn't translate as a mobile game too well. Thanks for the kind words, for real! It's great to get such a positive feedback after working solo on it for some time. :)

Wow, thanks a lot for actually giving me some detailed feedback on this, you're describing some important points to consider. The bouncing was caused by an animation error which I just found right about now. Maybe I'll also need some better indicators for the enemy attacks.

Haha, you know that's so great to hear - a majortity of the time I spend on this exact moment you described and it seems to be paying of. I read a lot of comments talking about the boss which honestly surprises me as I expected it to be more of a reward for the few patient players. I'm going to use the next few days to the fullest to polish it a bit more. Thanks again for your time!

Thanks man, yes, it sadly was because of time constraints, but at least I have the chance to polish it the next few days. I hope you had a few fun filled minutes. :)

When submitting a narrative focused entry to a game jam, the story has to be exceptional to grab the players attention. Not only did this game managed to grab my attention, it did so with such stellar writing that I am envious that I do not have a writer at my own disposal. The art is charming as well, but it does feel a bit detached from the base tile set, which could be solved by using a more abstract custom tile set. All in all a gem between all the gameplay oriented entries and a job well done!

I'm impressed, you art looks stellar, the movement feels responsive, though the lamp swing just doesn't work for me (or I'm just not doing it right). The transition between levels could be a tad bit faster to guarantee a better game feel. Also, the game concept made me chuckle, great work on that one! Next time it would be better to implement the audio sooner, I know it must have been because of time constraints but it just lacks the connection between player and game. Still, well done!

It's great to see positive feedback regarding the final stage, it was difficult to design and implement! Thank you so much for playing and leaving me such a kind comment. :)

You guys used some great art work, I especially liked the detailed work in the different guns, I just wished you would have expanded the artstyle onto the UI as well for a more coherent visual experience. The game feels like something I would have enjoyed as a kid for hours on end on some flashgame site, in the most positive way possible. Excellent work for this short period of time!

This entry absolutely managed to get me into a flow state! You did caught me off guard with the rush the first time around, it is a fun twist. The whole game feels like a whole lot of coding work, good on you for making it in just one week. Though, I felt a bit weird starring at those unsuspecting customers, breathing down their neck in anticipation of cleaning the table the second they get up, haha. Great experience!

Reminds me of the ice gym in the third generation of pokemon. I greatly appreciate the camera, it must have been a lot of work to get it as good as it it now. Also the quick restart option is amazing, it just keeps the gameplay flow in it's tracks and incentivises the player to keep on trying once again. Only thing I miss is some ambience music to further get into a flow state while jumping from one tile to the next. The last level was fun as well! Nicely done!

Oh wow, thanks so much for the positive feedback, I really needed to hear that after all the work! I hope it wasn't to frustrating  in the final stage, it's hard to find a fair middle ground for a jam game. 

Fantastic idea, I like your concept. I have to agree, there needs to be a replay button, or else one has to restart the entire game when making a mistake. The art just needs a tad bit more polishing to make it more readable, try to find a more cohesive style with a more limited color palette. Well done!

What a fun entry! Movement felt responsive, the text sometimes got in the way of actually seeing obstacles while jumping. I like your idea for the theme and the slow spike in difficulty you implemented with your level design. The main menu music was too much for my personally, I had to decrease the volume. All in all not bad for your first game, good job!

I am a sucker for short, narrative experiences, as well as this beautiful minimal pixelart. I would love to make a game in the same style, but I always get caught up in making too many details. 

I get where you were coming from with the narration, but it felt a bit too on the nose, because I couldn't even make the decision to engage in the enviroment in any other way then intended, which means I didn't even had the chance to treat anyone better. I guess it was a limitation caused by the time constraints, the liniarity helps to keep the message precise though. 

All in all an amazing entry, love the artstyle and enjoyed the details when speaking to every npc the game offers. 

Amazing visuals for a solo game! For real man, my absolute favorite so far, clean, minimalistic and still warm and comfy. It quickly starts to get trippy when the keys are getting switched around. Only critisism I have is the slow respawn in the level when falling of the edge, it does break the gameplay flow a little. Great work!

Sorry guys, same with me, I got an error when starting the first level as well.

I got eaten once, then I restarted the game, followed the flute and couldn't find it. I restarted again but couldn't find the flute, I still had a lot of fun. It's an unique experience and accessible for blind gamers.

It seems like you guys had a lot of fun working together, and the results speak for themselves. I had a lot of fun reading through each brief and finding some more obscure entries like the caveman! Art is amazing with fantastic, responsive UI. Sometimes the  kursive font was hard to read though, still, a great entry. Well done!

Damn, at first I was confused, but then it all came together. Expertly crafted and well designed, details like the repeating instructions when encountering a new intersections are really helpful. 
The voice acting is charming and gives a slight insight into the world building which sparks my interest. I tried to follow the flute, but sadly couldn't find the source, still, a great experience!

Thanks man, I appreciate it. It seems to be working now in other browsers as well!

I am so sorry to hear this, but also extremly thankful to you guys! Seems like it cant be played in any browser except google chrome, I'm going to test it until it finally works, I hope I can redeem myself to both of you. 

Thanks, man! I'm a mostly traditional painter with a medical profession, so the anatomical stuff comes naturally for me. :)

I love the concept - it's simple and as the theme suggests - quite relaxing. The humor was also enjoyable and not too cheesy. All in all, great job, it's been my favorite this far!

Damn, you're way too kind.  Forced relaxation wasn't really on my mind until now, but you gave me a change in perspective :D

Thank you for your kind words!