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Energia (Jam)View game page

Solve Intricate Puzzles with the power of Energia. Find the Lab's secrets.
Submitted by VinceCreates
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
1 and 2

Game Description
Puzzle Platformer where you control your environment with an electrically charged ball

How does your game tie into the theme?
You have to control the charges of your ball and solve puzzles without destroying it (at least if I had time to get to the more complex puzzle where it can actually happen haha)


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In this game, manipulate a charge ball to deliver charges and drag boxes to buttons and electrical boxes to power gates.

I got stuck on the level with the gate trap, where you must manipulate the ball to roll upwards through an open gate and reach an elevated box while stuck between two closed gates yourself.

A solid entry as a newcomer, and you'll grow as you continue to jam.


I liked how the game looks, the physics and character controls are well done, too.

The puzzles are a bit weird and require the player to really think out of the box. I can't say for sure if it's good or bad, but maybe it will frustrate some people that mechanics aren't really explained and the player is required to just wing it.

Despite being weird, the puzzles are fun to solve for me. I think you explored existing mechanics very well and included all possible combinations in levels.

Great job!


The game is really fun and I like the SFX and the graphics. The only things is that some mechanics are not so intuitive but you can learn it.Overall a good platformer


Thanks a lot for the feedback, it helps! Could you tell me which mechanics I should try and introduce more to the player? (It’s probably the box mechanic haha) 

I definitely want to try and make it more player friendly, so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for playing, and hope you had fun!


Yes, that and for a bit i didn't know the key to launch the ball(but that's maybe my fault) But other than that it's a well designed game


A very unique mechanic for a puzzle based game, had lots of fun! The game is also very finished and was satisfying to play, I agree with other commenter that it might take a bit to understand how the game world works, but its not a deal breaker. Overall a really really nice game that has potential for a full release game.


Thanks for the kind words! 

It seems like it reached some of its target audience, puzzle lovers! 

I tried to throw the player into the experience with as less help/advice as possible yeah, and made the first “puzzles” to try and show most of the mechanics you’ll need for the game, and tried to find a good balance for it. 

I think I only did okay tho upon seeing the comments, and I could’ve introduced some more tutorial levels before moving onto the harder ones, but I also wanted it to be a little challenging to think about, not just execute a list of actions every time, because you instantly understand what to do.

I am definitely completing the game and planning on releasing a full version once the ratings are over (to not influence this entry), and friends have asked for a mobile version, so I’m working on an export ! 

Thanks for playing and the nice feedback!


Just out of curiosity, did you manage to make it to the final boss?


A lot of inventiveness in this level-based puzzle. There's definitely potential; I recommend improving accessibility with some introductory levels that allow players to familiarize themselves with the dynamics. Unfortunately, I might not be very sharp today, but I had to really understand how to play. Keep it up.


Thanks for the feedback !

I tried my best to introduce them in the earlier levels, but it can definitely use more levels in the beginning to familiarize the player more with the box, before playing actual puzzles with it.

I'm finishing the game how I imagined it, with a better difficulty curve, level selector on the left when you start (only accessible if you know how to open that door, by having solved a couple of puzzles first), and just some general polishing, and hope that will make it more accessible to anyone !

Thanks for playing and glad you had a fun challenge, which was the intention !


Very nice puzzle game, and very original idea. I didn't achieve puzzles where orb can be actually destroyed, but I belive this is where overload should happen. Also orb sometimes behaves unpredictably


Thanks for the feedback!

I put the limit of charges at 5 and wanted to make puzzles where you would eventually need 5 charges to solve it, but I wanted to make sure I introduced the mechanics properly, and then just didn’t have time to get to the more complex puzzles :) 

It sure was fun to design the levels and come up with the puzzles, and I managed to add in the boss where the mechanic is used, but not the most creative, you just restart the level if you overcharge haha.

I thought about reducing the limit of charges to 2-3 at the end, but then I had to change all the levels I already made and I left it where it was, I’m definitely still working on the harder levels cause It is a lot of fun!


The controls are a bit confusing, and it took me some time to learn, but overall, it's a really nice game. I got stuck on level 6 and didn't know how to move the cube to the left side of the gate. Still, it's enjoyable to play.


Thanks a lot! 

It is meant to be tricky at first, satisfying once controlled yeah! I tried my best to introduce it as soon as possible to get used to it, but I maybe should have made a couples levels more for the box mechanic before moving on to harder puzzles.

A little tip for stage 6, think about “momentum”.

Thanks for playing !


nice puzzle game, any hint for the stage 4, I kept playing until there


Thanks, I appreciate it! 
I’m not sure if you’re talking about stage 4 or 5 (my bad for not giving them a name and making the menu a “stage”) .

I just tested in on another pc tho, and stage 4 cut’s the answer off screen on a certain resolution, I did not know that (I had it on my main pc when I tested the html export, and seemed to fix it, at least for my pc), but the solution is just off screen, so open the horizontal gate and go down once, to see what to do, should be straightforward. 

If you’re actually talking about stage 5 tho, my hint would be, “momentum”.

Hope this helps, and I’m glad you liked it so far!


Hard, but fun. I liked the art and sounds as well.


Thanks a lot, It’s supposed to be a little challenging at first to grasp the mechanics, and I try to slowly introduce them, because once you realise the full range of possibilities with how the ball and box interact, you can do a lot, but I tried to keep it as intuitive as possible without giving much away to the player.

Thanks for playing!


Very interesting way to move the blocks, it's hard but fun. The mechanics are a bit complex but the level design teaches you this pretty well. I was stuck on a puzzle so I think I was missing something in the mechanics (or maybe I was just too dumb to solve it lol). The art is really good too, great work !


Thanks a lot for the feedback!

 I went through a couple of iterations to make the box mechanic feel more intuitive, and present it a lot sooner when not needed yet (even the main menu) to get used to it, after some friends tested it, and saw that it was almost the hardest thing to do, when it should be solving the puzzles. 

I keep it like it is now because it allows to create some interesting puzzles tho, with the momentum you can generate, and once used to the mechanic, you can do some pretty interesting stuff I didn’t even think of when designing the mechanic, it sure was fun to come up with original puzzles!


Fun puzzle game with interesting physics. I don't quite understand how the theme comes into play, but I still really like the game. The main character is so cute. :3


Thanks, I appreciate it ! I totally agree that it doesn't really fit into the theme (just a little hidden in the final boss room, cause I wanted at least one room with the overload mechanic, but it's not even clear when and what happens haha). The ball is supposed to have a limit of charges it can hold (5), and the puzzles were supposed to use that, so that you have to think of how to solve the puzzles without overcharging the ball (I even have more obstacles for that particular mechanic, and already have some puzzles), but I just didn't have enough time to even properly get to 3-4 charge puzzles, because I wanted to make sure the base mechanics were understood, before giving harder puzzles. It sure was a challenge but very fun to think about ! 

I'm glad you had fun at least !


Cool logic puzzle! This is me trying to bring the box closer by throwing and picking up the ball)))


Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! I sure put a lot of time in making sure there were some interesting and fun puzzles with the mechanics I came up with, and had a lot fun designing the levels (even tho designing good puzzles is hard and stressful, basically trying to make something that looks impossible, be possible somehow). 

I’ll be sure to check out your game!

Happy jamming.


Very nice art style and the lighting. Great puzzle game and well made levels. It took me some time to figured it out


Thanks a lot ! I put most of my time into the puzzles, to not make linear or straightforward ones, while also trying to introduce the mechanics in a non boring way (first levels basically). I'm glad the work put into didn't go to waste and I also thank my brother for being a tester, he really helped with making sure I introduced the mechanics better before the harder puzzles, and I hope I did a good job now!


Love the overal style, maybe I am missing something but found the gravity mechanic very tricky to use, especially when it came to positioning boxes over pressure pads, etc.


Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it! It is a tricky mechanic to get used to, and I’ve really tried my best to try and introduce the mechanic as well as possible, but it takes some time to get used to yeah. It’s thanks to that mechanic that I got to make some interesting puzzles tho! 


Interesting puzzle platformer. Great aesthetic!

I don't know how you come up with interesting and challenging puzzles. Well done.


Thanks a lot, I hope you had fun! Coming up with the puzzles is the hardest part yeah, there’s been a lot of testing my mechanics out in weird ways, blocking myself in and try to find a way out, basically “listen to your game”. Then you just need to find a tester or two, to try and make sure it’s not too hard/easy.