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SensoryView game page

Explore, solve, and breathe through 'Sensory' – a 2D adventure of overcoming life's unseen hurdles.
Submitted by f0rb1dd3n403/TheYellowButton, LeoLoca93 — 4 hours, 34 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
The good ending, Unspoken Stories, Choose your fighter.

Game Description
"Sensory" is a captivating 2D pixel art adventure where players navigate the challenges of sensory overload. Choose between Leon and Claire, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover a story told through the environment. Manage sensory distortions with mindfulness to shape your journey towards one of the multiple endings.

How does your game tie into the theme?
"Sensory" ties into the theme of 'Overload' by immersing players in the experiences of characters who navigate daily life while managing sensory overload, depicted through interactive puzzles and environmental storytelling that mimic their challenges.


Discord Username(s)
f0rb1dd3n403, leoloca93

Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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My favorite part was the breathing; I found it strangely calming.  Also nice that it wards off the sensory overload.  Really nice use of theme to represent something that many people live with every day of their lives.  Finding a way to manage despite it all... very real.  Nicely done.


Really happy with your comment. 


What a fun idea! I also found it really funny how we, the player, get hit with quite a bit of sensory overload as well as the sounds around you start stacking together. Super creative idea. Nicely done!




Nice life simulator. It is a nice idea, and it reminds me idea of one film) But I encountered some problems: In menu it's not clear what I am choosing, because colors not always react accordingly to what I choose. And those sounds are just killing me, I wish the game had just bar to show the overload with sensory information, not actually making the player to feel all of that


Thank you for playing and for your really useful feedback. Certainly, the aesthetic choice of the menus can be improved. Regarding the sound issue and the presence of the bar, these are aspects we considered, but we decided to proceed in this way to carry forward the sense of the game. As for finding the missing points: yes, we had thought of leaving it to the player to find them, but we learn from this to think even more about important accessibility features.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Quite an interesting take on the theme, it's fun but also makes you think. Oh man this type of "mice-maze" mechanic brings up memories, I remember all of those "screamers" in the early/mid 2000s, that only gave me an emotional overload for sure :). A cool and sweet game, nicely done.


many thanks. 


Quite an interesting take on the theme. I literally felt sensory overload. Great job :)


thank you so much 


this is such a cool concept, i love what you did with the theme!!

the audio design is so cool and very well done, and the way you made it interact with the gameplay and visuals was very well done. it took all my focus to move that little square while my senses were being ASSUALTED.

just a little bit of extra walking around because i couldn't find the last place to needed to interact with but it added to the whole vibe of the game tbh. great work!!


Thank you for trying out the game, and we’re glad you appreciated its essence. Also, thank you for the feedback regarding the search for the last puzzle point. From this, we take useful feedback that underscores the importance of implementing an accessibility feature to help players who desire it to find the missing points. Thank you very much!


As many folk's have said before me, the audio in this game is wonderful I really enjoyed my experience with it.

Not sure if a bug, or maybe a PEBCAK but was the the task on the computer in the first room supposed to be that hard ? (Constantly drifting to the right?)

All in all though, excellent job on the project.


Thank you so much for trying out the game and for your feedback. Actually, we have noticed that in the web version there is indeed some drifting which we have experienced in certain cases, but it then resolved itself on its own.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

As someone with both autism & anxiety, I felt like I understood this game really well. Great use of the prompt. I wish there was an indicator to show where the interactable objects were because I wandered the whole house twice before finding the last one.

More than anything, I really appreciated the attention to detail regarding the audio. Every object had a distinct sound it made as you approached, and the combination of multiple sounds together added to the sense of sensory overload. Even if you didn't record these sounds yourself, great work.


Hi! Thanks a lot for the comment and for the constructive criticism. We truly appreciate your perspective.
Probably indicators were needed but we thought that the wandering gave more time for the overload effects to grow and added a bit of adventure in the game! Next time we will be using better indicators.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Really powerful environmental storytelling! This was a great exploration into sensory sensitivity. It really connects you with the character as a player, especially with headphones when the volume goes really loud. Also is a great lesson on the power of breathing and relaxation in real life.

I have a possible bug to report though. My first playthrough I was able to interact with the painting at the beginning, but for some reason all my subsequent plays (after refreshing the browser) I couldn't interact with the painting anymore. There might have been some other objects I was unable to trigger as well, so it felt like I was softlocked at 4/6 puzzles. So I wish I could see the ending cutscene!

Nice job creating an impactful short experience with a thoughtful & immersive game!


Thanks a lot for the comment and for the review! This is not a real bug but a feature ahah
The triggers are positioned at random at each restart in the possible activity point of the house (there are 18 activity points possible each with a different level). We chose to not highlight the activity point because we wanted players to wander more and to get a lot of sensory overloads but we understand that an on-screen guide would have been useful. The sounds of each activity may help you identify these points.


WOW, this game blew me away! With all the little details in the sound design, having the accessibility options to turn off the overloads, the puzzle design, and the way the effects really made me feel the auditory and visual sensory overload, this has been my favorite game so far. Awesome work! And the ending cutscene was cute too.

The one piece of constructive feedback I have is that it was a bit hard to find all the tasks to do, I kinda just wandered around aimlessly until I found the last one.


OMG Thanks a lot for the super nice comment!
The feedback is welcomed, we thought that making the player wander was a mechanic to let overloads accumulate but a better indicator of the activity points would have been useful.