Wow, I can't believe I missed this during the jam. This is excellent! The soundtrack reminds me of old school Final Fantasy games. I know others have mentioned the tutorial was long, but I found it very helpful and honestly I prefer this type of tutorial. Having these mechanics spelled out for me was a huge help.
You fit a TON on information on the screen at once, which is amazing. I love how the unit cards are really easy to understand as far as HP, mana cost, and attack power goes. I really enjoyed this (the computer kicked my ass lmao) but I'd 100% play a full version of this game. I love deckbuilders and strategy games, and this was very intelligently thought out.
I also love how the decks are very small. I think this is the first card-based game without 'drawing', which is actually really cool. It takes the RNG out of card games while the cooldown and mana systems balance the pace of each game. In general the design of this is so well thought-out!
I think the coin might be tough to balance, it feels like from a tactical perspective you basically want to use your coin every time it's up since it basically accelerates your early game and lets you play much stronger units up-front.
All that said, I love this game. The entire package is so polished and fun! Amazing job!
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