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A member registered Jan 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nevermind. I just found out, that if press a keyboard button, the game softlocks on the first screen. It works fine if you click with the mouse button though.

That's a bug, thank you for finding that.

You have to press the mouse button to continue. Sorry, it's indeed not stated anywhere, that a mouse is used to play.

Didn't expect to see an orbital mechanics simulator in the 64x64 jam. I think the game would look better in higher resolution, but you managed to fit it in - good job.

I liked the atmosphere and music.

Shame I couldn't figure out how to refuel your ship. I suppose it's not implemented yet.

Some knowledge of orbital mechanics helps you - for example to catch up to a planet you actually need to slow down. Otherwise you overshoot and die in space with empty fuel tanks. So, the balance - the amount of fuel given to you, is just right.

Managed to run the game like this: refresh, click right mouse button in the menu to wipe saves, then it ran smothly.

A very atmospheric game. And I liked the music. Good job!

Sorry, I couldn't set up Pixel Vision 8 properly. The game looks like this for me:

It looks simple, but the game is deep. I enjoyed to explore this world and make friends. This game kinda reminded me of Webbed. Cute and relaxing.

I took the liberty of looking into the game code and found a txt with ideas and a map. Thanks for leaving this, it's interesting to see thoughts during  game development

Looks stylish and cool. A very polished game. Thats a lot of features for a limited time frame, like building, climbing the walls, destructable terrain and fitting music. Good job!

I really liked the music.

It's very fun to play. Some cool/fun moments stand out - like when you fly out breaking a window and the building collapses behind you. Or when you slam into the wall with a characteristic sound.

I would also note a well-functioning UI and volume sliders in the menu.

Managed to set up a server and play with a friend. Making a multiplayer game is a difficult feat, good job!

And visually the game looks cool.

Indeed a tutorial would be useful.

We planned to add a ruler to indicate that score is based on final height of the player character above ground. Also add some particles when player dies in an impact, hence Game Over. And also blink points red if you don't have enough to build.

Hopefully we will fix that problems postjam.

Thank you for the feedback!

Sorry about that. It happened to me too when I tried to build seriously. Unfortunately, we have not left enough time to test and debug the game.

Thank you for playing!

I liked leveldesign - never had any problems with understanding how new mechanics works.  Nice diffuculty curve.

You pick random parts, and arms gives you your primary attack type. Yes, we planned to add interface for player to choose which part to take but didn't had time to implement it.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Yeah, there is no ending yet, sorry. But if you beat lightning/metal enemy, then there is nothing more yet. =)

Yes, every element is stronger or weaker against other elements. For example, you should get a nature (green) body to take less damage and hit rock enemy harder. But we thought it would be better to let player discover abilities and advantages themself, rather than dump a bunch of text in such small resolution on them.

Thank you for playing!

Yeah, we realised that there was no time for music, but there were plans for adaptive music, changing for every biome. Maybe someday...

Thank you for playing!

I belive that is a custom engine with render and everything written from groud up. If so, that is a technical marvel, something like a demoscene entry.

Wish you good luck in future projects.

Simple and fun. Good job!

I was hoping that at harder levels, something random would appear to spice things up

It's such relaxing and fun game. So polished, and so thought out. There is always a new cart where it's would be too long to walk to your old one. Long shots based on random so you might risk to gain more points, or play safe. And close ones are depends on your reaction. And I think it makes the game very interesting.

The only thing I would have added is "You destroyed $ 100 worth of property" at the end of the game =)

I don't understand what just happened, but for some reason I was intrigued and always knew where I need to go.

I liked the music and that it changed along the way.

Clever way to show the numbers. I managed to complete the puzzle.

Maybe a way to mark cells you are certain are empty would help at harder levels. And a key to open colour-number help would be nice, as you said.

I liked pixel art - very nice.

I was constantly lost - maybe a having a map would help.

The characters are giving misleading directions - and thats cool, it makes you wander around and explore. But having a "run" button and option to skip the dialogue would be nice, as it all takes so much time to actually get to the point where you can actually fight with your ropemon.

Interesting concept and I liked the music.

Sadly the game crashed several times.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oEnemyMineDropper:
Variable <unknown_object>.passable(100043, -2147483648) cannot be resolved.
at gml_Object_oEnemyMineDropper_Step_0
gml_Object_oEnemyMineDropper_Step_0 (line -1)
And you have to restart the game, because it loops between the title screen and score after you lose

It's incredible that you put so many mechanics in a jam time. There are tutorial, many different card abilities, deckbuilding, netplay (haven't tried online mode yet, sorry).

And you managed to fit such game with lots of text and stats into lowrez restrictions. Well done!

Good job. A lot of different mechanics, big world, and cute pixelart. Good use of the screen size restrictions.

But I couldn't feed the main character, soon there was no water, and I had no idea what to do if I wanted to prioritize fixing the food/water situation.

And weird thing - I have no fuel, so I waited. Raid triggered and the game glitched so I could move around on 0 fuel (checks the game title... Oh I get it) And then I ran out of food. And my health was negative but I could still move around the map. But the next encounter with raiders I instantly died.

Pixel art is cute, but too much dynamic scaling in my opinion.

I was surptised by the ending. And dog has watches. =)

Was a bit confused that it's actually "Space" to dig.

I Detec right!

Nice black and white noire aestetics.

I liked the puzzles.

In the first level you are forced to learn to wait turns by space and to attac. Maybe it would be better to stretch the teaching to several simple levels. But nevertheless I had no problem to complete the game.

The music is beautiful and fitting. Good job!

It's a simple game but very chill and addicting. Bought all the upgrades, been on the edge of the map.

I hope you will find time to expand it.

I liked NES aestetics: sounds and pixel art pallets. The title screen reminded me of Ninja Gaiden. Music is wonderful, and very fitting, good job.

A couple of issues in my opinion - are that although you have a health bar, most on the deaths are one shots from lasers, spikes or ladders. And normal enemies can be tanked, because there are lots of health and bonuses.

Also, I ran to the left at the beggining of the level and fell off the world =)

(1 edit)

Oh, sorry, we haven't implemented gamepad controls yet, and apparently the game crashes if a gamepad is connected.

I made a quick fix. Nothing changed in the game itself, just disabled gamepad check, it should run fine now.

Simple gameplay, but very addicting. Upgrades makes you think strategically to maximize profits. And difficulty ramps up very quickly so that it doesn't get boring.

Got 21 level on second try.

Fun game. Got 9 points on first try.

Had to look at the video to realise that circles at the cooking zone work different than circles at the side of the table. Maybe they could be colored differently so thats would be more obvious.

The music is chill and fitting, but please add a proper attribution to the author.

(1 edit)

I liked the gameplay, although I'm a bit biased towards bullet hell games. The controls and hitboxes felt familar.

Also I appreciate authentic chiptune - good job.

A bit sad that the game too short. And please consider adding some screenshots to the page.

I liked graphics, and music is cool. Good job!

For me it's too hard to control the player. Once you jump, you suddenly accelerate too much and usually die.

Very interesting. I liked easter eggs, took some time to get all 5 stars. =)
Very well thought-out game.

(1 edit)

I really liked the sound design and your music. Good job!

Nice visual effects.

Also, a good idea to show stats at the end. Finished the game in 7:15

Such a narrative, funny and a bit terryfying in fact. All that killing and eating your enemies to become the tastiest. =)

I enjoyed simple but solid gameplay.

For me it's always fascinating to see something 3D on LÖVE.

I would move the camera a bit to the back - as you can miss some drops if they are too close to it.

During the jam we did not have time to properly test and balance our game. So we are releasing fixed version. We fixed bugs and crashes, added fast-forward button, added keyboard controls in addition to the mouse scroll. And after major rebalancing it's more interesting to play now.

Jam version is still available but feel free to try the fixed one.