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Mech Defense ForceView game page

A retro-inspired action arcade shooter.
Submitted by TheShaggyDev (@theshaggydev) — 3 hours, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#63.9203.920

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video game

Was your game made solo or in a team?

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
​Animations by Mixamo, Sound effects by Gamemaster Audio, Textures from AmbientCG and various CC0 assets on Open Game Art

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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Very simple to understand and straight forward. Its really polished for what it is and runs great. The only issues I ran into while playing was that one of the floating drone enemies somehow got stuck either in a building or under the map, so basically soft locked.  The other issue was that my player character some how was stuck in a transitioning phase. My guess was it was stuck in the jet pack fly phase and I also got soft locked from that as well.

Other than that, I really enjoyed it and had fun. Kinda interesting that me and you had a similar idea .


Solid game with style and a very well balanced upgrade system. Got a score of 876!

Vertical movement was fun and had a good weight to it, but going across the map to defend against the hoard was a little tedious. But it got easier to prepare when I saw all the flying mechs going to the same target, if they were dispersed all over, it might have gotten too overwhelming.

The fully upgraded mech was very satisfying to pilot, though I do wish there was some more feedback on hitting/destroying enemies (hit markers, sounds, visuals of XP going up?). Has me looking forward to if there are any others in the works! (?)


Nice work with this project!  The style matched itself well, the movement and animations were well polished.  The upgrade system scales things without getting to complicated. 

Like others have said, the travel time ends up being a bit of a chore but I don't think you'd want to boost the speed too much or it would lose some grounding.  Maybe some kind of occasional fast-travel ability.


Very fun game. Loved the visuals and simple yet engaging gameplay! I couldn't finish it tho cause the last tank unit in wave 14 decided to peace out and walked out into the ocean, never to be seen again. It was too funny for me to be upset :D


Ha! Oops. At least it was a funny bug!


fun little arcadey-style game!!! Movement was fun, but the landing felt off, because your speed cuts to zero when you land. I think it might've felt better if you would roll onto the ground to keep the momentum. Music was a jam tho :D


Really good! Great sound and nice visuals. The upgrade system is awesome and I totally wasn't expecting that, however my trigger happy playstyle meant I skipped nearly all the upgrades! Maybe a brief pause between defeating a wave and and opening the window would help, or perhaps only closing the window when the next wave button is pushed (even better, make that button off-center).

But yeah besides that minor thing this was great fun! 


Really good! Great sound and nice visuals. The upgrade system is awesome and I totally wasn't expecting that, however my trigger happy playstyle meant I skipped nearly all the upgrades! Maybe a brief pause between defeating a wave and and opening the window would help, or perhaps only closing the window when the next wave button is pushed (even better, make that button off-center).

But yeah besides that minor thing this was great fun! 


This game is the first one from me to receive all 5 stars. This game was an absolute blast to play! I loved how the gun starts off super slow, but then becomes an absolute machine gun and the jetpack was super satisfying to use to jump around with. Definitely a good job.


I love the spectacle of seeing all the enemies fly down from the sky in the later waves. I felt it was bit too easy though, and the map could use some land marks to help tell the different areas apart. I'd love to see this be made into a full game!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Played on stream. Here is the VOD:

Nice work!


Super cool wave based shooter !

I really like the visuals, the mech design is great and i like the red x white color scheme, makes it really pop against the bluer tones of the environement, the buildings are awesome as well in all their pixelated glory, they almost seem like they’re downscaled photosourced for the textures i don’t know it that’s the case but it looks great ^^

Gameplay wise everything feels solid with tight controls, and the goal is clear especially thanks to the minimap of the city.

I’ve had some small issues, it feels like the weapons in general lack a bit of feedback for hits, sometimes you’re not all that sure you’re doing any damage to enemies. This is particularily true for the missile secondary, i only think i got how it worked once i upgraded a bit, and i suppose it’s a hitscan ? Also had a bit of confusion with the minimap, i think it could be cool to have the player location not be just a dot but an arrow to know beter which direction you’re facing compared to the minimap.

Other than that no real big issues, the games is super fun, especially once you get a bit more upgrades. Now i was gonna play it till the 20 waves but i encountered a bug around wave 9 where i seemed to be stuck in a fall state or something, i couldstill shoot and all, and move very slowly, but i couldn’t jump (as if the game was waiting for a ground check to allow the jump to reset)not sure what caused this but it happened when i flew near a building where there were a bunch of the small enemies, i’ll provide a screen to make it a bit more clear

Regardless this doesn’t detract from the game’s quality, so well done :)


Thanks for the detailed feedback! And yeah, the buildings are scaled down photo to a crunchy 64x64-ish (varies depending the exact texture but thereabouts). Thanks for the bug report I'll look into that and see if I can figure out what's causing that.


No problem :) hope the bug report helps cause i’m not entirely sure how i triggered this.

Wow cool, they really look good for being crushed down so low resolusion wise.


Probably my favourite that I have played so far awesome work!

love the colourful palette and upbeat atmosphere, one of the main things I would consider looking at is how the enemies pile up together, after a bit it becomes one giant mass of tanks following you and just destroying any building rather quickly haha


Cool game. A little bit difficult imo, but I liked it.


Thanks for checking it out! Based off of when this comment was posted, you may have caught a temporary build I had accidentally uploaded when fixing a critical bug that had some debug code in it that increased the number of enemies in the game. Sorry about that!


This was a really cool game, I had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately though it decided to crash after a few waves.


Thanks for checking it out! Sorry it crashed on the stream, but I think that's been patched now (fingers crossed). Will need to wait for some more reviews to come in to know for sure as it's a little inconsistent as to when it happens.


Cool game, I played on chrome and was working well. The idea is nice and the player moves well. 

As a suggestion I would improve the player fight and maybe some hitting effects to the enemies.

Good Job.


it was fun, hovering is feels great.
would be nice to have some feedback when the bullets hit the enemy, and the game froze on me after clearing wave 5

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback! Shame about the crash. I think I've got that patched out now. Not that you have to replay it, but just as a reference for others since it's happened a couple of inconsistent times :)


I really love your game's art style and graphics.  Very cozy PS1 vibes.


The controls on this were rock solid.

Everything that is in just worked and it was lots of fun to play.

Was there any waves passed the 6th or 7th?

It locked up on me around there.


Aww man, sorry about that. Glad you still enjoyed it! It goes up to 20 waves, but there's just the two enemy types for the entire game so other than a bit of chaos you probably got a good feel for it.


It was refreshing to have to Spider-Man around the environment as well as just "shoot the waves of bad guys". Nice aesthetic too, like a game adaption of a cartoon made to sell a toy line (in a good way). 

Though I was confused as to how I could be shooting behind me, over my own shoulder, with nothing in terms of animation or VFX (that I could see) to tell me how that was happening :P


Ha, aww man. I guess it's too hard to see with the low resolution but the shoulder weapons actually do swivel around you while you're aiming!


Holy cow this is great. I played it for a good 10 minutes (right after jam submission too, so extra hard to keep me around haha). Good visuals, good mechanics, really well composed. My two bits of constructive feedback: 

  1.  Coming to a complete stop when landing from a jump is unpleasant. Would be nice to keep some forward momentum.
  2. I feel like I have to run a lot and there's not much to do while running across town. I would jump to entertain myself, but jumping slows me down (see 1).

Final note: The jetpack felt amazing. Having the player use the jetpack to grab "stuff" on the path to the next wave of enemies could help fill the gap of action.

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