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A jam submission

Buried BijouxView game page

Submitted by petebananas — 11 minutes, 24 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of theme#43.7003.700
Use of prerequisite#221.9001.900

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I loved the animation and the sound effects when you got the gems. It all pulled together to be a nice relaxing game. I was confused what was going on at first but about mid way through relaised I was being buried 😂


Glad you figured it out and enjoyed it! :)


Great use of the theme and presentation! You mention in the description that we are digging until we are buried, but I was automatically collecting any tiles that were thrown in my head by the wind. Not sure if this was intended or not!

Great job!!


Yea so the idea is that, when the storms come, you have to dig yourself out afterwards. You have 5 actions on your turn, so if you are buried by more than 5 sand tiles it’s game over. Like I mentioned in some other comments, it’s kinda like Forbidden Desert. Eventually there’s just too much sand, and you’re done. My high score is around 30!


Very cool design and atmosphere! This one fits the theme of desert well and in a unique way, I liked the concept of combining a move-based game with sand storms, reminds me of The Forbidden Desert :)


Thank you! That was my inspiration for sure – I love that game 👏👏 Thanks for playing!


Why are there so few ratings here? The game is good and the design too


I wonder if it’s a presentation issue with the page/cover? I had little time to make up a nice title/cover image. And also I wanted to go with super low res/pixelated look (true 192x176, no cheating!) and so the screenshots are tiny…

Anyway, thanks for playing, I’m glad you liked it :)


dw, looks good


Hi there , i tested and played your game

At first i though it's a memory card game , and then i found some pixel Diamonds

i noticed that you used Godot , i never had the pleasure nor the  chance to use it in a project 

is it easy to master ?

{Questions] :

What challenges did you face during the development of tour game , and how did you overcome them?

What other tools or technologies were essential to the development of your game? did you use any other 2D software for your pixel art or does Godot engine have an in build 2d editor ?


Your visuals are atmospheric .


Hey! Thanks for playing :)

I didn’t have time to add an in-game tutorial so I’m sorry you weren’t sure how it worked. The description does explain a bit. It’s sort of inspired by the board game Forbidden Desert where you take a certain number of actions and then a storm comes and drops more sand and shifts things around.

I would say Godot is pretty easy to use once you get a handle on the fundamentals. There’s a lot of coverage of the basics on youtube.

The biggest challenges came from the fact that while I implemented a state machine for the player movement, the game world/state itself really could have used one. So there are some bugs where you can sort of ‘get ahead’ of the game if you’re impatient and don’t wait for animations/updates of the world.

The only other technology I used to make the game was Aseprite which is my pixel art editor of choice. But honestly my usage of it is very basic and any pixel editor would have sufficed.

Glad you liked the art, I’ve been in software for like 25 years and art is something new for me.



No worries.

You know I'm not a big fan of in-game tutorials. When playing a game, I prefer discovering aspects of the experience on my own.

I do intend to use Godot this upcoming week for another  GameJam, but unfortunately, whenever I open a 3D template, the engine crashes and greets me with a black screen.

Yeah, games without bugs aren't truly games.

Is Aseprite open source? I've never used it; I generally use Pro Motion for my pixel art.

As for me, I started my video game development journey in 2009.


Aseprite is open source – – but you have to build it yourself to use that version. Personally I just grabbed a copy for 20 bucks, or I may have got it as part of a bundle… I can’t recall. It’s a great product worth supporting.


Thanks for the info, I'll try and check it out in the near future and see how I can support.


Somehow soft locked it. Not sure I am playing it right, either.

The sound and graphics are great!


Hm what went wrong?


Not sure exactly, but I was spamming the dig button. I cleared an entire row, and it seemed like that row stopped getting new sand entirely. Then when I left that row to the top row, the game froze up with no inputs doing anything.
At times, when spamming dig and move, I could get the moves counter to go into the negatives. Not sure if that has something to do with it..

Hope this helps!


Ah yea, so I suggest not doing that. I mentioned in another comment I wish I had implemented a state machine for the world in general because the one for the player is hard to keep in sync with the world updates. So you gotta wait for each step/update before trying to continue to dig.