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Rate my game and I rate yours!

A topic by Gomuship created Nov 16, 2020 Views: 1,367 Replies: 102
Viewing posts 1 to 41
Submitted (1 edit)


My game is a mixing of Bullet Hell with small RPG  elements.
And the main mechanic is to mix colors that give you different weapons.

Check it out:

And reply here  or in the submission page so I can try yours too! <3

EDIT: so far, have played and rated all entries here... send me more o/


Here's mine game. Every feedback and play is appreciated!  Basically Johnny is split to two parts - one trapped in a top-down perspective and the other is stuck in a classic platformer. Try to connect them :)



Played and rated! I've liked your entry :b

Submitted(+1) here it is! Hope you like it! I'll play your game rn


Played and rated!


Cool, we created a game with bullet hell elemts aswell. So I will check out yours immediately!


I've played and rated your game. I enjoyed it :D


I commented but I want to know how the mana works because I can completely judge it!

Here is my game 


Hello, the way it works is your blue weapon actually generates mana... I could be more specific when the mana error popup shows up. My bad x.x... gonna play and rate yours too!


ooooookaaaaay! got it! super cool! I ended up going in circles and switching between pink and blue to recharge/auto hit haha! nice concept though! Thanks for playing mine ;)


I enjoyed yours... Unfortunately the main strat for my game is this one you used xD, couldn't add other enemy variations to make sense the other weapons x.x



I liked your creativity, and I loved when you go left in your game xDDD


Hahahaha. I am glad someone finally find this easter egg :)


Was a nice addiction too, and I guess it took some time to make this! xD

Submitted(+1) I'll

appreciate it!


Played and rated it... I really enjoyed the Tiger death sound xD (a door?)


a magician never reveal his secrets....


Check this out :)


I liked the polish you made in your game! Rated.


Here's our game! Comments would be great too :)


I played and rated it. The first splash pics, don't know why but ok xD


heya! your  game is lit my guy!



I loved your entry too, almost a perfect rating score for you! :D

I really enjoyed how well polished it was, good job!

Here's mine :)


I liked how beautiful it was, but lightning was not good, I wish it could be brighter... Rated!


A spooky Rhythm-based Horror game! Have fun! :D


Tried to play, but didn't understand it...


Sorry to hear that :c

I tried to explain the mechanics in the radio note with a veil of immersion. (the basic stuff is also written on the game's page if you'd like to replay it)


Hope you enjoy! :)


I loved your game!

My only real concern was the softlock in level 21, I tried to replay the game 3 times.
Overall nice entry :D



In level 21 you need to collect the ammo after breaking 2 blocks and then you can beat the level :)


Yeah, I figured this out. But all times I used all the bullets and stayed at the start place, so couldn't proceed x.x


Awesome. I played and rated it!

I made an adventure-board-game where you have to type to kill enemies.


I liked a lot your game!

But 2 points concerned me:
- I wish all input from the game was keyboard (was stressing to put hands on keyboard and then to move to the mouse);
- I wish it had enemy counter on the battle.

You could add some polish, but it's great already.

Good job!


Thank you so much for your feedback! 

I'm sorry about the mouse part; I didn't really think about that.

The enemy counter is a great idea. Thanks!


It's fine tho...

This mouse thingy is a concept called ergonomics or something like that, in this case is easy to solve, so you will be fine!


Well this is mine

(P.S. my games control problem is because of that keyboard block more than 4 or 5 touches at once)

rate mine i will rate yours

also pls download and report bugs if you find them


as you are done, give me a feedback


Not sure if I had another person to play I would've enjoyed..
This is something bad for going with multiplayer games in jam, but it's ok.

I didn't like the result, but the concept I did. It resembles me the tank minigame from Crash Bash, it was cool.

Maybe if you added some enemies that moved like the bullet in the screen, the game would get better, who knows.

Thanks for playing my game too!


i wanted to add ability of setting towers that shoots at your enemy, but then i realized i have no time for it, maybe i will add it later



Played and rated it...

I didn't like the music.
But the mechanic overall was cool and promising!


Hello, this is a puzzle shooter with a little bit of accidental bullet hell. Level 1 is a bit broken but everything else works. Enjoy!


Played and rated! Good job :D


Check out our teams game for the jam! A tower defense rhythm game. Check it out and leave a comment what you think as well as the link to your game!


I loved your entry Magecore!

The first perfect score I gave away <3

Even as that, I have some feedback for you...
The first I would change the rhythm bar color, because at first for some time I thought only yellow was available, to solve this I would use a purple with the same level of saturation of that yellow... Would fit very well your game;
I would leave the rhythm bar more centered somewhere in the screen, because for a long time I keep staring just at the bar, and forgot to see how beautiful the game was;
A balancing of the turrets would be good, maybe making some kind of rock, papers & scissors like mechanics, so it would actually force the player to use other towers without being hard to balance and understand;
And last: not sure if had, but a goal in the end and a small finish screen or something would be nice!

Congratulations! <3


Hi, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! And thanks for the feedback. I definitely agree with you on the rhythm bar, and the Rock Paper Scissors concept is a good idea! We had a lot more we wanted to do to clarify the game a bit more so that playing strategically was easier to come by, but we ended up working until the very last minute and barely got the game posted with 29 seconds left 😬 so there’s definitely a lot more we wanted to get done!

And the game is currently endless so the only ending screen you see is if you die, but yes we definitely want to maybe eventually add more maps and waves like a traditional TD game!

Again I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for playing!



I really liked your game idea!

Not so much of your execution...
But keep going, with good ideas like that, you can go far! :D

Played and rated.


Thank you, but can you make your game work on mac? I use it, and your game only supports windows


Well, someone asked for me yesterday. Here you go:

Not sure if it works, but I hope you like it!



I liked your game...

I would reduce the music volume, and add some polish if possible...

The slow motion are more useful later in the game? I liked this mechanic.




I liked your game.

It looked a bit confusing in the start, but I get it after a while...
Rated! :D



I liked your game idea a lot.

But I didn't had in the mind how every ghost was seeing new people, maybe some thing inside the game too with some indicators would help.
Don't have sound in the game, but for the next try to at least leave a looping music, it helps a lot with the atmosphere :D

Rated and good job!


Here's my first game jam submission :


I liked your game concept, and in this entry I would do 4 things:

- Move the player 10% to the right, if gives a lot of anxiety to have your player locked in the screen border;
- Add a background parallax so we feel the movement;
- Make the police red line blink with some fading tween;
- Add a target to the mouse position;

Other than that, was great! Good job.


PS: for a first game jam submission, the result was wonderful!


Thanks for your extensive feedback ! Really appreciate it ! 


Hey! thanks for doing this! really appreciate it!

Spooky warning!:


I liked a lot the reveal mechanic!

I would make the breath sound noises less frequent, or a bit lower in the volume.
Overall was a good entry, rated.


Eyy, thank you so much!! I'll go and rate yours

your feedback is very welcome ;D



First of all: 1GB of game to download is not right, try emptying your project before... It can scare a lot of potential players.
Credits at the start is a weird solution, not sure how I feel about that but it's fine...
Since your gameplay has mouse included, you could make the menu mouse based with no problem.
Enter felt weird to control the game, because you have to change your hands position a lot, so you could add a button for click, or just click anywhere and would work fine.
The game was too dark, don't think it was really needed.
Some indicators in the racetrack would be fine, I got lost a lot...

The polish in the menu was great.
I liked a lot the music and sounds.

Good job, rated! :D

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

hi kaibaka,

thx a lot for your extensive feedback! :) 

thx a lot for bringen it to my attention about the 1GB, wasn't aware of that.. 

I don't know if you are a unreal user, but could it be that it is because of the fact I always start in a third person template?

and are there any tutorials you can recommend to make my games lighter?

about the credits at the start:

there a 2 reasons for that, 1. I was running out of time and this was a quick solution xD, 2. It felt great with my music :)

but i can understand it may feels weird, altough I have to say I'm normaly working in the film industrie (thats my normal job) and there it's quite normal to do so (with the more important functions ;))

but still thx for letting me know ;)

yeah and about the menu with not able to use the mouse.

your totally right!

I wasn't thinking straight xD (I was aweak for 38 hours when  I made the menu ;p)

and about the darnkness and the track indicators.

also totally right about that ;)

that was purely because time was running out ;)

but especially more lightning i wish had the time for :|

glad you liked the sounds and music! :)

thx for the feedback, rating and playing, this is really helpfull! ;D

PS: srry for my bad english ;)


You are welcome!

For your first question, I use Unity, but in some plugins it comes with a lot of useless assets for your games (that is mainly made for showing different examples), so it's no use for your game and so... Maybe Unreal is like that too.

Keep with the good job! :D


check! :)

thx again! ;D

Submitted(+1) Would appreciate feedback :) 


I've played and rated yours already :)

And I'm pretty sure I gave a feedback somewhere too!

Submitted(+1) Tell me your opinions about it!



I liked your game a lot! Was pretty original :D

Now some feedback:
- The grained effect in the camera, I personally don't like it. It hurt the eyes and don't help your game much;
- The menus/UI they are both good and bad. Good because it have a lot of cool elements and colors, bad because have some elements that doesn't make sense with the entire art direction of this (example: the next button);
- I think the turn resolution could go a bit faster, it's a racing game afterall;

Was a pretty clever idea and an amazing execution. Your position in the race as "levels" was a brilliant touch.

Great job!

Submitted(+1) - Try and see if you can complete all the levels! I'll play and rate yours now


I liked your game idea.

I was playing normally, then I got lazy and start cheating, then my cheating backfired and crashed the game, and then I had to restart and i got lazy again x.x

About your game: was a simple but effective idea, I liked it.
I would make the platforms a little larger;
Would add different sounds to the colors shown before the level, so the player could memorize via image or sound;
Would add this same sound when the people hit the correct platform, so it get's more in the memory;
Needed to add that mouse can control the camera in the controls, but this is fine.

And personally I enjoyed a lot that every level you did some palette change.

Good job o/


A horror platformer with a twist!

Have FUN!


The first game that I actually laughed a lot...

Look at this duck? I'm crying :D
I liked a lot his design, and in the end... He is a ninja duck that wants a naruto to eat? xDDDD

I wish the game had some bgm, and some sfx... But it's fine.
The mechanic is fine, could have more levels but it's ok too.

I liked your entry o/


I really like the idea man, it has potential. The controls I feel like they need a bit more attention, I mean maybe a mouse input will help. The pink homing missiles gun is too OP:)) 

The soundtrack helps with the vibe, I like it. But man, the game idea is unique, you can expand it a bit more and it's ready for Steam dude. Overall it's very good.

I like it, and I hope my feedback will help you.:>


Thanks for your feedback! :D

I prefer controller based games, so that's why you don't control with mouse.
But maybe a aim assist script would help with this, need to valuate that.

You believe can reach steam? Hmm I will do the updates I plan and, well, why not? I already have the license... Gonna think about!


Go for it. After you polish a bit the graphics, maybe adding some enemies, and done. It really has potential:))


Well, I have some wrote stuff that I want to do, let's see how the project gets when I finish this :D


Best of luck my friend! :D

if you could bring one of your friends to play this it will make your experience better


I loved your game!
This idea simply could work heavenly, and sell a lot in the market.
I would definitely work in a project like this, good job!

Now for the actual deliver:
We need sounds in the game, if you can't, try to at least set some bg music to let some atmosphere happen.
A polish would be nice in the game, a simple one that I would do is a simple trail in the ball, and particles bigger when you score.

I couldn't play multiplayer, but I imagine it would improve a lot...

I don't know how your space are, but this project can easily be marketable, so think about it!

Good job!


Keep them coming, need more entries to check :D

Submitted(+1) 4 level, the control are for azerty keyboard but it's still playable ! Hope you enjoy!


This idea has potential, I liked it.

But some things I didn't:
- There was a lot of camera effects that don't needed and don't actually made sense to your game aesthetics;
- The music was repetitive, but for a game jam, is what we have;
- The ledge grab mechanic makes sense for a ninja game, but it was too tight;
- Mouse to control your attack would be better if you threw a shuriken or something... Just for a regular slash, any key would work better.

Anyway good job!


Going to play your now! I'm curious to see if you can solve the mystery being this game :)


I played it!

The art is really great. I wish it had some polish...
It's a bold choice to make a game purposefully without instructions xD, I get what kind of atmosphere you want to pass in your game. But be careful xD

I solved + -, the color of the meal represented which of the bars that needed to be fed, this meal had a colored color in the specs, and every other one would decrease the other bars related. And those icons, resembles of some body parts. The red one for intestines, the green one a tie (?) and something like that xD



I've already rated yours, did you do mine too? :D




here is  my game


Played and rated!


hey! gonna check yours in a day! could you please leave your comments on my game's page, so that it won't get lost. here's the page's link:

Mnim's Cubetron is the action game where you switch between powers to solve simple puzzles while avoiding being blown up.


I have played, rated and commented this game already... But I can comment the same thing on the game page too...


Nice game lol, one of the better ones from this jam. Mine is a visual novel with 2D platforming minigames


Played and rated :D

A banjo-kazooie like I made that involves music genre mixing, read the description if you choose the play the WebGL version

Submitted  this here is my game  so give it a go


Here's mine:

Submitted It's my first game jam 4 level, the control are for azerty keyboard but it's still playable ! Hope you enjoy!