Thanks for submitting a game! I really love your concept here. The bite sized narrative and visual when I landed on planet Backwater was surprisingly immersive at such a low resolution. It got me excited to see what other planets had to offer. I want to write out my first play experience here because I could say the movement is difficult to understand but that's already been said.
At the start of the game I am just getting used to the controls and the movement of the ship. I need some time to do that because this is a unique movement system that I haven't had much exposure to. However, as I am trying to do that I am getting beaten down by enemies which leaves me no choice but to blast off into the void of space to avoid dying. I am quickly disoriented and I no longer know where I am or even what direction my ship is pointing. But that did allow me to figure out the targeting system. When I started using Q to auto rotate my ship in conjunction with the targeting I actually thought the system was quite intuitive.
I set course for Geohell thinking I got this figured out. But I could never get there. As I got closer I was trying to use my Q and S keys to rotate, slowdown, and stay on course but the distance would start getting larger instead. Trying to hunt down ships was even more difficult because they're moving targets.
I restarted the game a few times to see if I could better keep track of the ship's direction but all my restarts resulted in feeling like I couldn't get anywhere. My initial suggestion would be to simply make the player ship a little bigger so I can better understand how I am oriented at all times. Buying the turret and using the targeting system to fight the ships around Backwater felt pretty awesome and I can see how mastery of the game's movement would be super fulfilling. Thanks again for participating!
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