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A jam submission

Sunken SovereignView project page

Submitted by Edenspire — 1 day, 20 hours before the deadline
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Sunken Sovereign's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5362.8383.000

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

For this song, I chose to use symphonic strings and ambient lead sounds. These elements were combined with subdued drums in a few segments to give the feel of elegance in a submerged environment.

Message from the artist
This is the first of these I've done, so I wasn't too sure on how long the song should be or if i should do multiple in one project. I included a few different elements, as described in the project details. In any case, it was fun to work on and with some feedback, I would love to join another in the future.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I chose strings and a lower tempo to showcase the underwater elements of the image. The combination of instruments and patterns demonstrate both the beauty and peril of the deep sea and also looks at the serene emptiness.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Hey! That soundtrack sounds like... crystal?! Cool! I love it!

Thank you)


Really nice moments along the track! 2:53 very surprising, well done!

I love the great sound you have achieved (overall sound)

Great work!!


Honestly, the first minute of the song gave me a bit of Hans Zimmer vibes, which is really nice. The rest of the song is solid too, good job!


When it broke into full orchestral near the midway point I was sold. You did a great job creating a self contained story in this one track. Very well done!


Solid composition and instrumentation. The mix, specifically the panning, is a bit jarring. Some percussive instruments are panned hard right, some other families are panned hard left. It feels off balance, which isn't a difficult fix and would boost the impact of what you've written.

Developer (2 edits)

yah I gotcha. It was a bit ambitious with multiple drum kit VSTs used and it complicated things a lil. I'm more used to mixing metal drums (and even that I'm still learning) in which the full kit is panned widely. But yah I'll fix it up and adapt. Thanks for the feedback ^^


Really nice. I liked the instruments you used!


thank ya much :) 


really lovely and peaceful. I think it would po if you took that opening sequence and reintroduced it into maybe some other voices and registers


thank you ^^ I'll definitely keep that idea in mind going forward, I like the way you think. 


This track was awesome! I enjoyed the different phases of the song and it made me wonder what was coming next. Definitely one of my favorites!


:D I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for checking it out 


The break into the drum kit at the halfway mark was amazing! Great job overall for your first one, the only feedback I have is that the mix is a little imbalanced throughout and the drums and bass crowd out the mids and highs. Still a really good song!


Thank you for checking it out :) I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward. I'm used to mixing metal so this was a challenge but I'll get there lol. Thanks again, I'll return the favor for sure


When your drums came in I went "Woah". The track is also split in three parts, it's like a story packed in a single track! The orchestration was great and I really loved the build up to the ending! Nice work!


I really appreciate that, thank you ^^ this being my first Jam, I wasn't too sure how many tracks I should put together but I'll learn from this one and adapt :) thanks for listening and commenting