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A jam submission

Inside my worldView project page

A soundtrack of an imaginary game I composed for the OST Composing JAM 7 contest.
Submitted by Erwan Le Pape — 20 hours, 54 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2613.5613.765

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Fantasy, innocence, trauma. A dive into childhood memories. I used Logic Pro to compose 4 tracks that are open to interpretation within their titles.

Message from the artist
I hope you'll enjoy :)


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Childhood memories

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Yes (CC BY)

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Great orchestrations and cute theme ! The transition was a bit abrupt in first track, but the lovely theme coming after made me forget!

Mental loophole is definitely working according to his title!

Joyfull interlude hit me with nostalgia because i love that style of writing ^^Maybe you could work on some sections because the writing felt a bit repetitive sometimes.

Last track was wonderful, some pokemon vibe here!

Overall great OST! You should working on the mix whos the main problem here;)

Good job ^^


These songs were so playful and fun, and mental loophole was such a haunting work as well, I especially liked how ethereal and atmospheric it was!!! Excellent work, I can tell you have a very strong background in this and you exercised your skills well.


Thank you so much !

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Theme is great! The abrupt start at 1:03 is like this... cute?

Mental Loophole is mysterious, haunting and mesmerizing... Cool!

Joyful Interlude - Ah... CUTE!!11!! ▲▲. The sound acceleration at 1:00 is very beautiful)

Spiritual Confrontation - Oh, a good atmosphere of epicness, scale and stability of settings

You have excellent orchestral music. I like it! I saved you for a good time!


That's so kind, ty so much !


This was the most fun I have had with the more orchestral entries so far. The second track reminded me of skyward sword dungeons.

Great Job!


Thanks !


Really interesting take in "Mental Loophole"! Really liked your orchestration, a lot of great ideas!


Great orchestration. The ostinatos in the bass part and woodwind features give it a great fantasy feel. I caught the callback to the the first piece in 0:37 of spiritual confrontation on a second listen which was really cool. My favorite piece has to be the 1. Theme where the chord choices made it feel both exciting and nostalgic. Overall a super great entry.


The orchestration is wonderful! There is so much wonder and whimsy throughout, yet enough serious tones to allow for grounded fantasy. It harkens me to Ni No Kuni and similar epic Ghibli orchestrations, leaving room for child-like wonder and a serious tone as well. Wonderfully done :)


This has been my favorite submission ive heard so far. Every track just breathes so well. Great job!


Thanks a lot ! I didn't expect it will be this much appreciated.


Sounding right out of an animated movie soundtrack! I concur that your orchestration skills are the business. I can really see an idyllic landscape with a little bit of danger creeping in. Really really excellent job, would love to hear more from you!


Thank you, I will definitely compose more !


You clearly have some strong orchestral composition chops! The ending to Theme was perfect.
Before submitting my tracks, I was imagining the kind of pieces I would expect to hear in the top 20 submissions - this is definitely the sort of thing I was imagining! The quality is immaculate.


Wow, thank you so much !


A very whimsical soundtrack - reminds me a lot of the Shire from LOTR and Super Mario Galaxy. It was genuinely super fun to listen to and I loved the variation of instruments used. LETSAGOOOOO


Yeah good ear ! The main motif starts the same as the Shire haha. Thanks a lot for listening.


I loved all of this, especially Mental Loophole. Your music paints the scene for me very well.