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A jam submission

BaubblesView project page

for OST Composing Jam #7
Submitted by Warlick — 15 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4283.2123.500

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Retro Synth Funk

Trippy Surreal RPG inspired by ToeJam & Earl, Hylics, and Earthbound

Baubbles - Plays on the Title Screen
Florbulation - Plays while exploring the gunky town of Florbulon
Lescht - Plays during the ending sequence, when all the Baubbles are brought to Lescht to congegulatify the notes of schskitaztipheria.

Composed in Ableton Live with a MicroFreak Stellar Synthesizer, drum loops, and a 5-string bass plugged into a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4.

Message from the artist
This funky soundtrack for Baubbles will take you on an unforgettable journey!

Search for the Baubbles and florbulate the skwerbles, amglify the stanglefish, collect zwanthoberry fruits to plugark the queegnobs.

If you're skilled, you may be able to bring your Baubbles together, taking you to the Lescht, and congegulatifying the notes of schskitaztipheria!

Thanks for listening to the soundtrack to my nonsense game!


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I used warbly, sparkly synths and funky bass to try to evoke a sense of being underwater, in a iridescent bubble-scape on an adventure in a child's imagination like it is shown in the picture.

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very cool. TJ&E is GOAT status for me when it comes for soundtracks and Hylics is awesome too, so your OST is right up my alley. Love the silly abstractness of the game concept. Florbulation definitely has that classic synth funk vibe. Lescht gave me boards of canada/air type vibes, which I dig. Overall great soundtrack!


Ayy, I love the percussions in here. I'm vibing with all the tracks and I can't get enough of that erosion-y effects. I would critique that the bass felt disconnected from other melodic components in the first song even though it fits in "Lescht". It's jumping onto too many notes out of the scale perhaps.


You've got some great groove here! Well done!


The digital sounds with more traditional lo-fi elements is neat blend. Makes a memorable funky sound. This was a fun listen. Florbulation was my favorite. May want to adjust the sound levels--the first two tracks are quite a bit quieter than the third.  Thanks for making and sharing!


Hey, that sounds interesting! I like the appearance of the guitar in Bubbles at 0:30... It sounds cool

You have done a good job with effects that exist in harmony with each other. I liked it!

P.S. Leschot sounds bright)

Submitted (1 edit)

Wow, the rhythm in the intro when the drums come in is beautiful… totally unexpected and funky. The sound design is also very interesting with those almost dissonant sounds. Did you use the MicroFreak? It’s definitely a nice instrument! And your submission is one of the most unique electronic OSTs I’ve heard.


That's really kind, thank you. I did use the MicroFreak! I got one recently and used this as an opportunity to explore it. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment on it!!!


I liked the scratchy sounds you used in the second track a lot!


Thanks for listening!!!


I feel so Florb-pilled. 

Lescht was a fantastic listen, loved the sliding synth. Florbulation was very groovy as well. The only thing I might suggest is cleaning up the improv a little bit. Great work!


I'm glad you liked Lescht, it's my favorite too. Definitely know what you mean about the sloppy improv lol. I made baubbles here and there over a week, and then pumped out the other two tracks the day before the jam was finished so I did not spend a ton of time with retakes or editing. Thanks for listening, you're Florbtastic.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

These are all really groovy. Lescht comes in sounding like something you'd hear on a PS1 or possibly even a Gamecube - thick underwater vibes and the percussion is snappy, leaving plenty of room for the other synth and pads to really shine. Bubbles sounds like more of a standard track off the bat but goes on to become quite groovy as it progresses. Big fan of the washy synths in this one, particularly the one toward the beginning.

Florbulation sounds like something straight off the Genesis, especially Kid Chameleon. This is funky as ever - fantastic choice of percussion here.  The degraded, bitcrush-y melodies do a great job here of playing into the water themes. Super solid selection of tracks all in all, great work. Best of luck with them!


I really appreciate your comment. The PS1 era music is some of my favorite stuff, and I'm glad you picked up on the underwater vibes I was trying to put out there. I'm really glad you listened to my music and thought it was groovy, thanks for listening!

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

The third track (Lescht) left the strongest impression on me out of all of the tracks. Partly because it feels the most unique out of all 3 tracks, with the shimmering sounds being the best part to me . From there, Baubbles gave a similarly strong impression. Florbulation gave the weakest impression, but I didn't let that bog down this metric.

I'm not very good at judging creativity, but I didn't find it actively cliche nor pushing the envelope (not that it needs to). Florbulation feels very close to what I'd expect from a "retro funky synth" and didn't really stand out creatively to me. However, the other 2 tracks I'd say were creative!

The tracks definitely feel cohesive and like they would be part of the same game (based on vibe). Lescht felt somewhat different from the others, but given that it is meant to be an ending theme (and has the same style of drum/percussion as the previous tracks), I think it fits with the overall collection fairly well.

I'd say my favorite track is Lescht, with Baubbles close behind. Florbulation, with similar reasoning as above for impressions, I would say was my least favorite (relatively) track out of all of them.

I can see how the Baubbles and Lescht fit with the picture theme (and what you were going for), but I'm not so sure on Florbulation, (similar to why I felt that Florbulation didn't stand out too much in terms of creativity). The melody part of Baubbles, after further listening, does feel like it fits an underwater-sort-of vibe. Lescht, with the shimmering synth felt the most "dreamy".  Florbulation does indeed feel like music that you'd hear from exploring a town, but I'd say it doesn't fit a dreamy or underwater sort of vibe.


Thanks so much for listening and giving a thoughtful critique! I'd agree with you that Lescht is probably the strongest track, and Florbulation being the weakest given the theme. I'm really glad you appreciated some of my tracks! BTW, I think you've done a very good job of judging creativity!