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Mike Goetz

A member registered Sep 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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I understand wanting to the judges be impartial as possible, and not have high ratings influence their thinking.  That said, 655 people entered this contest and 635 of them who all worked really hard are kept waiting for something they're not going to get. For everyone else, the rankings and ratings will be the only way (aside from comments) to know what they did well and what they can improve on in the future.  If you're already able to hide the scores and rankings of the top 20 from the judges, perhaps it would be better to just instruct them not to look at the general contest results? They already know the OST's they're evaluating are in the top 20 anyway- maybe it's okay if they do see it, since their evaluations don't affect the rankings anyway?

Either way,  I know it's a lot of work to host these jams and I still really appreciate what you're doing! Just something to consider for the next one.

I like the concept of a game/visual novel that's just about quiet reflection and introspection. I think the music captures that well. The concept of each track representing a time of day and the emotions that go with it is interesting too.

cool OST! It definitely captures the mood you were going for. I like the music box version of the song to respresent a somber reflection.

Wow, that's a big compliment thank you!! The broken game aspect was my collaborator, Sojioto's idea. We thought it'd be a fun twist on the jam concept!

very cool. TJ&E is GOAT status for me when it comes for soundtracks and Hylics is awesome too, so your OST is right up my alley. Love the silly abstractness of the game concept. Florbulation definitely has that classic synth funk vibe. Lescht gave me boards of canada/air type vibes, which I dig. Overall great soundtrack!

I really like the moods and especially the little ASMR style textures sprinkled throughout. I would like to have seen the game concept fleshed out a little more so I could imagine playing something while listening to this. That said, great sound overall.

thank you!

Thanks! I'm glad you found the bagpipes unique. That was definitely the sound I was going for. Having a lot of imagery to work really helped me come up with musical ideas. I appreciate the nod to Yuzo Koshiro as well! For the lost level I was really trying to make it sound like the game bugged out mid-level. I appreciate the detailed feedback!

Thank you for listening! Having all of these different realms in the world written by my collaborator, Sojioto, gave me a lot of ideas to play with when trying to create music in different styles. It really helped the songwriting process.

thank you for noticing! I certainly was heavy-handed with it on the last track haha, but I tried to be a lot more subtle with it in the others.

fun entry! I'm a sucker for an obligatory desert level music hehe.

I felt like the music complemented the progression of the story really well. Really rich narrative.  I like that the tracks are split between ambiences and more defined songs. It makes sense for any good game to have a mix of those styles. Overall really tight and cohesive entry!

Great job on the piano. The ocean waves in the background really helped give the right vibe. I could definitely see that as early-game dialogue music in an RPG of this style.

Very cool that this was al "in-the-box" composed on a Deluge. I especially liked how  drums on Refracted were all over the place but still held down the waltz feel. I can hear the underwater/floating sensation well.  I would like to have seen more in the text of how this music how this music would connect to a game. I feel like what you have for the theme is more about capturing the vibe of that specific picture, although I think it does this well.

I liked Here For Help especially. The bouncy rhythm of it was fun and gave a good vibe for a bubble kingdom.

Great orchestration. Each track really felt like something that could actually be heard over and over as the player navigates the game without getting boring, or sounding like just standalone music.

Definitely would be a solid addition to any chill lofi playlist and was enjoyable to listen to. I clicked on it because I thought the title was awesome. I would have liked to see that idea expanded on in the text to get a sense of what kind of game this track might have gone with. 

Thank you! It helped a lot to have such a rich world created by the game's story writer, Sojioto. It gave me a lot of ideas to play with musically.

Thank you for listening!

I played it! the way the fish launched from the water was really fun and satisfying.

thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it

thank you for playing!

Thanks! I take it you found the musical easter egg haha


The mythology and story you chose for this was really interesting and different from the norm! It was cool to learn about a culture I was unfamiliar with. The Papinijuwari was a great character in the game. The voice was a lot of fun. The sprites were cute.  Everything seemed solid. No bugs. I felt like it needed a bit more action in addition to hiding, but overall was fun!

I was able to beat it after reading your comment about stepping over the tracks. I think you would do well to write that in the description on the itch page so people know that you can do it. Aside from that, I'm always a fan of procedural generation! The graphics and sfx were fun too.

I like the concept of the different powerups between levels. One issue though is that I found that the enemies can't actually hurt you, and nothing bad happens when it gets dark.  I had no problem with attack swinging though, per the other comment, so maybe this was fixed. 

Really fun! I loved the Ra/Horus polarity switch combo. The graphics really helped make that mechanic come to life. The physics and camera position really helped for when you're changing direction midair. The frequent checkpoints definitely were a great way to go, otherwise it would've been too hard. No bugs to speak of that I noticed.  Maybe putting a little shadow on the ground under the guy so you can see where they're landing would help, but for the most part I felt like I could land well enough. I would've liked to hear music- even just a basic soundbed can help fill the space. Overall great job!