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Inside My World OST by HySView project page

HyS Submission for the OST Composing Jam #7 by LoneRabbit
Submitted by HyS — 10 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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Inside My World OST by HyS's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#334.2064.206

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Fantasy Orchestral Soundtrack

Runtime: 9 minutes (8:57)

Software: Ableton Live (composing), Davinci Resolve (video editing), Sample Libraries like EastWest for instrument plugins.

Inspirations: Ori and the Blind Forest was a huge one for this soundtrack.

Theme: A girl's imagination was her safest place, and her mother was the foundation...

Each track represents the story of a young girl, from a bright and happy life, to turmoil, and finally ends with her rising back up and overcoming her obstacles.
I tried to make songs that would be practical in both a narrative aspect, as well as practical, such as short "game over" snippets and loopable scenario BGM. Certain songs like Main Theme and Overcome could be adapted to adaptive music, but would most likely be a cinematic song. I tried to use leitmotifs throughout the soundtrack. There's a (sometimes) subtle calling back and forth (C, G) to signify the young girl and mother trying to reach each other. The main melody might be a bit "elementary" at times, but I wanted to reflect the youthfulness of the beautiful and whimsical cover art.

Message from the artist
You all did it! Great job for getting through a Jam! Thanks to Lone Rabbit and all of the wonderful judges for their time and, well, good luck getting through all the music! <3


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I imagined the game to tell the story of how a girl with a loving mother. The mother would read books of fantastical stories and interesting facts about life, and those would all fuel the imagination of the young girl. However, when tragedy strikes and her mother is injured, the young girl turns to her inner world, and accidentally gets trapped there. She fights through the darker parts of her mind and with the help of her mother's stories, she finally escapes and returns to her mother.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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i said this before, but i just wanna reiterate it - your work here is so evocative of a ghibli-type setting, it's sweeping yet not afraid to sound silly and lighthearted in its scale.  really beautiful work, i want my orchestrations to sound like this one day lol


You got this!!! A ton of games don't even require big orchestrations anyways, so don't rush and you'll get there :D Really great job with your massive submission too! (Like, geez, 14 tracks in less than a week? Yikes!)


Love the buildup in the main theme, starts rich and gets richer as it goes on. 

Breakfast catches the essence of the name, feels like it's a new day and it's gonna be fun! Really fitting track.

Distractions also matches the name, with the silly vibe, but it didn't grip me as much as the rest. 

Shattered was amazing! The track really sounds like the bad thing happened and it's all falling apart. It's a bit on the short side, but extending it might hurt its impact so that's understandable.

Trials really spices things up, really well done.

Be strong for me takes a dramatic turn, but of all the tracks this one feels most mismatched. Not to say that it's bad or anything, to me it feels more separated from the rest.

Overcome then brings it back and ties it all together.

Very nice sountrack overall :D you definitely succeeded in telling a story with the track titles. Really matches the theme too. My favs were shattered, breakfast and the main theme. Great job! :D


Wow! Thanks for such an indepth feedback! Really appreciate it :D

Really looking forward to listening and reviewing yours as well!


The "Main Theme" was such a well put together composition! I liked the way you handled the string sections and the winds. I also liked how everything was able to build up to the climax at the end. Though I will say that some of the other songs could have been fleshed out a bit more in comparison to the "Main Theme", but I liked the overall idea of this sound track and your orchestration skills stood out in the "Main Theme". Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for listening! Really enjoyed your music as well!


+rep for colorful, vibrant orchestra writing. the way to my heart <3


Orchestra fam letsgoooo <3


truly high-level musical writing for orchestra. even the orchestration and choice of instruments is done in a thoughtful manner. Personally I really appreciate the choice of stringed instruments as the main instrument with which to describe the protagonist. And the writing for wind instruments (and also for the tuned percussions, like those of "Breakfast") is very reminiscent of oriental writing and that videogame world in general!


Oh dang that's some really high praise, thank you!

I tried to balance western and eastern styles of composing for this, so I'm really glad you picked up on that! I'll be listening to your submission soon too!


I recognized it immediately. I live in Italy so I'm very influenced by European music, but composers like Hisaishi have always been of great interest to me. your kind of writing sent me back to both cultures. I'm grateful that you will listen to my soundtrack, hope you like it and good luck☺️

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

All right i'll go song by song and to the best I can as a constructive review (Permission to go hard on feedback was accepted by composer btw)

1. Main Theme - Good composition at 0:12 first time we hear the leitmotif its sounding great, although feels a little off rhythmically, some quantize will help. Second part of the theme played by the piano is nice but with all the instrumentation the piano range is around the same as some of the strings, that makes it a bit hard to try and figure out what's being played, then at 0:50 you come back in strenght and I would've change the strings a bit and made them move a little bit and change range to let some place to breath because you have a really nice woodwinds swells and we can barely hear them. at 1 min the bass and the chords stays too long on the same patern, mixing it up for the end climax would make everything better imo.

2. Breakfast - I like that you use the main theme back again but with a different arrangement, but you're staying on the same chords and pentatonic scale all the way, you can probably either transpose for a moment comme back or do a classic go to the fourth chord and come back just to change, even if the song is one minute.

3. Distractions, this one caught me off guard with the "boing" sound, I chuckled a little bit you got me, love it.  Also the pizz can be toned down juste a little bit and you can probably at the end double it with a cello pizz just to add a little "oomph"

4. Shattered - Watch out for your piano velocity note I feel like if it hits too hard its getting almost distorted. Also this piece feels like it can be something else, I like the composition the idea, the build up attempt but its like you can add an entire orchestra around it. But I think you wanted to go piano only, in that case I would look more on how you can play different the piano and add some counter parts on the left hand, doesn't have to be too much.

5. Trials - Ok now we're getting in the cool part, the mood is amazing, the composition is really nice, the brass needs to be much much more in your face, double the cello spicatto with a double bass doing the same would make it sound wider more big. I get the leimotiv is back again nice job, the high strings too can probably be more in your face, a little less reverb or room verb they are too far away, you can probably automate it to gratually make them sound louder too will help the build up.

6.  Death - Extremely simple, I think it works the only thing to think about is, after you die do you go back immeditally to gameplay or do you have a Continue ? Button if you have a continue button this could be an intro and then you'll have to put something to let the player not sit in silence. If that is not the case then It does the job, its very simple.

7.  Strings voicing is honnestly kinda hard to do, I think it works but some voicing can switch place it stays too much in the center, you can probably drop 2 some violins and make the cello a little lower at some place and make it louder. at 1:00 I was expecting a sus4 to major chord but I guess not you got me. At 1:13 is a good exemple of using bass, its been a while since we are listening in high mid range a change of tone would help the listener imo. at 1:47 near the end you are doing the same chords on half-note until we reach the end I would keep the top note the same but move the middle notes of your strings just to change it up a tiny bit and not stay in the same monotone range.

8. The best one - Overcome - Leitmotif is back again on the cello, pretty subtle though, watch out for some chords the cello and high strings are clashing a little bit.  at 0:55 seconds you are staying on the same note for a long time I was expecting a change but maybe thats the way you wanted it it still works I was juste feeling some change was needed there. The choir is a nice touch, but you can even go harder, add like a short low timapni roll to add some bass percussion and some staccato cello/double bass line doesn't have to be complicated. Because I don,t feel like the climax was amazing, it was good enough but it can bang so hard.

All right I hope that helps :) Good job !


This is some TOP TIER feedback. Honestly, I should be paying you for everything you said xD

Everything you mentioned is valid, and I'm definitely going to keep your words in mind moving forwards. Thanks a ton!


Damn, this orchestration is great. The quality of the instruments is stunning, and the mixing was overall very solid. I really loved Trials, Be Strong for Me, and Overcome in particular, I definitely feel the inspiration from Ori and the Blind Forest (which is great, because I ALSO LOVE ORI). Overall, great job! :D


Thank you thank you! I'm really enjoying listening to your submissions as well! :D


Just leaving a note here to say, go ham with any critiques you may have. I'm ready for both praise and destruction. <3


I love that you even did a Game Over jingle. Loads of pretty melodic lines here, and perfectly matched the emotions of your story!


Glad you enjoyed the lil jingle :D I'll be listening to your music as well soon!


Great orchestration as others have said, and a super solid selection of tracks. My favorite without question is Be Strong For Me. Beautiful piece; evocative, and arranged to perfection. Keep up the great work, and best of luck!


Glad people are liking the orchestration! Glad I could nail the emotional vibe :D Looking forward to listening to your music too!


Great progression of tone and style throughout the soundtrack and great orchestration. Well done!


Thanks so much for the kind words! I'll be hopping over to listen to your stuff too!


The realism in your orchestration never ceases to amaze me brother!


I have attained realism! Hahaha thanks for the kind words! You definitely took me to another world with your music!

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