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A jam submission

Inside My WorldView project page

Submitted by Joso Josowski — 1 hour, 29 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#4923.0003.000

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Given theme inspired me to make a soundtrack to an imaginary video game about lucid dreaming. "Inside My World" fits the game's name.

For those who don't know, lucid dreaming is when you're aware that you're currently dreaming.

The game would revolve around a girl who found herself in a lucid dream for the first time. At first, she has a lot of fun doing all kind of things her imagination lets her, however, after some time she realizes she is not waking up. Now she has a mystery to solve and her main weapon is her imagination.

The first song "Not So Rude Awakening" would accompany a scene of realization that she is actually dreaming.

The second song "Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled" would follow a scene where she finds a solution to the mystery and has a little celebration before doing the final quest.

I think my songs would fit a video game that was visually made in some retro or other aesthetically special visual style.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
Given picture theme looks to me like something from a dream, and the title "Inside My World" also fits the dream idea.

I tried to make weird and dreamish songs. "Not So Rude Awakening" goes through changing themes like a dream, and becomes more stable towards the end which would feel like becoming lucid inside a dream. Becoming lucid is like awakening, but inside of a dream.

"Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled" tries to capture that feeling of lightness and energy you feel when lucid dreaming, and everything feels possible, but still unstable and dreamy.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

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I liked the jaw harp because of how goofy an instrument it is. I like goofy.


Gosh that's a fresh take! Love it and it sounded great too while being so unique! Great job!


Very particuliar, would match with a strange world such as in Tohu! Nice Submission!


The track art made me immediately hungry for some odd Salvador Dali rendition of a grape flavored cinnamon roll or something, so I made the decision to plunge!   The second track to me seemed much more organized than the first but maybe the chaos on the first one was on purpose (it reminded me of Marco Siri's classical piece sequencing out over on Soundcloud).  But everything had strong creativity behind it, good stuff here.


Very unique has Layla said below me. I liked the second track the most as it had a really funky bassline. Keep up the good work!


Unique OST.

You presented interesting ideas in your experimental compositions. Unexpected mixture of sounds and the acid!!

Good job!


I quite like the melody in Not So Rude Awakening. It threw me for a loop that I didn't expect what would come next, making the anticipation exciting.
Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled embodies dreaminess with those instrument choices, you captured it perfectly, good stuff.


Very curious and experimental)

Not So Rude Awakening - cool and crazy.

Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled - Acid bass? I love it!

In general, the soundtrack is perfect for either a psychedelic game (Which correlates well with the dream theme) or something futuristic (especially Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled is perfect for this). Well done!


Not So Rude Awakening: Experimental feel. Cool sounds.
Bubbles Bubbled, Lucid Shuffled: Bouncy bass. My favorite of the two tracks.

Great work!


This was a very interesting submission! I really enjoyed Bubbles Bubbled. The first track was a bit too experimental for my taste, but sound-wise, everything sounded great! Nice work!


Good work :) Interesting sounds although the high pitched main synth was sometimes too much repetitive sound...


Really like the second track!


This is very experimental but very linear , i wish you would add more movement, some build up that would help the song to breath so much more. Good job !


I know what you mean. I value all the comments I got but this one is MVP for me. I will put more thought in those details in the future. It will probably take twice as long to make the song, but it might be twice as fun for me to work on it and around 4.20 times more enjoyable for listeners in the end.