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Don't Capture the Flag's pageJudge feedback
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- This has some great tecmo bowl vibes! Love the concept on how the weapon being granted is the gameplay. Props for a how to guide and general menu setup. The sound was perfect for the art style! Gameplay is responsive and works as intended. Some AI motion wasn't fully understood after reading instructions had to play several rounds to understand. Stalemate condition was also not clear at first but works when achieved. Visual difference between players was difficult to see but that is also part of the art choice. Keep up the great work!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
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Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
A simple arcade game where you the player must try to make the Npcs take as long as possible in order to capture the flag by giving yourself to one of them but if any team gets softlocked or captures a flag you lose.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
The player is the only weapon in the game teleporting themselves to the Npcs allowing them to kill.
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
The behavior of the Npcs.
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I think the goal of the game is to keep the game going as long as possible with neither team capturing the flag. And you do that by passing around the weapon? I wasn't entirely sure if that was my goal. But I made it to turn 55. What's your best? Good job overall tho!!
You are right and yes! I personally got up to around turn 90 but someone managed to get past 100. and thank you for the kind words!
Love the subversion of Capture the Flag. Considering your submitted a fair bit before the deadline AND had a false start from your comment on the game page you did great!
I personally didn't struggle to understand what was going on, but I CAN understand how some might.
This is a really novel and cute concept! I like how much of a game trying to not play a different game can become! Very clever
Cool idea for a game. However, as others have mentioned, a bit hard to understand what is going on.
Maybe you could add some more information about how close each team is to a win condition e.g. Arrows above players that are close to winning, show the path that the NPC with the knife intends to take.
I really want to like this game but I don't understand...
Cool game and great idea! Impressive with the AI too!
very unique game idea! I'd admit it is hard to understand at the beginning(and the middle, and the end lol sorry I still don't fully get it) and I read the how to play and get some idea. But I'm still curious what's the best strategy as when I make a human attacker, it seems ends the battle very fast, should I grant them when the opposite team is winning? And is there a way to ungrant a human? Is there other strategy?
But overall I like how you interpret the theme and I think with some tutorial and better art this can be a fun game!
In order to ungrant yourself from a human, you must give yourself to another human. If you click a human while another is wielding you the human holding you loses you and the one you click holds you instead. A decent strategy I found is to use this to both make sure nobody kills but also nobody succeeds at the same time by swapping who wields you to maximize that. Killing all units will lead to a quicker end. Thank you for the kind words also. I do agree a short tutorial could have been added. I am curious though about what problems you ran into with the art?
The characters are too similar to each other so it is hard to tell the difference
Very interesting game! I liked the idea of trying to prevent two different forces from beating each other and keeping them locked in a stalemate as long as you can. I think it was difficult to parse the visual information as the game progressed. One part was, I believe, due to the visual similarity between runners and defenders. I think there's a lot of potential here in what you can do with in the future, but the strategy and concept is already very good.
Thank you for the kind words. The visual similarity between types of players is probably due to the 16x16 image size I tried to stick with.