A simple and great game. the gameplay loop works perfectly but speeding up villagers and making them break the frame barrier breaks the game too easily and provides little incentive to use the tower and upgrade the shop past level 2. I was able to get around 30,000 per round without using the tower.
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A good autobattler game. The start of the game felt luck reliant. Progression is very easy but also feels point less after sometime as enemies do not appear to scale and/or are purely random. The words on each part without any descriptions makes it hard to trust new words and experiment once something is working.
A roguelike game that has a unique concept but due to the lack of explanation and/or tutorial it is hard to understand fully just by playing. The rack option seems useless and a strategy that did not fail me at all was shoot until bullets match number of enemies then end turn and it was not punished. Shops/Events felt few and far between so I could not upgrade as fast.
A difficult and fun bullet hell game. being locked in the planets orbit makes navigating the obstacles interesting and the different attack patterns of each planet were unique and fit the space theme. I especially thought that the asteroid from the edge of the screen was a surprising change of pace from the all planet centered attacks.
A great simplistic game with easy to understand mechanics and buffs. music and art were great. Credits song is a Bop, reminds me of the vibe of PVZ credits song, and will listen to again. The item slots leave more to be seen. Infinite fire was confusing as it just killed me but I understood it eventually.
In order to ungrant yourself from a human, you must give yourself to another human. If you click a human while another is wielding you the human holding you loses you and the one you click holds you instead. A decent strategy I found is to use this to both make sure nobody kills but also nobody succeeds at the same time by swapping who wields you to maximize that. Killing all units will lead to a quicker end. Thank you for the kind words also. I do agree a short tutorial could have been added. I am curious though about what problems you ran into with the art?
A fantastic roguelike game. the inspiration from billionaire is easily shown. But despite this the difficulty scaling of the game is too easy in my opinion. The choice pool for the game in both squad and properties also leaves room to explore. Overall a great gameplay loop that leaves more to be desired. I have to ask is Monopoly U-build the inspiration for the hexagonal board? Also if this gets updated would love to see some visual difference in the moving characters like cat ears for the fat cat.
The game was great but ruthless with its difficulty. The movement never felt fully consistent and sometimes felt like a gamble but was satisfyingly fast and easy to use. the fire mechanic introducing both timed and multi-segmented areas were interesting. the rope mechanic felt underutilized to me as they were just a way to move a barrier for theatrics but could have been a dash prevention method or something like that. I also somehow managed to softlock it.