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A member registered Sep 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Holy moly, thank you so much for taking the time to really go deep with your experiences ❤️

I love the questions you mentioned about the world setting! It wojld be alot of fun to explore some creative options for answering those questions :0

I intended to add a few different spooky creatures and even had a stealth function working, but had to subtract it due to not finishing the ai in time!

You make me feel very inspired to take this project further and add to the parts that you brought up c:

Thank you again so much for playing and taking and offering such incredible feedback! ^ ^

Aww ty so much for trying it out! It would be cool to have a surface you could actually go to :0 I like that idea!

This was a pretty interesting project! I liked the mixture of gameloops being present at the same time! The ui is also very interesting with everything feeling like a part of a ship terminal. Amazing work!

i really liked the ragdoll physics of this game c: i kind of got stuck about here though D: the enemy kept shooting my head off! image.png

the slimes kept beating me up! >:c those buttheads! I wasn’t able to make it very far because game very hard but the slimes are adorable! amazing job!

this project had alot of really cool concepts going for it! I liked the physics of being able to rotate my player and continuously fly about by shooting bullets :3 did shoot final baddy alot and they did die alot, gun out of ten

I’m glad you got the hang of it! I wish I had more time to implement a better tutorial, ty so much for playing c:

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Awww omg ty so much! I try to make all my models cute even if weird or more serious C: ty for playing!

Oooo I really like that. Taking a similar gameloop but making it more of a one shot run feel and when you die you’re done. Like singleplayer-rogueliking up the gamefeel alot more!

Really great idea, thank you C:

oh my goodness i had so much fun playing this! the controls are super smooth and i loved the feeling of having to rotate to gain access to the abilities. made me think of laika and doing flips on her bike to reload the gun c: amazing job!

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Aww i’m really glad you like the atmosphere c: the gameloop balance and difficulty curve of the further barrels definitely is a little high, I originally wanted enemies as well, but didnt manage in time so i made the energy gauge alot less forgiving to compensate c: i’d like to push this build further to allow for alot more to find and reasons to be out for a while! Ty so much for playing!

ty so much that means alot! :D

Holy moly this was such a blast to play! :O I absolutely love the game-feel, so many things that just absolutely oozed! From the dynamic music, to the way that your camera tilts as you dash around launching orbital strikes at your enemies. All of the abilities feel really good and the graphics are so cohesive too! The combination of mecha mechanics plus risk of rain like game loop is super clever! Amazing game!

The art style and game feel was so cohesive throughout this! i love how modular the player is and how you get to choose each body part! Makes me think of rengoku c: amazing job!

I liked the movement controls for this, it felt alot like asteroids c: the variety of abilities and being able to level them up between rounds is pretty cool too! Alot of interesting mechanics, amazing work!

oh my goodness thank you so much what amazing compliments :D the difficulty spike of barrels that are more distant from the diving bell did end up pretty high hehe. Ty so much for playing!

awwww omg ty so much! lethal company was a big inspiration for the shaders ^u^

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When not in aim mode, your tools will fire and move in the direction your player is facing! I’m sorry for not explaining that better D: I’m glad you enjoyed the suspense, I will definitely have to add spooky stuff waiting for you in the fog after the jam c:

awww ofc! glad i caught it in time :3

This project felt so silly and enjoyable. I loved the different camera angles :3 amazing job!

this is such an interesting idea, i had alot of fun planning different potential routes and shooting my own character to be silly c: it felt very good to play, amazing work!

This game is soooooo much fun holy moly! I love how easy it is to just idle and enjoy watching the character zoom around. The graphic style is so cohesive and the mechanics are super simple and well implemented! I hope you keep working on this after the jam, amazing work!

Wuuu i’m glad you liked it! Water is fun to drink but less fun to breath D: ty for playing!

the story and feel of this was very interesting! it took me quite a few tries to clear the final boss, i liked the boomerang ability! being able to hold it in place like that made me feel like kirby using his boomerang :3 amazing work!

Awwww thank you so much! C: I’ll try to incorporate settings for different types of LOD in the future o7

I unfortunately kept falling through the floor anytime i would try launching myself or moving around too much D: It looked nice though and its a very clever basis for a game :3 i hope you continue to work on it in the future! Amazing work!

I had alot of fun moving my little fellas around and learning the different enemy type’s movement and behavior. Amazing work! c:

This concept was super interesting and fun to play around with! c: I was able to kind of swirl and twirl my way through all the walls though and drag my guy through too. Amazing work!

Unfortunately I cannot access the game because you have it set as restricted :c

This is such a cool looking project! I really love how the mech looks and feels c: it was a lot of fun maneuvering around and destroying everything! I fell off the map at the end but after playing again and clearing all the enemies i realized that was the end :3 amazing work!

This is a really novel and cute concept! I like how much of a game trying to not play a different game can become! Very clever

I’m sorry to hear about the performance issues! The game is optimized to run well on most devices, but may struggle on some laptops. Clever thinking to bring your diving bell to the objective 😉

the ui style in this game is absolutely amazing! It seems due to the resolution size of the embedd, i can’t see the entire game window and have to scroll around just to see different parts of the game D:

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i kept having issues with the mouse refusing to lock even when clicking the app. I know webgl can handle cursor different when the app isn’t active, but i wasn’t able to really play the game even with the app active due to this. the graphics of this game and level design is very nice but i would love to have some sfx when interacting with things :3

the graphic and style of this project is amazing! very cohesive and induces a specific feeling :3 it would be nice for some of the starting puzzles to be a little more pointed towards with the solutions to help give a feel for the flow of expectations. amazing work!

the sprite work and physics is nice! i’m not entirely sure what the goal or intentions of the mixtures of objects can lead to though. would love to see something like this inserted into an actual game loop, the visuals and smoothness of the controller is nicely done!

Wuhuuuu! >:3 ty so much for playing c:

I just watched the video you made, I definitely need to include some controls at the startup so people know they can sprint with left shift or right click!

Awww I’m so glad you enjoy it! I plan to add alot more levels and a proper intro/tutorial once the rating period for the jam is over c:

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Yes if you look at the image behind the ui timer, it fills up as you collect more objects. If you collect enough objects to fill that Guage all the way full, you go to the next level!