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Going DownView game page

Fight your way through the dark
Submitted by GDeavid, AdamAudio (@AudioTryhard) โ€” 13 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Sound Design#223.6253.625
Enjoyment (Best Game)#633.1253.125

Ranked from 8 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I was excited to play this one! As others mentioned it gave me that Parasite Eve feeling of strategic combat and it did it really well! It also pulled of the esthetic of that PlayStation style game! 

The sound design was very cool, loved the music cues and the sound cues when the enemy appeared gave me such nostalgic feels while keeping it fresh! 

The upgrading system was a cumbersome I think maybe a money based system for upgrades would be better and I definitely needed a mini map! 

I would have also loved some lore about the game, I think it has a lot of potential for a bigger project. 

But overall had a blast! Hope to see more :3 



The superb audio and sounds were all thanks to AdamAudio! Can't recommend his work enough :)

You mean cumbersome as in it costs health? It was the last addition to the game and I didn't want to introduce and balance out a new resource so used an already existing resource (health) as currency. That might get a rework by adding more healing options to the player, or having a positive/negative effect going on with perks.

A minimap would be a nice addition, thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for playing the game! 

I'm going to play and rate Clicker V first thing tomorrow morning (in ~10 hours, had a LOOONG day), it looks super interesting, I'm looking forward to it :)


Thanks a lot! and always happy to meet new content creators! And I can see what you were going with for the upgrade system it makes sense I guess with a bit more time and development it could work really well! Well ill be waiting for that! 

Happy you had fun doing this jam! 


Cool game! I never played Parasite Eve, but I think I recognize that combat sphere (or whatever you call it). Excellent aesthetic, loved the soft randomness to the maps as well. A tutorial would have prevented a few of those early deaths, but overall, well done!



I agree, a combat tutorial would be one of the first things to add,, if I'll continue this project. Right after a major combat rework :)


I would really like to play this, but sadly it is a .rar file. In Windows 10 it is a sin that they do not have built-in support for .rar files, but that also leans responsibility on the developer to assure it is using .zip so that the player does not need extra software to play.

I would recommend in the future assuring the file is a .zip!


That's unfortunate.


I recommend 7zip or Winrar! 


That character design dude! And the take on combat was really impressive. You nailed a system that complimented the tense atmosphere, and I really loved the vector-like graphics. A nice marriage of gameplay, and atmosphere. 

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

This was a really cool concept, and pretty decently polished in the time given! 

I would say I was confused as hell about the control scheme at first, the super in-depth manual did help me get an idea of what i was supposed to do, but I still never did figure out how to dodge which lead to me getting absolutely bodied very quickly!

Good fun though, very well done!

Edit: Thanks for the heads up on the no jump scares by the way, much appreciated!


Parasite Eve lives haha. The combat's pretty intuitive after figuring out the buttons, and it's plays well too. A sense of progression would go a long way but yeah it's difficult to do RPG stuff in such a short time window. It certainly is satisfying to see that elevator animation at least. And the audio goes a long way to get the right feel for the atmosphere.


thanks for the comment! Quick customer survey, how would you feel about a game that's not a rogue-like, but expands on this combat system in with a decent-sized campaign?


Hmm, I might not be the person to ask -- I gave up on Parasite Eve itself because the combat got too same-y after a while


Thanks! Parasite Eve was the whole starting point!


I like the combat features on this one, kinda reminds me of FF7 remake, nice job!
However the environment could use some variety to increase the aesthetic value and reduce the repetitiveness. Nonetheless, it's a great solid entry!



Yeah, the environment has a long way to go, I was planning to add cars and walls and signs, but didn't have the energy by the end of the jam, unfortunately.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Cool game! I can imagine playing it to kill some time. A quick tutorial for the combat system could be nice, but it's good for now. The sound design is great, and I like the atmosphere/aesthetics. Awesome job on that!

In future updates, you can try to make the different floors have a different vibe or at least color to give the player a sense of progression. 

Overall it's a nice game! 



Was planning a bit more variety on the floors - signboards on pillars with different background colors, numbers and letters on it, that would also help in navigation (the levels are grid based, so having an ex.: A 02 sign would help a lot, i think) - and was also planning on dynamic level events, like replacing a fuse, or having a path that loops infinitely until you go a certain pattern.

Totally agree with the tutorial, never had time for it. Changed the game concept around the halfway point of the jam, so yeah... :D

If I do work on it post jam, I already have a plan to overhaul the combats action point system, and make it way more flexible!


Pretty solid stuff! that atmosphere was really well created , and the second level godammit its really hard to fight against a ranger and a closeo monsters so that was hella fun to challenge myself,some improvement would be to actually make the walls being a collider so it can block the attacks and gun shoots ,it would be a nice realism and actually defense. the rest subperb stuff for the time we had, well i am pretty much seeing your work since the start so Well done.



I doubt anyone will get that far, but the number of monsters increase with every floor :) 2 is easy, 3 is manageable, 3+ is pretty tough, but with the right perks, it shouldn't be a problem!


I will give it another try for sure then!


The controls are a little confusing. Wish there was a quick tutorial menu or something. Love the idea of a ps1 style top-down though! And the monsters look really cool!

