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A jam submission

red eyeView game page

see you next week, my cute little ram!
Submitted by happy cat games, curricle — 5 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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Theme Incorporation#193.0743.286

Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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So impressed by the multiple messaging systems!! I know nothing about MMOs but the overall online friends drama was still very relatable and the chat lingo was spot on. It got me feeling really uneasy and truly captured the weird god complex of some “popular” people you meet in online spaces. I did get a bit confused by all the user names but then again, I’m the same with online names in general


I must appaud the nightmarish toxic raid group environment you managed to capture in this... I think my old ancient age comes out when it was a bit hard for me to differentiate a change in speaker in the game chat and also understand some of the lingo meant (sigh... skill issue LOL) and there's also a bit of an issue where if you go to check another window while a choice is opened in one, when you go back the options disappear and you get softlocked. Gotta say though that hard commit UI for the desktop was SO. GOOD. B))


I never play online game, and I have not used an instant chat for five years... so, that was quite an experience. Probably the most original concept in this jam. The OS simulation is quite impressive, meanwhile, I cannot say I liked spending so much time reading SMS language. I'm probably not the target audience of the game... (pls, refrain to say I'm too old XD )


Really cool concept! Even though there were a few bugs, I'm really impressed by how you got an OS sim like this working in 10 days. The story itself was really cool too, although some stuff was kind of hard to follow (I recognized enough to know that at least some of the lingo was cribbed from FF14 but not enough to actually understand what was being said when characters were talking gameplay). I felt for the MC feeling stuck in such a toxic group--where you know that something's off about how people treat each other, but you don't know if you'll ever be able to find a truly supportive place in your interests, and you do have good memories of the people, so you might as well just stay.


I definitely felt uneasy the whole time playing this, and I felt awful for MC having to deal with such a toxic friend group (Raid Leader alone was A Lot, but pretty much everyone in the guild sucked). I really liked how the tension escalated throughout the game as well. There were technical issues (the preference menu was broken and there was something else in game, although I'm not sure it led to) but other than that I had a great time with this!

Jam Host

Oh god I felt so uneasy the whole time- this reminded me of the MMO drama I’d get mired in when Skype was still king. When things started spiraling it was hard to continue on at times for similar reasons; excellent work making it feel so real! Now I can only hope that our little ram pulls through

Host (1 edit)

You tried to do a lot in a few days, and that's commendable even on its own. I think some chatsims struggle from unreal dialogue, but this one definitely did not. Nice job on the realism! Have y'all played Emberfate? 


What a cool concept to accomplish, and in such a short time. I love VN games that are more than just a VN, and this game truly had that. I would say  the biggest thing that took me away from the game and story was all of the bugs, but that comes with the short time to code. For bugs I personally got issues with different menus/buttons on the main menu and the text and windows within the game itself. Aside from bugs, I always love the custom name option, and I once again love how you took the concept of MMO/RPG games and usage of the apps that go with them, along with the people you meet and befriend. I will say that occasionally it was difficult to keep up with conversations as a person who doesn't often play games like this, but I found all of the interactions you could have with different characters to be endearing. I'm hoping that updates continue to happen with this game, I would love to keep exploring it!


red eye understands how to use chatsim speak to coax out deeper feelings without disrupting the pace or legibility of the story. It uses the format of text-based platforms like MMO chat or Discord to obfuscate characters’ more insidious motivations or feelings under the chatspeak, which directly serves how Raid Leader eases her way into your life at first innocuously and then later aggressively. It is a story that demands the use of and takes full advantage of the chatsim format. The interface is intricate and, although a bit buggy, comprehensive in a way that makes red eye’s scope feel appropriately grand.


WOW - great work!

i liked:

  • writing realistic social dynamics between all the chatters; baki......... my fren....
  • amazing detail to GUI, working buttons - notif sound changes depending on viewing or not, very nice!
  • theme is incorporated into each scene + main idea of someone just raiding all day 😭

i disliked:

  • difficult to rollback/view history, buggy and played loud ping sounds
  • only one music track playing; never muted for drama either
  • while serving its purpose, the dialogue was difficult to read and understand to a non-mmo player

This hit close to home. Great and realistic even if slightly cringey build-up, very impressed with the interface and immersion. Very clever usage of interfaces. A highlight so far! Amazing job!