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A member registered Mar 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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he loves you back <333

Thank you so much for writing such a heartfelt comment <3 I’m so happy that this could resonate with someone in a similar situation to my characters. I’m glad I could write them in a convincing way.

This was a really experimental project for me so I’m very glad to hear you liked it and want to see more like it. I’ll definitely work on something similar again in the future!

omg thank you so so much! this comment really made my day! i’m so honoured and happy that you’ve been replaying it, it really means a lot <3 even tho the update is really small, i hope it’s to your liking haha

i shat my pants 10/10

I love Cecil's design <3 Very cute story! Amazed at how much art you made in such short time!

I loved the minimal graphics and how well they helped convey the story. Impressed that you managed to make your own music in this time span (and really good one at that)! Nice painful tragedy :')

I loved the movement and composition of the sprites, it made the game so immersive! The characters were great as well! Very cute designs and nice dynamic between them!

The mood in this was so good! The music change genuinely scared me haha. Very somber, very nice :')

This was strangely melancholic and romantic at the same time lol. I loved this dynamic so so much and enjoyed exploring it through the different choices. Got me twirling my hair and kicking my feet a little. The art and character design was stunning as well! Very enjoyable!

I'm so impressed you all managed to make this in such a short time! It was such an immersive story and overall experience. And god, both those endings :') I got really attached to The Librarian as well, really well written and complex character! Awesome work!

Holy fuck len, this was so good! I feel like I started crying almost at the first line and I was bawling by the end. It was so poetic and beautiful. The music fit perfectly and the voice acting was splendid. Such a beautiful piece of art!

I loved the narrative and world building so much! The atmosphere was great and I loved the characters dynamic. Very very nice game! 

Stunning visuals and atmosphere! The writing was absolutely beautiful. I  loved the somber mood and the complex relationship between the characters. Just a wonderful experience, thank you for making this game. 

I loved Valen!! He's so pretty :') Stunning art, good character depth and very nice use of the themes! Such a pleasant experience!

I loved their banter so much! Really interesting dynamic ^^ The animated sprites and menu were really nice!

Beautiful beautiful game! I loved the writing and how the flower theme was incorporated. Spent some time thinking of ways to interpret the story and who/what Phen might represent. Overall just very interesting narrative! And pretty piano playing as well :3

It was my first time participating in such a short jam and I kinda decided to join on a whim. I'm so glad I did! I genuinely had so much fun and felt like I was able to create something purely for my own enjoyment. It felt like a little arts and craft project where I could just enjoy creating for the sake of creating. I'm very proud of what I managed to create in such a short time. Especially happy with the atmosphere of the game. I wish I would have had more time to polish the main menu and other parts of the GUI so hoping I can time-manage better next time (doubt).  I haven't had time to play through all the entries yet but it's so fun seeing the different ways the themes have been interpreted and used in different types of stories! 

You put so much nuance and depth into these characters in such a short time! Made me very emotional :') 
Loved the way you incorporated the flowers as well!

Sweet short story! I liked the switches between different types of layouts (the phone etc), made it immersive! Bas' facial expressions were great too :3

The characters are absolutely stunning! I loved Niine so much :') 
Very cool setting and story! Also a big fan of Timmy Chamoy

I honestly don't even know how to respond to this comment. I ended up crying while reading it haha. Thank you so much for taking your time writing down your thoughts about it. And the flower allegories <3 It means so much to me that someone took the time to take in and analyze these charaters and their relationship. They will probably return in some way in the future as they are very dear to me.

The sprites (and some other assets) were indeed drawn on paper and photographed! I was initially only gonna use traditional art for my placeholders but ended up sticking with them cause I liked the look. I'm glad you liked them as well!

Thank you so much again for your wonderful comment <3 I'll frame it or something

absolutely stunning art and character design!! the story made me sad :(

aaaah thank you! <3

Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!


this was so so good holy fuck! it was terrifying in the best of ways and all characters were just wonderful. i came for aster -who was also fantastic, don't get me wrong- but oscar stole my heart out of nowhere, i had to play his route twice in one sitting <3 seriously impressive how you managed to create something to this level in such a short time

really cool, made me anxious lol

this was great! almost made me tear up ngl, i wanna join their gc 

(1 edit)

aaaah thank you for enjoying it (and iggy!)!! picking annoying answers both wounds and heals the soul :)

he would be worried for you if you did <3 honestly tho... i would too

i'm glad u liked him! writing the shy parts was the most fun ngl

THANK YOU!!! IM GLAD U LIKED IT! i may make a continuation at some point but i can't promise anything hehe

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you sm for playing!!

Thank you again so much for playing! I loved seeing all your reactions!

oh my god i loved this game so much!! the art is just stunning, i loved the RPG feel and music and aaaah the characters are just wonderful. i may or may not be in love with aelferic especially <333 thank you for making such a wonderful game!

thank you so much!!! i'm so happy you like the art ;;

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! thank you for liking my boyyo!

aaah thank you for liking iggy <333

thank you for playing!! i'm so glad u liked it!!

AAAH TYSM!! i'm so glad u enjoyed it! if you make any fanart please please show it to me it'd make my year fr!!