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A member registered May 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Initially you could, but once you reach top speed nitro won't get you moving any faster, so it just becomes harder to steer

cutscenes were lots of fun! struggled to control the character though, it seemed like the hitbox was in a different spot to the sprite? might have been a browser issue.

thanks very much :)

I really like the upgrade tree between rounds, made me feel a bit better when those bosses clobbered me :)

combat is a bit fiddly! some upgrades like the vampire clogs will make Victor a little better at staying alive :)

(1 edit)

Spinning speed as health was very interesting! Great variety on the bosses! I would have enjoyed being a bit more focus on the melee attacks. 

Satelites are very useful but I found them too loud once I collected a few, I also had some trouble with the mouse - it didn't seem to be locked in place so turning was hard because I kept mousing out of the game.  did you use Cursor.lockState? It didn't impact the rating :), it may have been a quirk of my browser

Beautiful graphics and sound! Controller support works well, and the tutorial graphics are great!
I kept pressing shoot immediately when I died, maybe there could be a little pause before the end screen accepts input for those of us twitch trigger fingers :)

I liked that the cowboys ran away from the bull when I tried to chase them

The rock SFX were a fun suprise :)

I think with a bit of health regen and a difficulty slider, endless mode could be a lot of fun!
Maybe we can think of some more dialogue for Clorp to keep the player company.

The orbiting energy was a really creative take on the theme! and a very good death animation :)
Really loved how original the art was, and the whole game felt very polished!

Simple concept executed well :)
I had a bit of trouble with audio though - I just heard a sort of low buzzing?

Took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out how to exit the rings! It felt a bit difficult to begin with, but it was fun once I got a hang of it. I got trapped against the world border a few times though, maybe a tiling map or a clearer border would help?

Very original idea! it might be nice if the un-selected planes drifted a bit, so you'd have to correct course

I really liked the thunk sound the penguin made when it bumped into an icicle!

Thanks very much :)
It can be a bit easy for more advanced players, I think I'll have to add a difficulty slider!
The kites spawning on you at the start is a bit of a bug, in fact the player starts with extra health because there always seems to be a collision right off the bat

I did struggle to get the difficulty to feel right, maybe a difficulty setting would have let players pick a bit more of a challenge!

haha, kicking myself that I didn't add a little endless mode, would have been very easy to implement :)

Really like the sound and art! It's a shame the particles don't work on web, would have been very satisfying to see that worm explode!

yeah, unfortunately a lot of the upgrades were a bit shallow, I would have liked to make more like the slam attack upgrade, that change the core loop a little more. Thanks for the review :)

Thanks for the in-depth review, its very solid feedback :)
It definitely needs a bit of polish, I didn't do a great job of planning my time so there were a lot of last minute additions.
Agree on the SFX/damage feedback and Adam being hit by stage damage is too luck based - he should really be a bit better at avoiding stage damage, and Victor should have more ways to corale him.

There's definitely a lot of room to improve with the tutorial/controls, I think some acceleration might have made it a bit less jumpy. Glad you liked the characters :) did you get to meet Frankenstein's Lab?

thanks :) I had a lot of fun making a little bit of story for the game

thanks! I was worried the screws would be a bit unintuitive, but I was too pleased with the animation to replace them :)

Tricky controls but some very interesting bosses :)

cards had lots of different effects, but the delay after playing a card was a bit frustrating, it felt like it slowed down the game quite a lot (at least to me)

I liked the final boss! Doing my best to rate lots of games, always happy to get feedback

Really liked how the final boss made use of the coloured bullets! It would have been nice to have a reload key though, I kept getting the wrong colours :)

oh, thanks for posting the correct link, that was a silly mistake on my part :)
my game is a bit un-intuitive, but generally you want to avoid damage while the boss tires himself out.
I think next time I'm going to try to make a much clearer tutorial

stacking vampire clogs upgrades is a smart idea, I usually just spam throwing sand in poor Adams eyes...
Adam's running was almost a lot sillier too :) initially he was going to swing his arms around like this:

Godot's viewport texture makes it really easy :) I didn't have to render anything and using a 3d model made it really easy to visually add/remove upgrades and do animations that could point in any direction - I would have really struggled to make it with 2D animations

Each boss (and each stage of each boss) is so distinct! I've seen a couple games try the stationary player/rotating stage, and so far I've found it very disorientating, except for this game! Really appreciate how this game allows a little leeway to recover from mistakes, while still really rewarding skill - you guys really nailed it :)
(but I'm going to have to come back later to see if I can get past stage two of that second boss)

thanks :) that means a lot from the 3D artist for Fox Maverick, your game had great visuals!

It's obvious how much work went into this, its very ambitious! Art is polished and consistent and you guys did voice acting too?
I didn't quite figure out how to steer the drill, but it defaulting to launching me up got me where I needed to go :)

It would have been nice to see a little more variety in the boss attacks, and I wish the third boss was a little more active (trying to swipe at player for example) while the player searches for the terminals, but I think given the time restraint, you guys had your priorities in the right place, and you've made a very polished game :)
(and I was really suprised when the second boss used totally different movement- that must have been lots of work!)

I couldn't beat the bloke with the taser, but I'd like to think I gave him a run for his money.

my submission is always keen to get some feedback :)

Short and sweet. Fun and simple mechanics and very polished execution. Love the art work!

happy to give your game a go!

if you have time to review, my game has a web build :)

Having the UFO churn up the grass was a nice touch :)
The camera controls made it a bit hard to fight the UFO when it's in the air.

Also discovered in the black hole boss fight, aim mode prevents you being pulled towards the boss ;)

That last boss was very tough! I don't think lack of SFX was a big deal, technically there's no sound in space :)

I think it would have been good to have a second border for asteroids that's smaller than the screen, making sure they can't get to the edges - so the player can always circle them. (and not being able to move while shooting was a bit tough!)